Dreamer In Disguise | Peter Parker [TH]

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"___'s going to the dance," Ned said.


"Guess we need to go then, huh?"

"Uh-huh." He dropped his grilled cheese and frowned. "You think she likes Flash?"

"It's literally impossible for anyone to really like Flash," Ned said.

"No, I know," he replied, "but does she like him? Like... does she want him to ask her out?"

"I doubt it," Ned said.

Peter frowned again. With you being you, so nice and sweet to everyone, he wasn't sure.


On the way to the party, your mom gave you tips. You had never been to one before - not as much as school dance or a birthday party (aside from the usual ones for cousins when you were small).

"Just find your friends, get a drink, and dance," she said. "Don't be afraid to dance, okay? It makes the party so much more fun if you dance-"

"I don't know about that," you mumbled.

"Well, I think it does," she said, smiling. She pulled into the school and parked at the front. "I'll pick you up at eleven thirty. If you need me, call me. I might not pick up until ten or so though because I have to pick up your father from work."

"Okay," you said, unbuckling your seatbelt.

"So have fun!"

"I will."

"Be safe," she added.

"I will, Mom." You opened the door and swung a leg out of the car.

"Your first party," she sang, moving her shoulders. You laughed and got out. "I'm so happy you found friends this year! I told you moving would he a good thing."


"Oh! And sweetie, you look cute," she said, looking at your costume - which was a simple white dress, a flower crown made of daises, and a pair of small brown boots - your attempt at a hippy (a costume you could create out of things in your possession that didn't require any money to be spent).

"Thanks, Mom. See you tonight. Love you!" You shut the door.

The glass doors of the school showed that no lights were on inside, but as you ran up the steps and into the main hallway, flashing green and white lights flickered across the hallway, coming from the gymnasium.

You walked in, a few students behind you, and stepped into a humid room that smelled like pizza and sweat.

Students were crammed inside, some dancing, some snacking, some taking pictures of their costumes - most of which were less extravagant than even yours.

You walked through the crowd, eyes open for Flash or any of your other friends. You grabbed a cup of green punch on your way. It tasted like someone dumped mountain dew over ginger ale. You swallowed the vile taste, mostly drinking it to give yourself something to do and calm your nerves.

You walked along the perimeter of the dance floor, the speakers booming This Is Halloween and shaking the entire floor. You made it halfway around before someone bumped into you, making the sugary punch in your cup slosh. You gasped as it spilled over the rim and-

Completely miss your white dress.

A hand had shot out and grabbed it. You looked up and saw Peter Parker, wearing a t-shirt that said THIS IS MY COSTUME across the front. His other hand grabbed your arm briefly, steadying you as he ran right into you, his knee knocking against yours.

Spider-Man Imagines INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ