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I put Ross' POV so you guys can at least see some insight from him. Love you guys


September 20th 2011

I heard someone keep saying my name.

I just want to sleep, leave me be.

"Cass, wake up." The person grabbed my hand tightly. I instantly snapped my eyes open and snatched my hand away. I see Ross really startled and surprised. My mind starts to wander as I look around the bland room.

I'm in the hospital?

Finally it starts coming back to me. I start shaking my head trying to make myself believe it didn't happen, the heart monitor that I was attached to was going haywire. I look down at the IV in my hand and rip it out, hissing at the pain. I laid back down and slammed my fists on the bed and thrash my feet too. I started filling my lungs up getting ready to scream, but Ross spoke up.

"You were talking in your sleep." I exhale loudly letting all of the air that I built up, out. I turn my head to the side to look at Ross wanting him to continue but he just grabbed my journal and sat it by me. I reached for it immediately grabbing my pen. "What are you doing?" I keep writing, tears are welling up in my eyes at my words. Finally after 10 minutes of stabbing that pen at my book I chucked it at Ross making it hit his chest and fall into his lap. Before he could say anything I handed him the pen too.

"Write your point of view." Ross looked at my book of thoughts in his huge hands. He looked up at me, then simply nodded his head and left the room.

September 20th, 2011

You stormed off down stairs after Mama Vi calling you for your visitor, I thought it would be someone from social services doing one of their surprise visits. I go over to my locked safe under my bed and snatch out my writings. I know the things that I write can't compare to yours, I have never kept a log or anything, but this leather thing in my hands makes the idea intriguing. I just dabble here and there, I make comics or lyrics just anything that can portray what I'm feeling. I really liked making these Teen Titan comics, it was just being able to make the plot go the way I wanted, so of course being the guy that I am, had Robin and Starfire fall madly in love. I always had the hots for Raven though, don't be weirded out but I think you're like Raven. You're sarcastic and witty and dark...

I glanced over at your journal, feeling all bothered that you've written about me, I was mad at first because I expected you to be calling me a dick or something, but no, you were observing me like rats in a science lab. Well no that's not right. More like a child observes unknown food trying to find pros in their mind but only spouts cons. I couldn't help it.

I snatched your journal off your bed and read our words to each other. This may be cheesy, but I want to write a story pertaining to these very words. I haven't ever thought about what other people would think of me because my parents have constantly told me that I wasn't worth anything to be thought of. In my father's eyes I will always be the braty boy who's never listened to his parents. But I didn't want a dad who would constantly tell me "No." and give me pointless lectures I'd never take with me into a different time. I wanted my dad to actually punish me, to smack sense into me, I also wanted a mother who spoke her thoughts aloud instead of going with whatever her sweet husband said. I wanted my parents to try. But they obviously never caught on, just packed my things up while I was at school then told me we were going on a little 'trip'. Well I was in denile for my first couple weeks at bumpy roads, breaking tons of mirrors and resenting anything with a pulse, then finally, Mama Vi marched right upstairs and slapped me across the face then hugged me... I just remember balling in her arms afterwards thanking her for her actions. That was the day I excepted the fact that my parents weren't coming back. They've sent me letters here and there but I still haven't opened them, I'm too afraid to see what my father has written and what my mother has signed her name at the bottom of.

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