Doughnut Snatcher

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Willow waved the money around as we eat dinner. "Willow please stop." I say and the Hansens come over. "Nice Piloting" Scott says. "Nice? My kill of that Kaiju is the fasted we ever had!" "So far" Herc says and I elbow him. He sits down next to me and I take a bite of my Quiche.

"To be honest it must be easier to drive a Jaeger on your own right? You would be faster and have more control" John says. "I don't know what it's like to have a Co Pilot so I can't compare" I simply say. "Did you not have a Co Pilot in the Simulator?" "No, it was just me" I reply again. "Bit odd, what was your colour?" Willow asks. "Blue" "again very strange" John says. "Chill guys, let's just say she's a bit different to us with how her brain works" Herc says. "Thank you" I say. "Now you" I point to John. "Is it true you can play 2 recorders out your nose?"

I sat watching the news a week later watching Gypsy danger, one of the last built mark 3s fight a Kaiju successful and get interviewed. "Well I just highly enjoy the experience" Pilot Yancey Becket says. "Raleigh, What's your favourite thing about Jaeger Piloting?" The interviewer asks the younger pilot. "Killing them, a way to take vengeance on those who have Sadly passed" I watch as the two leave in their Jaeger, the civilian crowd cheering and clapping whilst they walk away. My phone buzzes and I pick it up to see my mum and dad on FaceTime. "Hey mum and dad!" I say smiling. "Hey honey! I saw you on the news last week and you where amazing!" Mum says. "Thank you" I say smiling. "We are so proud of you!" They say and I smile. "You should visit some time, it's the end of September now and I've been gone since June" I say. "Has it been that long?" My dad asks, bewildered about how fast time flies by. "Yeah, I'll ask Marshal Pentecost if you can stay for a couple of days" I say. "Why don't you come to us?" Mum asks, fearful for her daughters survival, being the most dangerous job on the globe. "I can't, if there's a Kaiju attack I've gotta be there" I say. "Text us if you can and we will sort it out" mum says before shes cut of by the beeping and Tendo's voice comes through the comm.

Charlie Everstone please report to LOCCENT immediately

"I've gotta go! I'll FaceTime you back tomorrow if I'm free" I say. "Got it, stay safe kiddo" mum says and I roll my eyes. "See ya later kid" Dad says. "See ya later"

I quickly pull on my boots and grab my jacket and open the door and step out, slamming the door shut, I walk down the halls and up to LOCCENT. "Yes?" I ask. "We need you to go on a very secretive mission" Tendo says. "And That is?" "Can you steal the donuts that Herc and Scott are hiding?" Tendo asks. "Really? I litrally had to hang up on my parents!" "Please?" Tendo does his puppy eyes. "Fine! But you owe me!" I point at him. He throws me a walkie talkie and I go down to there level where there room is. I sneak round and put in their pin code, 8765. Way too easy. I see them laying there on the kitchen part of their room. I grab the box and I hear them come in. I climb up on top of the cupboard. "There in the room. I'm hiding now" I whisper, holding omto the doughnuts and keeping myself against the grey painted walls.

I see a rope that has hanging from our last game of 'destroy the cardboard kaiju' that travelled to the door which was still open. I grab the rope and put the box of doughnuts underneath my arm. I swing forward and the brothers see me run out the door with the stolen doughnuts. "HEY!" They yell and I laugh running through crowds of workers with the two Hansens following me. "IV'E GOT THE DOUGHNUTS!" I say into the walkie talkie and see another rope hanging from one side of the Shatterdome to the other. "Let's do something reckless" I whisper and see the brothers approach me. I ran the rope and swing along the Shatterdome and let go mid way flying past the window of LOCCENT. I wave and hold up the doughnuts before landing with a role and running inside. "The Hell?" Tendo says replaying the footage on the CCTV cameras. "I got the doughnuts" I say holding the box up and opening it to see them still intact. "Yes! Thank you!" Tendo says and I smile as he gives me a hug. Soon the 2 brothers run in out of breath. "How?" "Magic" I smile. Marshal Pentacost walks in and I grin at him. "Did you get the doughnuts?"

The same week the brothers got me back by tying me to my Jaeger. "THIS AINT FUNNY!" I yell at them taped to the front of it which was exposed to 250 metres at least from ground floor. "Enjoy your stay" Scott says winking at me and they walk away. "YOUR DEAD!" I yell.

I had accidentally fallen asleep in LOCCENT that night and they had tied me up to her face with tons of tons of rope. I woke up in the air with a platform there but they took it away and left. "TENDO!" I yell at the man who was down by the bottom. "MARSHAL!" I yell to him from the height none of them hearing me. My legs and arms where tied up and I hear a snap. That wasn't good. "PHIL! WILLOW!" I yell to the two pilots who where playing basket ball. I fell the rope get looser. "ANYONE!" I yell out and I see the side of the rope start to untie itself. "HELP!" I yell and I see the Marshal and Tendo look up to see me tied to my Jaeger. There goes the last of my  reputation. No they couldn't of toilet papered my room or put dye in my hair. They had to tie me to my Jaeger.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" Tendo yells. "The Hansen brothers tied me up here and the ropes getting loose!" I yell back and Him and the Marshal instantly start sprinting up to my platform. The rope gets looser and I start to lean forward. "Oh no" I says snap there goes the rope and I falling and I grasp onto Ebony's finger. "YOUR ARE SO DEAD HANSENS!" I yell and I feel my grip loosening. Soon a massive crowd had formed and I yelled. "GET A JUMP SAFTEY MAT!" Soon tons of men dragged in a massive on and I whisper to myself "If I die I haunt you Scott and Herc" and I drop heading for the landing mat I curl into a ball and land on it. I flop out breathing really hard. "Move!" I hear yells and see Tendo stand there with a concerned look. "Help me up" I mutter out and he lifts me up. I lean against Ebony Fury and see the Two Hansens walk up guiltily. "You sons of a gun!" I yell running up to them and slapping them. "I could of Died!" I yell at them. "She's right she could of! Hansens to my office!" Marshal yells. I run my hands through my hair and walk away to my room where I flop on my bed.

I hear a knock 5 minutes later and see the brothers. "Yes?" I ask not impressed. "We are so deeply sorry and we will do anything to make it up to you" "anything?" I smirk.

The two Hansens stand there in Disney princess dress and I smile. "Now go run back and fourth along the Jaeger bay until I say you can stop" I say and they sigh and re adjust there blond wigs. I get my phone out and record as they run back and fourth. I laugh really loudly and soon I see Phil and Willow come along. "Karma is a demon" Willow whispers.

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