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Once the school day was over, Yoongi went home, greeted his mother, and went upstairs to his bedroom. Yoongi sat down on his small desk in his room and grabbed the envelope from his backpack and opened it.

Dear Yoongi,
I heard that Namjoon chose you to be in his group?
I think that is wonderful, I hope that you enjoy it.
Yoongi, I also like how you dressed today, your white t-shirt and black jeans suit you well, also with your black hat and shoes, you looked nice.
Anyways I have to finish this quickly before the teacher catches me. I was wondering if we could be friends? Oh and don't let that mean girl known as Lexy get to you okay?  I have to go now, hopefully I get to know you better.

Yoongi read, to be honest Yoongi enjoyed reading the letter so, he decided to write back and give it to the 'secret' person the next day.

The next day Yoongi went to his locker and put the letter he wrote last night in it (because how else is he gonna give it to this secret person) and left. Chan-hee saw Yoongi walk away from his locker with a small smile on his face.
"Did he read my letter? Dose he like what I wrote?" Chan-hee thought to herself.
"Did he write back?" Chan-hee asked herself and walked towards Yoongi's locker and put in his locker number, and saw an envelope, but it wasn't hers. The envelope had a 'Y' at the corner. Chan-hee grabbed the envelope and closed the locker. She quickly went to the roof top and began reading the envelope.

Dear Secret,
Thank you for the letter and the things you wrote in it, I am also grateful that you told me the... Girl's name, the one that said I was a... You know what... I really appreciate the letter you wrote me again, and hopefully we can talk or write more.

When Chan-hee finished reading Yoongi's letter she smiled and put the letter in her back pack and walked to class.

Yoongi was sitting down in his seat until-
"Hey crybaby, your in the wrong seat" Lexy said.
"No, I-Im, this is my sea-"
"Sit somewhere else! Namjoon sits with you out of pity!" Lexy yelled.
"N-No, h-he doesn't, he's my frien-"
"No he's not duh! Can't you see that! Stupid!" Lexy yelled, Yoongi's vision started to blur, and he felt tears run down his cheeks. Yoongi stood up and ran out of the classroom, Yoongi ran to the boys restroom and went inside one of the stalls and started to sob, leaving his backpack in the classroom.

Chan-hee saw everything happen, then she saw Namjoon walk in into the classroom, Namjoon saw Yoongi's backpack, but no Yoongi. Namjoon then looked over at Lexy.
"What did you do?" Namjoon asked while putting his backpack on his seat, trying to stay calm.
"Me? I did nothing-"
"Don't lie to me!" Namjoon yelled.
"I-I just told him t-that someone was trying to break into h-his locker, t-thats all"
"Bullshit!" Namjoon yelled and grabbed his and Yoongi's backpack and went to the 'dance room' and put his and Yoongi's backpack on the floor and waited for the lunch bell to ring.

When the lunch bell rang Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung walked Into the room.
"Oh hey Namjoon, wait..., where's Yoongi?" Jin asked.
"I don't know, his backpack was there in the first period, but he wasn't, and he didn't even come  looking for his backpack"
"Oh, have you tried looking for him"
"No... Because I didn't want to beat Lexy for trying to play 'someone tried to get into his locker' excuse"

- In the bathroom-

Yoongi was sitting down in the stall. Yoongi had stopped crying a few minutes ago, but didn't want to talk to Namjoon.
"What if she's right? What if he's only hanging out with me out of pity? What if he's just... I don't know anymore" Yoongi thought to himself until the bathroom door opened.
"Yoongi? Are you in here?" Yoongi heard a voice call out.
"W-Who is it?" Yoongi asked.
"It's me Jin" The voice said.
"Please come out, I want to talk to you" Jin said, and Yoongi slowly opened the stall door and saw Jin.
"Oh Yoongi, what happened?" Jin asked. Yoongi lowered his head, Jin heard soft cries coming from Yoongi. Jin walked over to Yoongi and hugged him.
"It's okay, It's okay, If you want you don't have to tell me" Jin said, but felt Yoongi shake his head.
"A-A girl, l-lexy said t-that Namj-joon, you, T-Taehyung a-and Jungkook only hang around with m-me out of p-pity" Yoongi said trying to hold back his tears.
"No, that's not true, we hang around with you because your unique in your own way, and that's why your our friend" Jin said and hugged Yoongi tightly, while rubbing circles on his back to calm him down. When Yoongi's tears died down, Jin took Yoongi to the 'dance room'.

When Namjoon saw Yoongi he instantly stood up and hugged Yoongi.
"Are you alright? Where were you?" Namjoon asked.
"Namjoon" Jin said, and Namjoon looked at Jin.
"I'll tell you later, but please let him take some time to calm down" Jin said, Namjoon nodded, and grabbed Yoongi's hand and sat him down on the couch with him.

But Chan-hee decided to use her lunch time to write another letter for Yoongi, and put it in his locker.
"Hopefully he ends up with me instead of Namjoon" Chan-hee thought to herself with a smirk.

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