The 3 Jeager Drop

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The next day we practiced the 3 Jaeger drop and ended up all dancing the YMCA in the water which tons of Helicopters ended up recording and putting it on telly. We hop out our Jaegers after and I high five Raleigh. "Not bad. Though Your Y could of been a little more up in the air" I say smiling at him. "Your adorable" he says and gives me a light kiss. "Get a room" Yancey says and I poke me tongue out at him. "Your just Jealous" I say. "Am not!" "Oh I could tell you where Bro. I'm connected to you" Raleigh says and I laugh in victory. "Im hungry!" He says and we walk down to the food hall.

Soon after food I went with Raleigh to help pack the rest of his bags. "You'll visit right?" He asks. "Of course, you've gotta visit here too!" I say and he laughs and pulls me closer. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" and we share a simple and sweet kiss before he finishes packing his things. Soon I watch as the helicopter flys away and I smile at it and wave.

A few months later and I haven't seen Raleigh physically sadly. I've had many FaceTime calls and they always are a joy to do so. I've only been on 1 mission. It's Been okay. I guess. Chucks turned 16 and Makos also turned 16.

I was on the phone with Raleigh as I grab breakfast. "I know babe I'm gonna visit so-"

3 Jaeger drop I repeat 3 Jaeger drop! Horizon Brave needs your help!

I hear over the coms and so does Raleigh. "See ya there!" I say into the phone and hang up and make my way down to my Drive suit deployment room. I'm soon I'm my Jaeger being dropped next to Lucky Seven. "Horizon Brave we are here Repeat Horizon Brave we are here" I say. "Thanks guys! This is our first mark 4!" They yell and I run forward qtackling it. I press the sword but it Jams. "My swords jammed!" I yell into the Coms. "We are coming up guys!" I hear Yancey say. "Good AHHH!" I yell being slashed in the leg and thrown around. "Are you okay Charlie?" I hear Raleigh ask. "I can't feel my right leg!" I yell. "step out the fight!" Herc says. "Not today!" I yell and hop on my left leg and whack the Kaiju. It throws me back again and my left arm goes dead. "YOW!" I yell out a cat yowl noise. "CHARLIE!" Raleigh yells. "I can't feel my left arm!" I say. "Just sit down on the beach! We'll finish this off!" I flop down on the beach and watch as they finish fighting half of me gritting my teeth through the pain and numbness and the other part muttering under my breath. Soon the Kaijus dead and Lucky Seven and Gypsy Danger come pick me up. "Ow ow ow!" I yell. "Sorry!" Scott says. The nearest place is the anchorage Shatterdome so they bring me over there and I'm soon placed in an empty bay. I can't move my leg or my arm as the pain hurts to much. Soon I'm lifted out of my Jaeger by a rushing Raleigh and Yancey. They carry me down to the med bay where they lay me on a bed and there concerned looks do not help. "This is a great way to meet up with you guys again" I say with a smile. I yell out as they move my arm. "Sorry miss!" The nurse exclaims. I grit my teeth as they raise it again slowly and lowers it back down. "Miss yours arm and leg Aren't broken but they are heavily bruised" they say. "So what we gonna do about it?" I ask. "A cast and a wheelchair" "NO NO NO NO!" I say. "Fine! A sling and if you need them crutches!" The nurse says. "I'll just have the sling" I say. "Sure?" "I'm sure" I hop up and hiss on the leg but walk through the pain as I put on the sling and walk out the door. "Are you sure you don't want a wheelchair?" Herc asks. "I'm sur- BOYS!" I yell as they put me in a wheelchair. I start to hop up when they push be down. "just for the rest of the day!" Herc says. I grumble and they wheel me around the place and up to LOCCENT. "Nice wheelchair" Tendo says. "Shut up. I don't wanna be in it but they are forcing me too" I say. "Well as your here in Anchorage you can hang out with me" Raleigh says as he walks through the door. "Babe I beg you! Please free me from them keeping me in a wheelchair!" I exclaim. "Not gonna happen" he says and I pout. He wheels my wheelchair out and I cross my arms not having fun. "Why don't we go for a mini date whilst your here?" Raleigh asks me and I smile. "I'm assuming that's a yes?"

We are in a small cafe. Turns out this wheelchair makes a pretty good chair. Sadly with my arm in a sling it was hard for me to eat. "Thanks babe" I say with a smile. He smiles from his seat opposite me and I take a bite of the Greek salad. I smile at the taste. Due to rations food has become way more expensive and there isn't as much food anymore due to Kaijus destroying shipping boats and farms. Having cheese and tomatoes was more rare now than they definitely use to be. Let's just say a twix is just about as rare as a diamond.

Soon he was wheeling me through town with tons of people recognising us but tons of people giving me looks. "RIOT!" I hear someone yell. "Let's get outa here" I whisper. Soon I see tons of people with broken glass bottles running forward. "THERE! ITS THE PILOTS!" One yells. "Raleigh!" I yell as he pushes me faster as he sprints. "Fuck this" I say and jump out my chair and onto Raleighs back. "Now you can run!" I say to him and we run into the Shatterdome. "Jesus Christ the lord" I mutter. "Where's your wheelchair gone?" Yancey asks when he sees us. "Riot" I answer and hop on one foot towards the lift. The two follow behind. "So I hear it's your birthday next week" Yancey says. "It is? God I'm bad at keeping track" I say leaning against the wall. "Hey pass me that spiny chair" I say as I hop out. "Bam! New transportation!" I say getting on the chair. They wheel me forward in the chair and I see Ebony Fury's sword being fixed. "I wonder how it got jammed" I say. "Well someone hadn't loosened the hold like they where asked" I hear the voice of Pentacost say. "Hey Pentacost!" I say and push myself over putting my hand up for a high five. "No? Oh come on!" I say. "We've sent out a strike team to stop that riot" he says walking away. "Yancey! Raleigh! Wheel me forwards!" I say and they snap out there daze and wheel me forward. "That's good then. I should be better by Thursday (it's Tuesday today) and be back in ma Jaeger" I say. "Good. By the way Tendo wanted me to ask what you want for your birthday" he says. "I have no idea" I say. "Great. I'll tell him that" he says with a lorry full of sarcasm. "Awesome. So me and the Becket boys are gonna go down to the food hall to grab some drinks. Right boys" I look at them. "Yeah Right!" Yancey says and we soon go down into a lift. "Why did you leave all of a sudden?" Raleigh asks. "I don't want him buying me anything this year" "why?" "He umm, he always tries to buy me the main thing I want. He's been doing it for years now" I say. "But you've been working here for 2. How does that work?" Yancey says. "He's my um... god father" I say. "God father?" Raleigh says. "Yup. He's my dads best friend. It's as if they're brothers, That's how he let my parents stay at the Sydney Shatterdome" I say. "Well we don't get that everyday" Yancey mutters.

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