Saving The Day.. Again

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Over the years I fought more and more Kaiju. They came from frequent over the weeks and we lost our original pattern. 2 had passed and it was 2018. My parents had luckily come down and I'm glad they did.

"MUM DAD!" I yell running towards the helicopter. I hug them and I smile. "Welcome to the Shatterdome!" I say with a big smile. I grab there 2 bags and show them where they are staying, in the room next to Me. And soon I take them to see the Jaeger bay and they Gasp at the sight. "Where's you Jaeger?" They ask. "I'll show ya" I say and I move around a little bit and point to her in all her glory. "She's a beauty isn't she" my dad says. "Well She is mine" I smile.

Charlie Everstone to Your Drive suit room. Kaiju heading for Sydney.

"Stay safe" my parents say. "Go back to your room and watch me from there" I say and kiss them both on the cheek. "We love you!" They say and I smile as I run down to my Drive Suit room. My suit is put on and I get in my Jaeger. "Neural handshake strong and holding" they soon say and I'm wheeling out. I see my parents and I wave at them with my Jaeger arm. They wave back and I focus back on. "The Kaiju is about to get into the City. Use your thrusters to get there quicker" Stacker commands. I press the thrusters and I hover in the air and I go forward headed for Sydney. "It's gone into Sydney!" Tendo says. I drop the thrusters and run along the sea and up onto Sydney. I run up to it and tackle it as it falls onto the floor. I activate my blades and attack at it slicing of its arm.
I punch it at kick at it as it falls to the floor. "Activating blasters" it says after I hit the button and I see it run away quickly. I see it go towards my neighbour hood and I punch at it and blast it with the other hand, it falling a couple of metres from my parents house. "Kaiju is dead sir" I say into the coms. I blast it another time just to make sure and I walk away, trying not to destroy any buildings. I get out my Jaeger and pull off my helmet where tons of press are. "What's it like being the only stand alone Pilot?" "What's your story?" "What's it like killing a Kaiju?"

Press always gets on my nerves. They don't stop asking questions and they don't care weather there personal or not.

Soon I've answered some questions and I hop back into my Jaeger and walk away.

Soon I return and get out my Jaeger to my Parents tackling me. "That was amazing honey!!" My dad says. "It nearly got the house. About a metre or 2 away." I say. "Well you saved Sydney honey, if it where to hit the house it would be that much of a deal, it would be fine if you where still with us" my mum says. "I've got to go get out this suit. I'll see ya in a minute" I say. Soon I'm out of my drive suit and I'm walking down to work on my Jaeger with the J-Techs. My parents where being given a tour by Willow and John currently and they seemed to be enjoying it.

I'm scrubbing off the dirt on the front of her and soon she's Spick and span. I climb down and see Herc walking along with a boy alongside him. I walk up to him. "Who's this fella?" I ask. "This is my son Chuck, this is Charlie Chuck" I shake the 15 year olds hand. "So which Jaegers your favourite apart from your dads?" I ask. "I'll have to say... Ebony Fury" "That ones mine" I say with a smile. "Your moves are pretty good. You beat my dad in the fastest Jaeger kill right?" "That's right. Beet your old mans arse" I say. Herc shoves me. "Well your 14 so shut up" he says. "Yeah he's gonna be living here from now on so you'll see tons of him" Herc then says. "Did you hear about what your dad did to me?" I ask. "He tied me to the top of my Jaeger" I say and pat Hercs shoulder. "Have fun telling him that story" I whisper and walk to the food hall where I grab a Tea. I take a sip and my phone buzzes.


Hey honey we've finished the tour and we are gonna go back to our room. We will be up there if you need us

I turn the phone off again and walk up to LOCCENT where Tendo is playing spinning chair. He stands up and stumbles over and falls out of dizziness. "Hey charlie!" He says hopping up. "Hello Tendo. So got any things for me to do?" I ask. "Nah not much. There is a couple of forms we need to fill in about your Jaeger that you could do" he says pointing to them. I take them and a pen and sit down at His desk and I do the work with my headphones in. I finally finish the paper work and give it to Tendo. "Thanks Charlie" he says. "No problemo" I leave and go down to the gym and go on the running machine for 10 minutes before going up to my room, changing and then going to my parents room.

I knock on the door and they open it to see there room neatly organised, unlike mine. The clothes where neatly hung up and the corner kitchen was tidy. "So liked your stay so far?" I ask. "It's very nice thank you, everyone's so Kind" mum says. I sit down with them and watch TV for most of the night until I need to leave. "I'm gonna go to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow" I say and walk out the door. I get into my room and fall asleep pretty quickly.

Banshee Blue is being deployed.

I hear over the coms and I turn and click on my screen in the wall to watch the blue and Gold Jaeger be deployed. I smile at the screen and turn on my com. "Good luck you two" I say to captain Grace Howard and Captain Jack Howard. "Thanks Charlie!" They reply and I turn off the coms. I fall back asleep and soon wake up to alarms blaring in my room.

Charlie Everstone immediately get into your drivesuit. Banshee blues in trouble

I sprint out the door in my Pyjamas and run by all the workers as they give me the weirdest looks. "Don't judge me!" I yell and I put on my drivesuit. I sprint round the corner and I get into my Jaeger. "Do the Neural handshake on the way!" I yell into the coms and whilst we are flying over they Quickly do it and soon I'm fighting the Kaiju who's trying to mall Banshee Blue to death. "Thank god your here!" Grace says into the coms bashing the Jaeger. "No problem!" I yell stabbing the Kaiju with my sword and it falls to the ground dead. "Need to be carried?" I ask mockingly being picked up by the helicopters. "No thanks honey" jack says sarcastically. "Man I love my job" I say with a Laugh.

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