Preparing Ourselves For The Fight Ahead

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The next morning the alarm went of at 5:15. I pounce up. "Chill honey it's my alarm for my Co Pilot Trials" Raleigh says in his morning voice. I flop back down on the bed and laugh slightly. I pull a funny face. "Your gonna be amazing today, if I could I would be your co Pilot. But I have my own Jaeger" I say. "Thanks but I kinda have a tiny feeling who's gonna be my co pilot"

Later on he was fighting the volunteers to be co pilots in the kwoon. The pilots where watching from the crowd and I was watching next to Stacker and Mako "4 to 2" She says when he beats another. "What? You have a problem with them? You make this gesture. Like your critical of that performance. I thought you selected them personally" Raleigh says walking over. I smirk and lean against the wall. "Its not theirs, its yours, you could have taken them all 2 moves earlier" She says. I chuckle lightly at her comment. I stop leaning against the wall and smirk again. "Why Don't one of you two take a go" He says. "No can do Mr Becket, she has a Jaeger and we need someone drift compatible" Stacker says. "But I'm drift compatible!" She says looking at Stacker. "Dont think your brightest can cut it in the ring?" "Damn. You gotta do it now Marshal. She is 22" I reply looking at him. "Go on then"

Soon they are fighting like two raging bullets. Both trying to think out each other. "They are perfect marshal. I've been out in the field for a long time and they are definitely good together" I  say. He doesn't say anything and soon there batons are both on each other and they have drawn. "Enough! That's all I need to see" Stacker says. "So Have I, shes my co pilot" Putting a hand on her back. "I'm Afraid that's not possible Mr Becket, you shall find out tonight at your test run" He says and walks away Mako soon disapearing out of sight.

Later that evening I walk with Raleigh who's now in his new drivesuit. "Good luck, have fun and don't chase the rabbit" I Say and give him a quick kiss before going to watch on the platform with the Jaeger driver of Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha. "So that's your husband huh?" "Yup" I reply. "How long you guys been together?" Sasha asks. "Married 3 and been together 6" I reply. "Nice." Sasha says and we watch as they do the famous Gypsy Danger Fist to Hand. We Clap and on my earpeice it goes. "Gypsys out of alliment!" "What?!" I ask. "Im okay. Ive got it under control" Raleigh says. "Your now okay but Makos way out! Shes beginning to chase the rabbit!" The arm comes up and the Electric blasters activate pointing straight towards us. "Turn it off!" I yell into the coms. "We are trying!" They say and I walk away from it. "Turn it off!" I hear Stacker yell. "We just did!" They say and I run up to there platform and I open the door. "Miss you are not authorised!" "Oh shut up!" I yell opening the door anyway and running through. "Are you guys okay?" I ask. "We are Fine, well Mako needs to get outa here"

Soon we are sitting and waiting outside. And I had to supervise which was fun. I was sat on the step when Chuck stepped out. I give him a look and he ignores it. "You two are a god damn disgrace! Your gonna Get us all killed! And I enjoy my life right now and I wanna come back from this mission" Chuck says. "Oh shut up Chuck" I say. Raleigh puts a hand to stop me. "Yeah you hold back your wife, one of your bitches need a leash" "that's it!" I yell and punch him in the face. He swings back and punches me. He kicks my scarred leg and then punches me in my left arm. I punch him back and the throws me into a gas pole. "Shit!" I yell. Raleigh then fights him and he ends up going into the wall. "What's going on here?" Herc asks Stepping out and sees me on the floor. He helps me up and I look at Chuck. "Your attitude needs to improve young man" I say walking away.

I wrap a bandage round my leg when the alarm goes off. I go down and get in my drivesuit before going up to LOCCENT. "Right guys it's happening we have to Kaijus heading for Hong Kong, Otachi and Leatherback" "I want Crimson Typhoon in the water and attacking the Kaiju first and Ebony Fury and Striker Erika on the bay. We only need you as a last resource so do not engage unless we Say. And you two stay here" I give Raleigh a Quick kiss before walking out and getting my in Jaeger. "Neural handshake in 3..2..1" they say as I'm being lifted up.

"Neural handshake complete" Tendo says. I'm soon walking in the water next to Striker Erika. "So how big are these buggers again?" I ask. "Category 4s" Tendo reminds me through the coms. "Hey Raleigh" I say. "Yes dear?" "Remember when I got punched and kicked by Chuck? Yeah my legs kinda fucked up right Now" I say. "How?" Stacker asks. "It just hurts, and there's a bandage around it and I didn't have time to fully bandage it so there is a chance I could loose a lot of blood but the tightness of my suit should make it okay" I say. "Make sure one of them doesn't get your right leg" "Got it" I say and we carry on walking to the coast where I re adjust my leg sleeve. Soon the two jaegers are fighting otachi when the wei tripets con pod is ripped out and Crimson Typhoon falls to the ground. I activate my swords. "What are you doing?" Herc asks through coms. "Preparing myself"

Soon Cherno alphas struggling. "I'm going in!" I say. "No you'll stand your ground!" "Sorry Stacker but I can't watch them die!" I say running forward and hissing as my legs hurt. "Your legs damaged!" Tendo says. "I volunteered as a Jaeger Pilot and I will stay as a Jaeger Pilot. Wether I die or not" I say and I slice the side of the Kaiju. Striker Eureka had followed me and where fighting the Kaiju as well when Bam! Cherno alpha explodes.

The boys activate there cannons and then leatherback activates something turning of Ebony Fury. "AHHHHH!" I yell out as electricity flows through me. I pull of my helmet and soon it stops and I disengaged when leather back hits my com pod and I smack into a wall. "Fuck!" I yell at the pain and I drag myself over to the flare gun box and take the 3 flare guns and climb up the ladder with my left leg and my two arms. I eventually get up and sit myself down on the top. "Why are you sitting?" Chuck asks from the top of his. "My leg hurts so much now that I got throw into a wall so I can't stand onto it. I also got throw to the other side of my Jaeger" I say giving a sarcastic smile. "If I die, it's all your fault" I say to the two. "How is it our fault?" "Because" I say. We blast the Kaiju and it's about to kill us when here comes Gypsy! "Beat his arse babe!" I yell. "Go on Gypsy kick his arse!" Chuck yells and I laugh. Soon they are off fighting and they pick us up. I shimmy my way down into my con pod and watch from the front as we are lifted inside of the Shatterdome. I lean against the wall as I open the door and limp out holding onto the fencing to keep me from falling. I hobbled along the side and up to a lift. No one was here right now. I went into the lift and up to Mine and Raleigh's room where I shut the door and peel of my suit. Soon I've put it on a hanger and I'm Unravelling the bandages and cleaning the wound. "Feels broken" I say. I wrap bandages around my leg and then use the special bandages to put a cast on it to keep it still. I then get up and go into my parents room next door and take the crutches my mum has always for an emergency. Lord I'm glad she did that. Soon I'm making my way over to LOCCENT. I go inside and sit down on a chair. "So you broke your leg?" Herc says slightly surprised. "I'll be fine well my leg hurts quite a lot but my amazing bandaging and casting skills shall do the trick!" "You didn't go to the nurse? You are bloody insane" Herc mutters and I watch the screen. I see there are in the air. "Use the sword use the sword" I whisper.

Sword deployed

"Yes" I whisper and they fall down and land in a football pitch. They had all ran out. "Get the last 2 available Jaegers back to 100% functionality and make sure Ebony Fury's up to 100% too. We never know if we may need Charlie" he says and I hear him through my coms. I smile at his comment and soon the pilots are back. "Move! That's my husband and my niece!" I yell.

She still calls me aunt Charlie. #proudbean

Soon I make it through. "And of course your leg is buggared up. Your Charlie" Raleigh says. "You saved my life out there. Thank you" I smile. "Well you've saved ours plenty of times" Mako says. I scoot out the way when Stacker comes in. "In all my years of fighting.. I've never seen anything like that. Reset that clock!" I put my finger up to the bottom of my nose and he copies seeing blood. "Reset the clock!" He says walking away.

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