Chap 9, Chap 10

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It had been two days since Sans had agreed to stay over at their apartment.

For the most part, Sans slept. Or tried to, at least. His rest was constantly interrupted- too cold or too hot, the sudden urge to vomit (Edge had moved a small trashcan beside the couch after the first time), or just purely unable to sleep. Every couple of hours, whoever was on "sans-watching-duty" would make sure he took some medicine to help fight the illness. Both of the brothers were worried about the smaller. Edge struggled to sleep more than he usually did, the fear of finding nothing but dust when he woke shook him to his soul. He knew Red had the same fears, if the dark marks under his sockets meant anything.

But, thankfully, after two very stressful days, the fever finally broke. Sans had managed to sleep through the entire night, much to their relief.

This morning, Edge was on 'watch', as Red had work today. He wasn't quite sure how it'd work out on the days that they both had work, but he was fairly confident they could take a few days off for a family emergency. And if things became a bit rough, one of them could always quit their job. Neither of them particularly liked where they worked- perhaps Edge could find a better restaurant to work at? One that had cleanliness standards?

A soft sound caught his attention, drawing him from his worries. Sans was waking, clearly pained as he slowly brought himself to consciousness. He was worryingly good at covering his hurt, or at least dealing with it quietly. The thought sent a pang through his soul. How many times had he had to deal with it on his own? How many times had he been in this position- injured, hurt, with no where to go?

" Good Morning Sans" Edge greeted, once he was certain the other was awake. The smaller jolted at his voice, sockets wide and fearful as he searched for the source- visibly relaxing when his eyelights landed on Edge. Afraid, but far less fearful of him than who he had been expecting to see. Nausea grew inside of him. There were very few monsters that he could be mistaken for. There was only one who lived with Sans.

Edge didn't want to face the truth. He didn't want to acknowledge the pain of utter betrayal- the pain of thinking he'd known someone, that he could trust someone, only to be so god-damn WRONG.

But he had to.

He had to face it, he had to accept it. No matter how hurt he felt, it had to be nothing compared to the suffering Sans had undergone. Everything had been overlooked, simply because of how "Sweet" Papyrus acted. It made him wonder how much was a lie. Or, perhaps, he had been blinded by his sweeter side- oblivious to the cruel nature hidden right in front of him?

The taller skeleton twitched when he noticed Sans staring at him. Gray eyelights but pin-pricks as they focused on his clenched fists, body frozen. Horrified, Edge took a step back, as if it could erase frightening his newest companion. It couldn't.

" I-I Apologize. I Will Be Right Back" He excused himself before he hurried out the front door, closing it behind him and leaning against the door. The rush of emotion left him trembling, ill. His chest felt too tight- a rising panic threatening to overtake him. Edge wasn't sure how long he was out there, practicing the breathing exercises that he had learned to help both himself and his brother, but the pressure on his soul eventually eased. Leaving him feeling rather foolish.

He shouldn't of acted like that. He shouldn't of just stormed off after frightening Sans. He shouldn't of panicked for something he caused. Self-loathing was building now, painful, but he tried to focus on the words his brother had told him, whenever he felt like this. The reassurances. The comforting. The gentle sound of his voice as Red pet his spine. The warmth that flooded his soul when they were together. Knowing that he was loved, that he was needed.

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