Prince's Graduation Day

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Walter: *yells up the Conjunction stairs* COME ON BOYS! WE CANT MISS PRINCE'S GRAUDATION


*Ray, Roc, & EJ comes down the stairs *

Walter: You guys look great!

Roc: *sniffs the air* Walt, you smell better too, when you and Keisha were doing y'all Music Session, y'all smelled sweaty & like butt.

Walter: 😳 aha yeah, a music session

Roc: 😊

Ray: *looks at Roc* you're worse than Young TM.



Roc: ATLEAST I DONT THINK EVERYTHING IS ART! *mocks Ray & flips imaginary braid* OMG this *points at the air* is art *takes picture* • 8/3 • Transparent Art.

Ray: you think you real funny , over there mocking me & shit when you act like you didn't catch that STD from Desiree. *snaps* what's that STD called? Rabies?

EJ: oooooo

Walter: quit it boys! We have to go, stop arguing before I beat both of y'all asses.

Ray: lemme stop cause you got the look of the vengeance of 30 slaves in your eyes right now. I don't want you to hit me so hard that my soul hit the ground before my body does.

Walter: where the fuck is Prince!

Roc: he's probably getting dressed

Ray: he's probably eating

EJ: he's probably beating his burrito...

Roc: yeah dat.

Walter: well can someone go get him!?

EJ: I'll do it! *goes upstairs to Prince's room & sees Prince is just sitting on his bed, staring at his closet*

EJ: Prince.. What are you doing?

Prince: deciding if I should wear Purple polka dots or Green polka dots to the graduation.

EJ: you have to wear blue tho.

Prince: *looks at EJ* no, I should wear blue but blue is too mainstream, I think I should go with the green polka dots..

EJ: but you have to wear the blue outfit they sended in the mail...

Prince: look here Ashy Dick, I'm not wearing any blue. I have 2 choices . Green polka dots... Or Purple polka dots... Those words don't even have a 'B' in them. Why are you up here anyway? I don't need fashion advice from you when your dick looks like it's been hitting powdered donuts all day, leave.

EJ: but..

Prince: *takes off Platform and throws it at EJ* LEAVE BITCH

*EJ runs back downstairs and faces Walter*

Walter: so?

EJ: he's choosing if he should wear Green polka dots or Purple polka dots..

Walter: I could kill you for not getting his 'hopped the border' ass down here. I don't like the way yo hair in any fucking way. So it doesn't matter.

EJ: but... This is the style nowadays Walt! Everyone loves my haircut, ladies dig this!

Ray: EJ, yo hairline looks like your hair is still loading. You look like a foo'

Roc: he don't look like a foo' , he look like a damn foo',

EJ: but you guys said my hairstyle was dope

Ray: we also said that Prod was the oldest

EJ: ......

Roc: damn

Walt: damn

Keisha: damn

Kenneth: damn

TM: damn

Prod: damn

Savv: damn

Savv's Baby: damn

OMG Girlz: damn

Charm: *sends nudes * damn

Neighbors: damn

Bird That Was Ear Hustling In The Window: Damn

President: damn

The Pope: damn

God: damn

EJ: but.... I'm bringing the hairstyle back ..

Roc: *puts hand on his shoulder* bro, let's be serious. You ain't bringing shit back.

EJ: but..

Roc:'ll grow back soon ...

Walter: come on you guys! We need to get Prince out of his room!

Ray: I'll get him out! He's my bestfriend, he'll listen to me *goes upstairs to Princes room to see Prince, watching Doc McStuffins*

Ray: hey buddy, what ya doing there?

Prince: I'm watching my show, Netflix ain't got shit on this,

Ray: don't you have to get ready for your graduation?

Prince: how can I when the Doc is in & she's going to fix me up. The fuck?

Ray: I'm just saying, you should get ready, it's almost time.


Ray: so you're just going to sit there and not get ready?

Prince: Ray. I have a question.

Ray: what is it bro?

Prince: so you just gone go against the grain and ask that rhetorical ass question? Knowing damn well , I'm going to sit here and watch my fucking show. You are setting yourself up for failure.

Ray: I was just asking..

Prince: and i was just saying. Your my bestfriend and all but don't make me fight you. I'll snatch your edges so fast, you would think I was the Flawless Remix. Now get out so I can see if Doc McStuffins fixes the Snowman.

Ray: *walks downstairs slowly*

Walter: is he about to come down?

Ray: no...but I just realized that his comebacks are very good...

Walter: damn Ray! Your as useless as Captain Bush Head over here *points at EJ *

EJ: he has a point Ray

Roc: chill guys, I'll get him down *roc goes upstairs to Prince's room and sees Prince looking at his shoes*

Prince: hm.

Roc: sup bro

Prince: sup Chisanto

Roc: it's Chresanto

Prince: Whatever

Roc: what you doing?

Prince:finding some shoes to slay in ..

Roc: can you like, hurry up, Walter is about to bust a blood vessel down here.

Prince: Look Crescent,

Roc: it's Chresanto

Prince: I'm getting ready so tell Walter to untwist his balls Colgate

Roc: it's Chresanto

Prince: whatever, but I don't like people rushing me. It's not easy to slay.

Roc: mhm

Prince: Walter doesn't get it because he stopped trying when his lips got navy blue black, I don't get it Cauliflower .

Roc: it's Chresanto

Prince: whatever, I just think he's hating on me and my slayage, Chipotle



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