New home

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I drive along the snowy roads until we pull into my car parking space of the block of apartments I live in. I grab my rucksack and a couple of bags of Raleigh's. My parents never stayed here so it was basically mine. They spend most of there time in the Shatterdome. I unlock the door after going in the lift up to the 16th floor. I put my bag down in the hallway and show Raleigh in. It was an average sized apartment and he had enough space yet it wasn't to big. "This is, amazing" he says looking at the view. "It's all yours" I smile at him. He takes of his shoes and puts them in the shoe rack and sits down on the sofa and I walk over and he pulls me down putting an arm around me. "Your adorable" he says. "Wish I could say the same for you" I giggle and he boops me on the nose. "I miss him" Raleigh says. "So do I" I whisper staring out. I didn't even notice I had tears coming down my face until Raleigh wiped them away with tears coming down his face as well. "I feel.. so guilty, there's a massive gap in my head where he was. His memory's are in my head. Every single on and it just breaks me, every time I close my eyes" he says and I look at him. "Why do you feel guilty. It was that bitch of a Kaiju who did that to your brother, not you" "if we hadn't gone to save that god damn boat maybe, just maybe he would be here" "Raleigh death is inevitable. There's nothing you could have done to Stop it" he says and he nods slightly.

That night I cook some chicken wrapped in bacon with some carrots and some sweetcorn. We sit down to eat and I take a sip of my water. "It's been a while since I've not been in the Shatterdome the last time was when me and you went to a cafe when I was in a wheelchair for a couple of days." I chuckle at the ending. "Yeah. You where actually extremely light" he says. "Why thank you" I say with a smile. We soon finish and I go and change into some shorts and a vest without an jacket to cover in when I see my bruises. More like scars. My purple bruises have never gone away. And it's been a year. I sigh as I look in the mirror at the purple bruises on my arm and all the way up my right leg apart from my foot. "Hey babe you oka-" he sees me looking at my scars in the mirror. "I didn't know you still had those" he says. "Yup, there basically Scars now. God I look like a wreck" I say. "You don't, you look beautiful every single day and there has never been a time where you haven't looked beautiful he says and I smile. "Now let's go watch a movie" he says picking me up bridal style. I laugh and he sits on the sofa with me in his arms and we watch grease until I fall asleep on the sofa.

Soon Charlie falls asleep and I pick her up and Carry her to our room. I place her gently down and I soon fall asleep.


You I'm older than you idiot

Right your number down. She'll most likely say yes to a date.

I told you she would say yes

How was that date last night with Allison Mr Choi?

I'm in your head kid, now let's go fishing.

"YANCEY!" I breath out sitting up. "It's just a dream it's just a dream" I whisper and I see Charlie sleeping peacefully. It calms me down and I lay back starring at the ceiling. "I love you Brother" I whisper and I soon fall asleep.


"Come on Raleigh it'll be fun!" I exclaim dragging him to the ice skating centre. "I can't skate though! And you will most likely fall over!" "HEY! I will not fall!"

"Raleigh!" I yell as he slips and I laugh at him and I fall over next to him. "Told you you'd fall over!" He says and I laugh at him. And push him and he slides across the rink. I stand up and skate over to him. We skate for a little more before you go to a nearby Cafe and have a hot chocolate each with whipped cream and marshmallows. We sit down and have a lot of laughs. It was the truly first time I've seen him have such a big smile and loud laugh since a couple of days ago with Yancey. God he would have loved to skate. The rest of the night we stay in and watch a whole season of friends.

"I'm gonna be back soon!" I say. "Promise?" "Promise" we share one last kiss before I get in my car and I drive back to the Shatterdome.

When I got back I go into there room and get the remaining stuff of Yancey's that he left and I folded up all his old clothes and brought them over to my room and put them in a drawer.

I mean shirts, jumpers and trousers idiots! Raleigh let's me wear them and plus! He had good fashion sense!

Soon I'm in the gym and I see Mako walk in. "Mako! Oh hey!" I say quickly pulling on some baggy trousers and a hoodie over the top of my vest and shorts hiding my scars. "Oh hey Charlie. I was looking for you and I wanted to ask you something" she says. I follow her as we walk down the corridors. "I um wanted to ask what's it like being a Pilot?" "Mako, your fathers talked About this, as much as I would say yes your not allowed to be a Pilot" "no no! It's not that I just wanted to know" "oh! Well it's um, very nerving, defiantly. You have to have mental skills as well as physical and you have to be able to face consequences" I answer. "Is there anything fun about it?" She asks. "Oh yes of course! The sense of victory the friendships and the people you meet along the way. You have your own Jaeger well basically all pilots share with someone but you get to have half a Jaeger and you feel like you can control anything" I reply. "Wow. That sounds amazing!" "Don't let the words get to your head kid. Anyways I'm supposed to be tutoring you for English right?" I say opening my door. "I hope you would have forgotten that" "nope, got a reminder on ma wall" I point to the piece of paper that says TUTOR MAKO EVERY TUESDAY AT 3:15!!!! She smiles at it and sits down at my desk. "Rightyo. Today I will be teaching you about Similes and Metaphors!!"

"SCORE!" I yell running down the Jaeger bag with my hands raised. "SUCKERS!" I yell pointing at Micheal and Sam. "I am da champion of basket ball!" I yell. "Well your gonna loose if we are on there team" I hear voices say and I see the pilots of Scarlett Phoenix, Peter and Wanda Romanova, a married couple that are just going into there 30s.

"You sure Your could keep up, ya know with your age" I say bouncing the ball. "Oh it's on" Wanda says pulling off her jacket. "So what happens if we lose?" The Jaeger Pilots Of Midnight Moon and Scarlett Phoenix ask. "You have to after you've won a Kaiju fight do the YMCA dance and then Gangnam Style." I say. "And for you.... you have to for once take of your jacket and let down your hair" Wanda says. "The jacket? Oh I don't think so" I say. "Too chicken?" "Oh now it's going down!" I say and we start playing. "Whoever scores first wins!" Peter says and I get distracted. Boom.

I've lost.

"Of with the jacket and let that hair down!" Sam says. I let my hair down and my brown hair with its latest addition, green tips flows down to my waist from its bun I always tie it up in. "Off with the jacket!" Micheal says. I sigh and close my eyes pulling off the jacket to reveal my purple arm Of now scars of where the bruises have turned into them. "Your arm, it's purple!" Wanda says. "Is this from... the triple drop?" I nod and pull the jacket back on. "So they never healed?" I pull up my trouser leg to show the scarred bruises on my legs. "Jesus Christ the Gays" Micheal whispers. "Don't tell anyone! I'm trusting yall" I say. "Your secret is safe with us" I nod and smile. "Anyways gotta get back to my room. I'm due a call from Herc and Chuck" I say and I smile and walk away.

"I'll see you guys soon then? Bye!" I say waving and I turn off the screen. "You know. I knew those scars where there" I hear my mum say and I jump off my seat when I see my jackets not on. "Ohh. You know?" "Yes and do they hurt?" "No. Not that much anymore" I reply. "That's good then. You know me and your father are always here to talk to you" She says and I hug her. "Thank you"

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