The Internet Date

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Prince: come on Noah & Madilyn, you're going to miss story time *walks into the library and sits his little cousins down on the bean bags*

*the other boys come in with there siblings or in Roc's case, children*

Roc: *sits down* wassup guys

Prince: OMG why did you bring that little ugly little thing to a public place? When the police come to take it back, they are going to assume that you're with me and I don't want to be banned from the library.

Ray: me either *sits down with Tay Tay and Day Day*

EJ: why you bring his fat ass *sits down with his little brother*

Prince: yeah, his fat neck, Crisco sweating, looking like a McDonald's happy meal. small, cheap, and greasy. Fucking USPA shirt. Why you got a unicorn riding a man on yo shirt? Generic shit

Ray: shh guys, my mom told me to bring him here for him to make new friends


Ray: shut the fuck up Day Day

Librarian: *comes in* I have an announcement kids! Today someone else will read the story of the day!

Prince: UGH

Ray: damn

Roc: what the hell, I mean what the heaven. Wait I'm not in church, what the hell.

Librarian: say hello to Miranda *Miranda walks in*

Prince: omg. She's so beautiful...



Prince: *smacks Roc* shhh

Miranda: hello I'm Miranda and today, I'm going to read a story I made myself. *clears throat* Once Upon a Time, there was a boy named Ralph. He had no sunglasses...and no seatbelts..and then one time, he decided to have lunch....the end..

The Kids: .......


The Boys: THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL *claps* BRAVA BRAVO *Prince throws boxers at her and money*

Librarian: story time over!

* the boys walk over to Miranda*

Miranda: you guys like the story?

Ray: yes, it was so inspiring. I want to be Ralph 😌😻

EJ: yes, so educational 😻

Roc: I love you 😻

Miranda: I sense these are yours *hands Prince his draws back*

Prince: oops. They most of slipped , you want to put them back on me?

Ray: thirsty😒

Prince: WHAT WAS SAID? What you say!? Hm? Say it louder so I can punch you in the throat.

Miranda: stop it guys, there is no thirst lol

Prince: no, trust me there is. Baby, I'd run thru the most dangerous jungle in the world with a T-Bone steak wrapped around my waist, wearing A1 sauce cologne during a meteor shower with a severe case of diarrhea after eating 2 chipotle burritos, I'd fight a giraffe with nothing but a slingshot and a bottle of Vitamin Water in the Sahara desert during a snowstorm wearing nothing but a USPA polo and a pair of socks just for the chance to get a virtual lap dance from you over oovoo.

Miranda: wow. Um , I'll give you my oovoo username. We can oovoo later *hands prince her phone so he can type in MB's oovoo name* see you guys later 😊

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