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October 5th, 2011

"What is a stronger word for want?" Ross was tapping his pencil on his head trying to perfect a writing assignment that was given to us last week and is due tomorrow.

"I don't know, yearning?" He glared into space for awhile before nodding his head and writing it down. I rolled my eyes and went back to reading Hero.

Ross' phone started obnoxiously vibrating on the dresser. He got up quickly, dropping his homework.

"Hi Britney, I'm sorry we couldn't go to the movies tonight, can we hang after school?" He listens and nods his head. "Damn, well maybe next week? Okay, bye." He stands there awhile scrolling through his phone.

"How can you afford a phone?" He briefly glances up at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, I hada job at a boxing company, but I got fired for making a life sized fire truck." He says it like its the most normal thing in the world.

"Have you applied anywhere else?" He shakes his head as his phone beeps.

"Let's go apply at the gas station on the corner." I closed my book and sat up on my bed.

"How about the movie theatre? That sounds less boring." I shrugged my shoulders as I took my hair out to massage my scalp.

"I don't care where we get a job, I just want to get a phone." Ross looked up from his phone and smirked at me. "What?"

"We?" I put my hair back up and flipped him off.

"Well, Mama Vi doesn't trust me with any of the cars because people are still on my fucking ass about depression, even you too! Don't think I don't notice that you are always there, you even got some of your seats switched in some of our classes." I punched his shoulder before grabbing my hoddie off of the dresser.

"What are you doing? That's my sweater." He grabbed it out of my hands to show me the size which was a mens Large. "Yours is in the closet." This is the problem with liking the same bands, you have the same merchandise. I grabbed my sweater from the closet and turned to see that me and Ross were matching, besides our converse.

We bounded down the steps towards Mama VI's office. She was sitting at her desk with her glasses at the tip of her nose.

"Vi can I get the keys to the truck?" Ross taps on her desk a little. She glances up, but makes a double take towards me.

"Where are you two planning on going?" She takes her glasses off and sits back in her seat. Ross looks at me wanting me to speak but I gave him a look that said 'You!' He rolled his eyes at me before he spoke.

"We're going to apply for some jobs around town." Mama Vi raised a brow.

"Together?" Me and Ross nodded our heads, and Mama vi put on a fake smile. "Okay, here are the keys, while Ross starts the truck can I have a word with you Caspian?" I nodded my head as Ross gave me a questioned look, I just simply shrugged my shoulders.

"So why exactly do you want a job?" Vi picks up a pen and starts writing numbers down in a check register.

"Uh, I just really want a phone." Mama Vi drops her pen.

"Look, I'm not going to be frank with you anymore. I can see you and Ross hanging around a lot more, and I don't think that's a good idea."

"What do you mean? Mama Vi, were just friends." Mama Vi shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah, for now. Look, I just don't want to see either of you getting hurt, especially Ross, I know what that boy has gone through, with him being so young when he came, he's like a son to me." I nod my head in understanding. I jumped at the sound of a horn. "You better hurry that boy will leave without you." I quickly get out of her tense office and jog towards the truck where Ross is tapping his hands to the beat on the steering wheel. I listen closer to the song that was playing on its fucking lowest setting.

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