n i n e

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I honestly love this chapter so freaking much it makes me all smiley.

Winter's mom's clothes were, unfortunately, way too small for my thick thighs and broad shoulders so I'm forced to opt for Winter's gray sweats and long sleeved pink Adidas shirt

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Winter's mom's clothes were, unfortunately, way too small for my thick thighs and broad shoulders so I'm forced to opt for Winter's gray sweats and long sleeved pink Adidas shirt. I tie the pants as tight as I can and I'm pleasantly surprised by the level of comfort I'm experiencing at this moment.

Squeezing my wet hair with the towel they gave me, I stare at my reflection, turning to the side to inspect the way I look in these clothes. The pants are a little baggy and the shirt could be a short dress on me but other than that the colors look good and the pink makes my skin look brighter than usual. But that could just be the dim lighting from my phone flashlight and the single candle lit on the back of the toilet.

With a sigh, I gather my clothes and blow out the candle, not wanting to be the cause of the Bakers' house burning down.

After finding the laundry room and tossing my clothes in the washer, I make my way downstairs in search of Winter and Dakota but I have no luck in finding them.

"Dakota!" I yell, waiting for a reply but receiving none from him.

"I think he's in the bathroom in my parents' room." A voice says behind me, causing me to jump about two inches off of the ground.

"Oh my word, you scared me half to death." I breathe, looking up the stairs at Winter as I inspect his signature devilish grin. In the back of my head I can't help but think how cute he looks in his Christmas pajama pants and Harvard hoodie. He must have change while I was getting dressed.

"Sorry." He chuckles. "I was just in my room gathering some more blankets. I figured we could all sleep down in the living room...you know, just in case."

"Right..." I bite my lower lip, tucking my hands in my armpits as a cold chill comes over me. Within the last few hours, the temperature has gone down in here significantly and, I suppose, I'm just now feeling it.

"Are you cold?" Winter asks, concern seeping into his voice.

"Uh...no. I'm fine." I tell him even though my feet are freezing on the foyer floor, my toes feeling like ice cubes without my socks.

"Yeah right. Come up here and I'll find you a sweatshirt." He gestures calmly.

For some reason, I don't even respond. I just wordlessly follow his command and walk up the stairs, my phone lighting the way. I silently wonder about my battery percentage and when I'll need to charge my phone, my heart slightly panicking before I remember that we have a generator and also gas to go with it.

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