First Run and Running for my life

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"You know I will never get used to the Mongolia shatterdome." I mutter. 2 years ago we got shut down and moved over to here and turns out it was more high tech and shit so it was okay. They had also changed my armour slightly so that I can now connect to my new floor pad in ma Jaeger! Yup it connects electronically now and all that shitzu so I can do high kicks and jumping and everything now. My armours less bulky which is slightly worrying as it's less protective but it's good.

"You are all here today to train! I have some rules so listen up! No beating each other up unless I say so! No arguing back to me but you can yell at others if it's not hurtful! If my son is in here you have to ask if you wanna talk to him! No discrimination no racism no homophonic no being against on another! And if I fall over that's because of my medical condition! Any other rules I come up with I will tell you somewhen! I am Lieutenant Everstone and I will be your main trainer. I also may add that you will also be trained by Marshal Hercules Hansen, Ranger Mako Mori and Ranger Raleigh Becket. You'll be trained for about 3 weeks and we Shall see if you are cut out of all the Piloting stuff. If you want to be a J-Tech follow Tyler our head J-Tech and If you want to be part of K-science then follow Dr Gottleb." I say and 16 kids shuffle over. "And that leaves 4" I sigh. "I'll still be training you kids for combat just in case of emergency but these 4 have a chance to become pilots" I say.

3 weeks had passed and thankfully they had all been successful. "Congrats your all successful. And guess what? Your Jaegers are ready and built" I smile. "You said they wher-" "it's called not raising your hopes" soon I'm leading them out to there new Jaegers. "Here we have November AJax. Congrats you two. That's your new Jaeger I point at it. "And boys here is your new one. It's a very important one we feel. That, is Gypsy Avenger" I say. "You've given us... the modified replica of Gypsy Danger?!" Nates partner asks. "I trust you two to keep her alive and in good condition" I say.

"Pilots! You have been successful in all your tests so today you will go on patrol with me in the city of Sydney!" I say. "Armour up!" Herc says.

"Right you guys okay in your Jaegers?" I ask as we are being lifted by helicopters. "This is awesome!" The man inside November AJax says. "Well you've gotta do your Neural handshake in about 10 seconds" I reply. "What?" Soon they go through a Neural handshake. "That was the weirdest thing I've ever been through" they say and I laugh. "I've been doing this since 2017 . It's not that weird" I say. They laugh and we soon land in 3 different parts of the city. "There's gonna be tons of riots but what you've gotta do is walk around without destroying anything and stop any riots but not with violence unless completely necessary." I command. "Yes ma'am" Nate says. "I like that. It's got quite a good ring to it" I say with a laugh. Soon I'm walking along the coast when I hear someone yell "BOMB!" And I see A bomb in the middle of the street. I stomp on it before it can go off. "Who was the person who activated the bomb? Your going against the rule 3829 for bomb violence" I say. "How do you remember that?" I hear the female pilot of November AJax ask. I turn off my speakers before replying. "There's a book in the drawer underneath the controls in there and plus I've been doing this for 17 years" I reply. Soon the man guilty steps out. "Sir I am going to have to put you under arrest for violating the safety code 3829" I say. I press the side button which summons police to my area where they arrive and arrest the man. "You've gotta be firm in this business. You guys are gonna have to remember that" I say.

Soon we are back at the shatterdome and they are about to walk off and I hear a "mommy!" I turn to see Yancey running towards me with Raleigh behind. "Hey munchkin!" I exclaim to the 7year old picking him up and spinning him around. "I'm assuming that is your son, Yancey Becket" Nathan says. "Yes He's our pride and joy" I say smiling. "He's a very lucky boy to have such amazing and heroic parents" the Girl pilot of November AJax says. "I wanna be a Pilot too someday. It's my dream to be like mum and dad" Yancey says walking over and looking at the Jaegers. "Who knows" I say. "Right Guys you go down to the food hall and grab some food. You deserve it" I say smiling at them. "Hey honey" I say  smiling at him. "How was your round in Sydney?" "Pretty good. Had to destroy a bomb arrest a few people. Ya know the usual" I say. "It's bad that it's the usual" he says. "Well life's life" I say holding onto Yancey's hand so he doesn't run off. "Well you have the day off tomorrow so I recon me you and Yancey should go to the park" "that sounds amazing. But right now we should grab some food" I smile.  "Sounds like a plan"

"Go play with your friends Yancey" I say to him where the other kids of j-techs and people still In k-science where eating. "Okay!" He exclaims and runs over to them. I smile at him as he laughs and plays. "These seven years have gone by so quickly" I say. "They have. And I've enjoyed every moment with you and our child" He says and I smile at him. "Thank you for  putting up with me over the years having to rush off and be in my Jaeger." "Well your doing a thing you love and it's okay. You work every other day so I get to spend plenty Of time with you and plus when I was on the coastal wall I was working basically everyday so now that Its more chill and there are no Kaijus I don't worry about you as much everyday when you fight." He says. "You are amazing at talking full sentences" I laugh and put a bit of whipped cream on his nose. "I know" he laughs back.

The next day we went to the park. "I'm gonna get us ice creams from Tesco's for us and I'll be back in a minute" I say kissing the top of Yancey's head and giving Raleigh a quick kiss. I go along the street from the park and into Tesco's where I buy a box of twisters. I walk out and I hear someone yell. "LOOK! ITS THE PILOT OF EBONY FURY!!! GET HER!!!!" I sprint away from them and up round the corner and jump over the fence. "RALEIGH!" I yell. He sees what's happening and picks up Yancey and runs down to where the car is by the bottom of the park. A bottle is throw by me and I sprint faster. I soon get by the car and get by the drivers seat and hop in. "No time for seat belts!" I exclaim and push down on the peddle driving down the roads. "Stop! Your going over the speed limit!" I hear Gypsy avenger say. "Guys it's me! I have a bunch of people chasing me so I wouldn't appreciate it if you tried to stop me!" I say into my earpiece as I swerve from there feet. "And Yancey's In the car idiots!" I add. "I swerve out the way of the foot again when they pick up the message and move out the way. I hear cars speeding up behind. "This is Lieutenant Everstone! We are being chased by a riot I repeat being chased by a riot!" I say. "We are only here for Charlie Everstone!!" I hear yells. "Oh fuck it!" I say and Raleigh covers Yancey's ears. "Sorry babe but I'm very stressed!" I say. Soon a traffic jam arrives. "Right you guys drive back. They only want me. I'm gonna leg it from here!" I say as I pull on my fingerless gloves. "What are you doing?" Raleigh asks. "I'm gonna do some roof jumping!" I say. I get out the car and Raleigh gets in the drivers seat. "Be safe!" He says. "Guys I'm on foot I need you to lift your hand down and put me on a nearby roof!" I command as I start to run. Soon a hand comes down and I stand on it as they put me on a roof. I give them the thumbs up and I start running jumping on roofs. I smile at the thrill and realise that people had gotten guns out. I see the bridge coming up and I make a massive leap for it and land on the poles running along it and seeing that they where jumping along cars. "Shit!" I yell. I see the massive gate arriving to get through to the Shatterdome and I land round the front of it. "It's Lieutenant Everstone I have a riot chasing me! Let me in!" I yell and it starts to slowly open. They are nearly here when I squeeze through and 3 others manage to whilst it's closing. "No I can't have a normal day with my husband and son! Of course a riot decides to chase me!" I say as I run down the road. I push myself harder and I run through the doors and into the Shatterdome. And guess what? They got through. They had there guns pointed at me. I had no where to go. "Come on guys! Why would you want to kill me?" I ask. "Because you have a Jaeger! Jaegers got rid of the Kaijus!" As they are about to shoot they get whacked over the head with a metal rod by non other- Herc Hansen. Soon they are dragged out and I fall to the floor out of breath. "Thanks man!" I say laying there for a breather. "Of course you had to run along the bridge poles?" He says. "Well what would you rather? I died or I did something that could of killed me" I chuckle. Soon I stand up and Raleigh runs in. "Jesus Christ the Lord" he says and I laugh walking over and hugging him then hugging my son. "Told ya I would be fine"

The Day We Met | #Wattys2019حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن