Atlanta - Savannah

Start from the beginning

Report file thirty two.
Filed by Sargent Neil
Bama Rangers Company A

The enemy line from the Northern end starts near
Moores Ferry at the Chattahoochee River. South to
Pittsburgh then over to Conley the South eastern edge. Artillery positions at Buckhead over to Decatur. Several batteries along that line.
Scattered pickets and small detachments forward
of the lines. Three known small camps Union City,
Mableton, Smyrna. From watching these camps
not more than two companies at best each one.
No cannon no Cav. Maybe four Battalions hold the
northern edge center of the line south over eight
Battalions minimum. Atalanta inside from resistance reports, four to five Battalions.
Artillery in the city none from reports.

Jackson thought a moment close to sixteen thousand troops in and around Atlanta. In
numbers alone we over whelm them. If he is
talking Ranger Battalions maybe eighteen thousand. Has to be more in reserve, where Augusta, Athens? I bet both we can almost shell
Atlanta with out being counter shelled. For that
matter almost march into Atlanta. Better wait
for newer reports. They may move units after
today. Keep moving mortars and cannon up.
Make them want to leave.

Savannah Resistance

Owens felt welcome by this lot, they treated him fair. Even now after the Ranger left, they've set up
a meeting with Taft. Although I've only met him
a few times, he never agreed with the Assembly.
Our talks pointed in the direction I want to proceed. Stanson managed to get his men here.
Well best get ready Taft works a supply job.
Well back to your roots, working class voted in
to help those not Chosen. Owens you ready?
Yes I'm ready Mike, lead the way. Listen this Taft
acted a little jumpy, you sure about him.

Mike I'm never certain on people, he seems like
the one to go to. You have no risk, or your friends
I don't even know where you meet or live.
You've kept me hid real good. After I'd like to stay
with Bills men. Mister Meyer was asking about
you. That will work with us, long as this works
our way. We'll be free again. Owens you are to
meet Taft down that road. Small Cafe should be almost alone, one of ours will make sure. Good luck to you. Thank you.

Only a short walk not more than thirty yards.
Owens just do this, trust your gut man. As Stanson
would put it. As the door opened Taft looked up.
Owens nodded and sat down. Good to see you sir,
Like a drink? Taft nodded yes an ale be nice.
Owens said no worries, we need only to talk.
Taft said go on then, bartender two ales for me and my new friend. Here you go one straight copper,
or that garbage paper of The Republic. Taft said
you better watch your talk sir. Things get heard
easy like, as he placed the paper on the table.

You get paid this junk, I'll be at the bar if you need
anything more. Taft took a drink so Owens how did
you not end up dead? Listen Taft I'm here, I need
your help. I'll be straight up, can you get the working class to stand up fight? These people will
let you stay those that help. Give you the right to live as free people. They have treated me fairly
and like I'm part of the land. Taft thought a moment. Owens its already in the works. Most are
tired of this. We can if we know the whens and where. Those I can't give you'll know when every
one living here will. Just help the attack by hindering a response. Taft finished his ale, send
word we'll help. I would like to know who I can
trust here. Owens nodded I best head out, I'll send
word, get you a meeting of some kind. Taft said
that will do, stay out of trouble. Owens smiled you
too. Taft grabbed Owens arm, whispered they have
your son. Owens he is to be killed. Owens felt pain
regret he put his son in danger. The weight pushed
his heart mind. He whispered why? Punishment
for what you've done, think you've done.

Owens nodded looked down, thank you for telling
me. I promise you they'll pay, I'll get you a meeting. Taft said I'm sorry had to tell you. Mike shouted, well now drinks on me! You two have a seat! Rum all around!  Owens laughed I was just
leaving. Taft sat down like to order my food Bartender. Mike said nonsense my man have a drink. Order your food, I'm Mike who might you
be? I'm Taft this is well we weren't introduced.

Mike laughed this be my friend Dan here. Walking
off not having a drink with me. Sorry Danny boy,
little late I am. Yes Mike you are just a little late.
Rum will do maybe another ale. Mike looked at them what was the whispering about? Owens
looked at him, they plan on killing my son.
For the things I've done or think I've done.
You both we are alone, now we'll talk had to make sure it was safe and all. The Bartender he won't say a word. Taft, I go by Mike so you got your meeting. Owens I'm sorry about your son, nothing
we can do about that. Taft new one thing, Owens
from the few talks they had. Tended to be honest
and very blunt. He best do the same.

Taft looked over at the bar, could you bring me
a soup please potato if you still have some.
Yes sir still have some, rye bread work?
Yes it will thank you. Sorry I need to eat before
I head back to my Barracks. Now sense you say
its safe to talk. I'll let you know our plans for
tomorrow night. I'm going out on a limb much
more than you both are. Soup sir on the house.
Thank you, smells delicious. Getting a spoonful
gulping it down. We plan on making some noise
so to speak. The Nobles will be out on a tour of
the city. Some reason they want this as the temporary Capital. They'll be taking in a play,
then a dance is planned after. The play and dance
we can't hurt them at those. To many ordinary
people will be around.

The Assembly building and supply warehouses,
we can take care of. Burn them down, that will
look innocent enough. Just let them burn, have
the people let them burn. Mike nodded that can
be done. If that goes off as planned we'll contact
you here again the next evening. Owens looked
at Taft, if you can get a message to my son. Tell
him I'm sorry. Taft shook his head, that I can't
do. I'm sorry our talks on deck, I could tell you
love him. We'll try and get his body before they
cart it to the butcher. Give him a Chosen burial.

Mike looked at them both, I'll leave first Owens few minutes after meet me where we split up.
Taft finish eating wait for a few minutes and leave.
Don't need all three of us leaving at once. Mike
left Owens said thank you if you can do that.
He took the last of the rum in one drink, Taft you
must pull that off. Both our lives are at stake, have
a good evening. Taft said its in motion can't be stopped even if you wanted it, have a good evening.

Owens met Mike, whispered think that worked out
fine. Mike nodded later, get you to Mister Meyer first.

Well think this needs two parts. Thanks for reading
hope all are enjoying it. Vote comment if you please.

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