New Years Eve and Febuary 29th...

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New Year's Eve soon came round and we where having a party Luckily after I managed to persuade Stacker with Yancey and Raleigh. As well as Micheal and his husband Sam. It wasn't going to be that big. Only all the pilots. We had it in a really big Kwoon and there where drinks and food laid out for us as well as music. This New Years was one of the memories of the boys I kept close to my heart. For a very specific reason.

I sip my beer with my right arm. I've still tried to avoid using my arm as it still aces and hurts when I use it.
My parents have recommended a massage but it's not gonna help. I see 2 slightly drunk boys stumble over. "Hey boys" I smile. "Hey babe! You know I love you right!" Raleigh says stumbling over and wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on the top of my head. I blush and Yancey walks over and someone grabs my camera and takes a photo of us. "One with Yancey!" I say and we take a photo together well 3 one smiling one looking at one another and one laughing. Then we take a couple with Raleigh and soon a photo with all us 3. "Say happy new year!" "Happy new year!" We exclaim and I take the camera back. "You like the photos?" "Love em" I smile.

"3! 2! 1! Happy new year!" We cheer from outside as the fireworks go off.
I turn to look at Raleigh and he looks at me and we smile. We share our first kiss of 2020. My first kiss of 2020 with the love of my life.

The arm around my waist Tenses as I suddenly wake up to an alarm. It was February 29th and unfortunately to my clock. It was 2 am. Raleigh gets up and I groan sitting up and getting out of bed changing. "Category 3, one of our biggest yet. Code name Knifehead" Raleigh says in his husky yet smooth morning voice. "What time is it?" Yancey asks. "2 AM" "uhhhh" he groans and gets up. I'm soon changed

I pull my jacket over and walk down with them and kiss Raleigh goodbye and hug them taking a very quick photo with the both of them before they leave

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I pull my jacket over and walk down with them and kiss Raleigh goodbye and hug them taking a very quick photo with the both of them before they leave. "Be safe!" I call out. "Yes dear!" Raleigh says and the doors shut. I go up to LOCCENT and sit down in a chair watching as they leave. "Right boys your mission is to protect the city" I say. "You will not let that Kaiju past" Stacker says sitting down and I wheel round to see where the Kaiju is. "Sir with respect there is a boat of ten near where the Kaiju is" I hear Yancey say. "You will not save there lives in risk of 10 million dead. Do you understand?" I pull a quick face and I see the Kaiju getting closer. "Boys it's coming up to the surface. Yall gotta hurry" I say. "Did I mention I love that accent? The Australian accents so smooth" I Hear Yancey say. "Thank you for the compliment but I think you two better fight that Kaiju" soon they're blasting the Kaiju and it reports dead. "Jobs done sir!" Raleigh says. "You disobeyed orders!" Stacker exclaimed. "With respect sir we managed to save a city of 10 million people and save that boat" Raleigh says and I smile and roll my eyes. I see the Kaiju move. "Boys That Kaijus Alive prepare yourselves!" I say and the Kaiju comes out the water and rips off there arm. "Left arms gone dead sir!" Tendo says and I tense up. "Raleigh listen to me AHHHH!" I hear and Raleigh's side of the com pod is ripped out. "YANCEY!" I yell into the coms. I hear yells and screams from Raleigh. He charges up the cannon and blasts the beast, killing it but turn off all signals. I remain silent not being able to process. Yancey was... dead.

"No" I whisper out. "He can't be.. dead" I whisper looking at the photo of us together and whipping away the tears that where coming down my face. I stood up and was about to leave. "Where are you going?" Stacker asks standing in-front of me. "I'm getting in my Jaeger and I'm Finding Raleigh and Gyspy Danger. You can either stop me and I will find a way or you can give me consent and I can find my boyfriend" I say looking directly In his eyes. "Go find him." He says and I nod patting my dads shoulder as I pass him. I step out into the ocean in my Jaeger and make my way to where they first where dropped. "Charlie! We just got a call from someone on the coast. They've found him. I sent you coordinates" Tendo says and I start running and going towards the Coast.

I pass by Gypsy danger that was on the ground of a beach. I see car tracks and I follow them In my Jaeger and stop it outside the house where a boy and a slightly elder man steps out and stares at it. I climb down and pull off my helmet. "You have Raleigh Becket right?" I ask with a slight urgency and panic in my voice. "Yes. I know you. Your his girlfriend right?" "Yes. No time for formal introductions" I say opening the storage vault and pulling out a medical bag. I go inside the house to see him in his drivesuit. I put my helmet on the coffee table and I pull off his armour placing it on the table. I unzip his black undercoating to see him in only his boxers. I wipe away the blood and wrap bandages around his left arm. I then go to his stomach and wipe all the blood from there. I place a big plaster on there. Soon I clean his face from the cuts and I ask for a blanket and they quickly grab on putting it over him. He starts to stir and I look at him. "Raleigh?" I ask. "Charlie?" He asks. "I'm here" I say. "Yancey, oh Yancey!" He says about to sit up. I push him back slowly. "You need rest" I reply. "Is That Your Jaeger outside?" He asks. "It is. I'm gonna take you home but I think you need to stay the night. If you don't mind" I look at the two men. "You can stay here overnight. I have a spare room that you two can stay in. "Thank you" I say and I'm shown where it is and then I pick up Raleigh and place him gently on the double bed. "Thank you. If you hadn't have found him.." I trail of. "I wouldn't have the love of my life alive with me" I finish. "It's not any problem" he replies. "Please give me a minute, I've got to go inside my Jaeger to report back to the Shatterdome" I reply and he nods. I climb inside and press the coms. "I've found him. Where gonna bunk here for the night and I'm gonna bring him back" I reply.

How am I gonna bring him back you ask? Well I have an emergency flip out bed that he can lay in and be secured in whilst I go back. I'm gonna bring gyspy back too.

"Is he okay?" Tendo asks. "I've patched up his cuts and scratches but when we get back I'll get the doctors for help him. He may need for mental stabilisation that physical" I reply. "Okay. We'll be ready and waiting" Tendo says and I climb out and into the house now with my rucksack of emergency supplies like clothes and food and drink. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get changed. I'll stay up there for most of the time I'm here and also here please take this, it's a way to thank you for saving him" I dump £750 pounds into his hand. "Oh this is too much! I can't take that" "please, it's a small way of thanking you" I reply. He nods and I go upstairs and take off my drive suit, putting it nearly on the table and changing into some casual clothes. I lay down next to Raleigh who staring up at the ceiling. "I wish it was me who died" he whispers. "Don't ever say that! Yancey didn't deserve to die and never say that you want that to be you. I can't live without you Raleigh, now let's get some sleep"

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