Meet The Hansens And The Collins

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"A Pilot?!" I ask. "Yes. You have potential. Welcome to the Pan Pacific Defence Corps"

It was crazy. Me? A Pilot? Turns out my brain was developed differently and I can pilot on my own. This was insane. I'm the first single Pilot. 2017 was quite the year for me.

I graduated with the rest of the group that got through 5 days later and was soon shown to my Jaeger, I got to name the Beauty. I named her Ebony Fury. The Beautiful Jaeger stood Proud Next to Lucky Seven a fairlynew Jaeger as well.

"That yours?" I hear a man ask and I turn to see two men, preferably in there 20s and almost 30s. "Herc Hansen. This is my Brother Scott Hansen" he says and I shake both of there hands. "Charlie Everstone" I say. "So your the Stand alone Pilot?" Scott asks. "That is correct, lucky seven looks nice a polished" I state turning to look at the Jaeger. "Well Shes only been out once" Herc says.

The alarms blear off and over the speakers it says.

Please may Scott and Herc Hansen go to there Deployment room. Kaiju emerging from the breach and headed for Hong Kong.

"Speaking of that" I say with a smile. "Go get them boys" I say and they jog off. I go to my room and turn on the News as I open my door to look over the Pathway along the side that has a balcony part where Lucky Seven was being Deployed and my Jaeger stood there still. I salute at the Jaeger and watch it be carried out by helicopters over to Hong Kong's waters. I shut my door once it's out of sight and watch the news as they Fight the Kaiju. Whilst doing that I do pull ups and watch the TV as they fight the Kaiju, eventually killing it. "Yes!" I yell and drop to the ground and turn off the TV. It had gotten dark since they left so the once shiny Jaeger came back with mud and dents. As soon as they stepped out of the Jaeger the J-Techs instantly started work and I soon go down to the food hall to grab some food. I grab my tray and put food on it and grab a fully bottle of orange juice and shove it in my satchel. I sit down and dig in when the 2 brothers walk in and sit down with food. "Not bad" I say eating some mashed potatoes. "That was a pretty good first fight" Scott says. "I know it was" I say. "So when do you recon you'll be deployed?" "In about 2 weeks" I say. "That's quite the while" Herc comments. "Well I will be doing my test run in my Jaeger tomorrow if you want to come watch" I say smiling. "We'll be there" Herc says and I smile.

The next day I was in my drive suit and I was walking inside my Jaeger. I get connected at then I attach onto the rest of the Jaeger and walk forward. "Right move the limbs about" Marshal asks and I do the wave with my arms and lift up and down the 2 legs. "Amazing" I hear a man by the coms whisper. "I know I am" and some people from LOCCENT laugh. "Right nod your head and see if that works." I nod my head back and forth and a do jazz hands which I see the Hansens laugh at from the platform. I wave at them and they wave back. "Last thing is we need to test out your weapons" I hear Tendo say. I click on the weapons options and select the swords. They come out and I bring them back in again and then I check the Blasters on the Hands and then finally the Blades That spin around. They all work properly and I smile. "Your session is complete" Tendo says and I back my Jaeger back in and turn it off. I climb out and pull off the helmet.

"Not bad!" Herc comments. "Hey! I waved at you and plus there is only 1 Pilot in there! And that is me" I say smiling. "What do you say we go grab food after your armours off?" Scott Says. "Yup! I'll be back in about 5 minutes" soon my armours off and I'm walking with them to the food hall where we all grab food for now our lunch and dig in. "So what's it like?" Scott asks. "What's What like?" "Piloting by yourself" "it's cool, no ones in ma brain and I find it easy to control" I say. "Awesome" Scott says.

Soon lunch is over and I spend the rest of the day in the Gym pushing my limits until I ended up flopping on the floor. "Your gonna have to get up some day" I hear a voice say and look up to see a Pilot standing there. "How Long you been there?" I ask getting up and throwing a shirt on over my sports bra. "About 5 minutes. That work out was intense" He comments. "What Jaeger do you Pilot?" I ask. "Chieften Alpha" he says and I nod. "What about you?" "Ebony Fury" I take a sip of my water. "So your the Single Pilot. Honour to meet you, I'm Phil Collins" "Charlie Everstone" I say shaking his hand. He smiles and I grab my bag and I soon walk out Phil walking next to me. "So what marks your Jaeger?" "Good Ol mark 3" he says. "Mines the first Mark 4 she's actually a prototype but she's so good that she's now an official Jaeger. shes a real Beauty" I say admiring her for the millionth time today. "That ones mine" Phil points to a Silver one with gold stripes running down the arms with red lines running down it and showing a arrow sorta shape on the helmet. It was by the end, about 2 Jaegers away from mine. "saw you on your test run today, your Wave was pretty good" he says. I smile at him and watch as the J-Techs add on new things and paint Jaegers. "Who's your Co Pilot?" I ask. "My sister, Willow Collins" I nod and she walks over at that point in time. "Who do we have here?" She asks sipping her drink. "This is Charlie, the Stand Alone Pilot of Ebony Fury" Phil says. "She defiantly looks in better shape than ours, the amount of dents is horrendous" She says. "Have you ever tried the Dive N tackle? It'll stop you getting dents and getting the Kaiju down. Just dive on it and use your weapons to kill it" I say. "Not bad, I like you" Willow says.

Soon we where making a bet on when I was being first deployed. "I bet it's a week" "nah I recon it's 2" the siblings say. "I recon a week and and 4 days" I say. "Shall we shake on it?" "Deal"

A week later and John has lost the bet. "Yes!" I say. "Ill be paying whoever wins" He says and I smile.

4 days later I wasn't deployed. "If It is on Sunday then we will pay you £20 Each" John says.

It was Sunday evening and We where sitting there with a £20 in our pockets. "1 minute till 12" I say. "10 seconds" John says. "5" "4" "3" "2" "1-" and off blare the alarms. "DAMMIT!" I yell and put the money in Willows hand and walk down to my drive suit room.   I put on my suit and walk down and get into my Jaeger. "Neural Handshake in 3 2 1.." Tendo says.

I still have to have a neural handshake, It doesn't just connect with the other Pilot, It connects with the Jaeger.

I go through memories and also Ebony Fury's. I was seeing her be built, and her points of views. It was weird. I walk out and into the ocean. "It's right by Sydney harbour Charlie. Stay focused and kill that Kaiju" Tendo says. I see it emerging and punch it knocking it down. "I'm loving this!" I say getting my sword out and stabbing it in the chest and slicking up through his head. He lands on top of me dead and I throw him off and into the water. "Yuck!" I comment. "That's our fastest kill yet!" Tendo comments. I stab it a couple more times to check and I walk away from the scene my sword going back into my arm. I climb back into the Shatterdome and I raise my arms in victory. I soon disconnect and walk out. "Miss Everstone! A word please" Stacker says and I walk into his office.

"That was some incredible skills, and fast may I add" he says. "Thank you sir" I nod. "I see bright things in the future for you" he says and I smile.

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