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When Yoongi and Namjoon arrived at Namjoon's house Namjoon opened his front door until Yoongi spoke up.
"U-Um Namjoon"
"You do know that I don't have any clothes here right?"
"That's okay"
"... How?"
"You could wear my clothes"
"But it will fit me to big"
"That's okay"
"Because you will look cu- Nice!  In my clothes"
"Nothing!" Namjoon said and brought Yoongi inside the house.
"I'm going to make something to eat"
"Okay" Yoongi said and Namjoon walked into the kitchen. When Namjoon left Yoongi's phone started ringing.
"Hey Yoongi it's me Jin, now open the front door please and fast!"
"Umm, why?"
"You can never!  Let Namjoon into a kitchen or in a room with valuable stuff unless you want it destroyed!"
"Why not?"
"He burned a frying pan instead of the food in the pan and he breaks a lot of things, he even burned Taehyung's kitchen once, he also broke glasses that we're brand new he brought them 5 minutes ago and when he was going to get them fixed he lost the screw!"
"Oh well crap"
"He just-"
"Okay okay!!" Yoongi said and quickly got up to open the door to see Jin there.
"Where is he?"
"Still in the kitchen"
"Let's go" Jin said and pulled Yoongi into the kitchen. When they entered the kitchen they saw Namjoon trying to cut onions.
"What are you doing?!"
"Cutting onions"
"Well not like that your not!" Jin said and took the knife away from Namjoon.
"Namjoon put of the kitchen. Yoongi help if you want"
"Okay" Yoongi said and started washing his hands.
"No buts go"
"What about Yoongi's"
"Nothing" Namjoon said and quickly walked out of the kitchen.

-One hour later-

"Namjoon we're done" Yoongi said while walking into the living room.
"Alright" Namjoon said and stood up and went into the kitchen with Yoongi. Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi sat down and started eating.
"Hey Jin"
"How did you know that Namjoon was going into the kitchen?"
"I just know when a kitchen is going to be Namjoon's next victim" Jin said and started laughing and so did Yoongi, but Namjoon didnt.
"Ha ha ha very funny" Namjoon said sarcastically and continued eating.

When they finish eating Yoongi and Namjoon said bye to Jin and cleaned the kitchen... Well Yoongi did.
"Hey Namjoon?"
"Where am I going to sleep?"
"I'm my room"
"On the floor right?"
"Then where?"
"On my bed"
"Then where are you going to sleep?"
"On my bed"
"We're sleeping together"
"Nope I'm taking the couch or tub (don't ask why)"
"Then I'll go to-"
"No your sleeping on your bed"
"Nope I take the couch, you take the bed" Yoongi said while walking away so basically yelling. ( Namjoon's parents aren't home)

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