Chap 22

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It had been two days since Sans returned to their apartment.

So far, there had been no news from Alphys about any found dust- a small mercy. There truly was no opportune time to be arrested, but the incident was far, far too fresh for Sans to survive even temporary custody. If they were really lucky, the police would never find anything. There was the small chance that all of his dust had been on the sweater, though Red doubted that was the case. Long as it didn't come up anytime soon, there was no point in lingering on it more than he had to.

The Fell brothers had woken up around the same time.

The unease in their souls made it hard to rest, anxiety waking them every couple of hours. The smaller was still asleep between the two, looking no less exhausted even in sleep. It was hard to tell if their efforts were helping him. Sans was lost in that haze- quiet and distant, exhausted in a way sleep could never hope to touch. All they could do was continue to show him their love and hope it was enough.

Red watched as Edge got up and dressed for the day, noting how his brother frowned at the full laundry hamper. It was the longest that he'd gone without doing chores, and it was clearly bothering him.

" sans an' i can start on breakfast if ya wanna do the laundry" Red spoke up.

The taller skeleton hesitated, torn between finally being able to do some cleaning and not leaving the two alone. It wasn't like he'd be gone for too long- their complex had it's own laundry building, a place where the residences of their apartment complex would go to wash their clothing. Judging by the time of day, there'd be few others there. Without needing to wait for a machine to be free, it would be a somewhat quick process.

" nothin' bad will happen if ya leave for a bit, bro. i promise" red continued, hoping to convince his brother.

It'd do him some good to get out for a while, even if it was to just stand and stare blankly at a washing machine. With the promise, Edge sighed and reluctantly gave in. The taller skeleton grabbed the sack holding their clothes, hesitating for a moment longer before he finally headed for the front door. Red waited until he was certain that his brother had left before he finally turned his attention entirely to Sans.

" its time to wake up, sweetheart"

He waited a few moments before trying again, this time reaching out as well. The worry in his soul only eased slightly when Sans stirred- a sign that he had yet to fall. It still took him far longer than Red was comfortable with for the smaller for him to bring himself to consciousness. Still, despite his worry, he offered a smile when the other's hazy eyelight met his own.

" mornin' sunshine, ya hungry?" he asked as he pushed himself up to get ready for the day. Predictably, Sans shook his head. The Fell Brothers wouldn't let him go without eating, of course. It wasn't good for him to skip meals in his condition, not that it was ever truly good. But the previous times it hadn't been as dangerous as it was now.

" how 'bout ya try to eat something? ya don't need to eat it all, but ya do need to eat something" Red stated.

Just like the previous days, Sans didn't bother to argue, too exhausted to truly care about whatever it was that made eating hard for him. Reluctantly, the smaller got to his feet and followed Red to the kitchen. Red wasn't good at cooking, not like Edge, but at least he probably could cook eggs. It was hard to ruin scrambled eggs, right?

Other than being slightly burnt, they ended up fine. A condiment would at least cover up the burnt taste. They had plenty of packets of random condiments, stolen from a restaurant after Slim had dared him to take as many as he could without being caught. Red, not sure of what Sans would like, grabbed a handful and dumped them on the table.

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