10 Year Wedding Anniversery

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"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

It was the year 2032 and it had been 10 years since me and Raleigh had been married.

"That is a surprise" he says. I was blindfolded and Raleigh was driving somewhere.

Soon we stop and he leads me somewhere where there's tons of noise. He sits me down and takes off my blindfold. We where in a bowling centre. "Bowling!" I say excited. "And I got the VIP lane" he says and I giggle. Soon we are bowling and Raleigh's beating me. "What move?" I ask myself. Let's do the slide and slice. A move where you go low whilst striking. I run forward and go down as I bowl going and getting a 10. "That is how you do it" I say.

Soon he then takes me to a fancy restaurant and we have dinner. Soon we are on the way home. "Did you like it?" "I didn't like it" his face drops. "I loved it!" I exclaim and his smiles reappears and I laugh. "I have a gift for you when we get back" I say. "What?" He asks intrigued. "You'll find out" I smile.

Soon we are home and I sat him down and grabbed the medium sided box. "So I round these 2 things on the coast about 6 months ago and I knew I had to give it to you." I say and he opens the box. He gasps when he sees what's inside he first pulls out part of the shoulder plate of Gypsy Danger and then the helmet of Yancey. "Oh my god" he
Mutters. "I knew our 10 year was coming up and I felt so bad hiding them from you for half a year" I say. "Thank You" he says hugging me tightly.

"I am so old" I mutter to myself. I was 28 whilst Raleigh was 31. "Says you" Herc walks along. He was now in his 40s and now 45. It has been 7 years since the Kaiju war had ended. And to be honest life wasn't as exciting. We had Yancey of course now in our lives but we didn't have the full on thrill like we used to. Yancey was now 7 and at primary school so he wasn't here as much. Herc wasn't the same since chuck died and neither was Mako when Pentacost died.

"Hey I was wondering if you and Raleigh wanted to come to a party tonight. We are just trying to get everyone together and have fun together" Herc says. "Yeah sure I'll come" I smile.

That evening I was wearing a bomber jacket with a black shirt underneath and my dog tags. I had on jeans and trainers and I had my lieutenant pass with me so I can get to someone if necessary. Raleigh was also ready and we dropped of Yancey at my parents room. We walk down into where the party where everyone's laughing and smiling. I see some new faces and I walk over to where they are. "Hello there." They say. "Hello. I'm lieutenant Everstone and this is Ranger Becket" I say. "And I'm Marshal Hansen" Herc walks over. "I'm Lambert" Lambert shakes my hand. "Wait your not... Nathan Lambert are you?" I ask. "That would be correct. I've heard many things about you Charlie and your Stand Alone Piloting. Ebony Fury is quite the Jaeger" he point to the Jaeger standing alone in her bay. "Thank you. Why exactly are you here I may ask?" "I would like to volunteer to be part of the new mark 6 Jaegers" he says. "I should have known you would run straight back as soon as new Jaegers are being built" "Well there is places to be taken" Raleigh says and I look at him. "Construction starts in the new year so I'm about 7 weeks. We do need new pilots. So I guess you could partner up with someone new" Herc says. "Well I'm assuming Nate knows how training goes but I'm gonna get Raleigh to train you. You start in 4 weeks" I say. "Thank you" "Now as you are here. Why don't you stay and enjoy the party" I say and he goes off and enjoy the party.

"So how is the construction going?" I ask Tendo later at the party. "It's almost done actually. Why did you lie about the timing?" "So we can search for recruits and train them" I reply. "Fair point. The opening of the training sessions starts Tomorrow" he says. "Oh I forgot about that. Got the rooms ready?" I ask. "Yup" "how many have signed up?" "20" I nod. "And how many Jaegers?" "6" "shit" I mutter. "Well tons of them want to be J-techs so we should be okay" "Okay" I say and take a sip of my beer. "Where's Raleigh?" "Oh he was a bit drunk but your parents have taken Yancey out to go ice skating and then eating tonight" "oh god. I've gotta go find him" I say. I soon find him with a beer drunk and talking to himself. "Raleigh" I say and he turns around. "I love you sooooo much!" He says walking over to me. "You are sooo beautiful" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. "Honey your drunk" I say. "You are slightly too" he says. "Yeah slightly not completely" I say. "Yancey's out" he says smirking. "And your intentions are?" "I think you know" he says. "We can't. There are trainees staying nearby" "there not on our floor" "Yeah there the floor downstairs. They will be able to hear" "the ceilings at 10 feet thick" "no Raleigh. Not tonight. Plus you are completely drunk" "finnnneee" he groans and the speakers go off.

May all Active Pilots come to The meeting room. Thank you.

"Raleigh can't be there. He's busy" I say into the earpiece. I drop Raleigh off and make him go to sleep and I go up to the meeting room. "Yes?" I ask slightly frustrated. "We need to discuss the training method for 4 weeks time" a member of the board says on the tv screen. "And your doing it now? At... 11 PM" I say. "Well Lieutenant Everstone we need to discuss it"  "easy. Me and Lieutenant Everstone will teach it the way they did it with us" Herc says. "There we go. We discussed it" they leave and I pull my middle fingers up at the screen.

"Why couldn't Raleigh be at the 2 minute long meeting?" Herc asks. "So drunk he started intensely flirting" I say. "Good to know" he mutters. "Anyways I'm gonna go to sleep. Yancey is staying in my parents room tonight" I say. Soon I've fallen asleep.

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