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Same day, Ross is giving me a tour.

The library wasn't as grand as I thought it would be, I've read most of the books here.

"Hey what's that?" I point to ladder leading to an attic type thing.

"Umm storage for some old books or something." He tried to drag me in the opposite direction but I snatched my hand away and ran towards the ladder. "I really don't think we can go up there!" I scoffed as I reached the top, about to open the hatch.

" Don't be a wuss, get up here Ross!" Ross looked all around, probably scanning for teachers. He finally groaned and went up with me on the ladder. I opened the attic door slowly being greeted with the smell of mothballs. I crawled up and searched for any source of light then something hit my forehead. Its a string and a ball. I grabbed it and yanked it and was blinded by light.

"Woah, I should have went up here months ago! This is fucking awesome!" I stood and shushed Ross.

There are three book cases on the wall and there are two ugly recliners one a pea green, and the other a 70s orange. They were hideous, but marvelous.

A blue shag carpet is in the center of the room and all throughout the place is old banners or costumes probably from the drama department.

"I claim it." I go over an plop down on the green chair making dust fly around me.

"Not fair! I like this place too!" I rolled my eyes.

"Stop yelling, do you want somebody to come up here? And I claim it because I wasn't being a big wuss about coming up here." Ross sat on the orange chair making more dust fly into the air.

"How about an agreement?" I raised my brow.

"Go on." Ross sighed and brought a piece of paper and a pen out of his bag.
The Attic Rules: Must speak in whispered voices.
Leave everything as it is.
No boyfriends or girlfriends.
Snacks approved: no ketchup or anything that stains
music: Headphones, but keep one headphone out to hear any unsuspecting visitors.
knock code: To be determined

Ross handed me the paper. I read it over then rolled my eyes.

"Why no boyfriends? What if I want to have a hot makeout session?" Ross rolled his eyes.

"Would you want to walk in on me going hot and heavy with Britney?" I thought about it. One part of me does so I can humiliate them, but I don't want to throw up in the process.

"Okay no boyfriends or girlfriends, we need to get a broom up here and a feather duster I'm allergic to dust." I put my hand to my nose.

"I'm allergic to garlic." Ross says as he's scribbling on the paper. My jaw drops. Garlic?

"That sucks garlic is fucking amazing!" Ross shushed me and I stuck my middle finger out.

"So the code knock, it should just be four rapid knocks." I just nodded my head. Code knock, what the fuck are we, spies?
"Hey Ross?"

" Huh?" I twisted my hands a little.

"Are you embarrassed of me?" He looked up from the paper shaking his head.

"No, why would you think that?" I looked down at my twisted hands.

"I heard you and Britney talking about me on the bus this morning, and I almost kicked her ass for calling me a beaner." Ross put his hand over my mouth shushing me.
"I think someone's up there." Ross shut off the light still holding onto me we crawled off to a far corner. He gets his phone out so we can see, and what I see is Ross' face just centimetres away from mine. His hand is still on my mouth. Without hesitation I licked his hand for awhile regretting it because his hand tastes salty. It took Ross a couple of seconds to get the message.

"Ew. Do you know where my hand has been?" He whispers. He wipes his hand on my shoulder while I wipe my shoulder on his.
"Nobody is up there Mrs.Wardmen." Me and Ross exhaled in relief. I was going to turn to look at Ross but he turned to look at me making our noses come face to face. Ross' eyes kept darting to my eyes then my lips.

"Stop." He looks at me in fake shock.

"Stop what?" I throw my hands up in the air.

"Stop thinking about kissing me, what about Britney, aren't you dating her? Is she or is she not your girlfriend?" Ross sat back and banged is head on the wall.

"She's not my girlfriend we only went out on like 3 dates, I liked hear at first, then I really got to know her and her personality, and to be honest its ugly." He put his head in his hands.

"How come you're not concerned about me having a boyfriend? I could've cheated." Ross looks up at me, his face illuminated by the light from his phone.

"I know you don't have a boyfriend because you're not constantly checking your phone or waiting by windows pouting because you miss him." I cracked a smile.

"Lesbian relationships are different." Ross rolled his eyes and gave me a look that says: Be serious Cass.

"Its also the way you talk about Rider, at one point you were totally in love with him right?" I look down at Ross' phone nodding my head. "But now you're so repulsed by him because you saw his true colors." I flicked a lint ball across the floorboards.

"Did you read my journal?" Ross shook his head.

"You're not that hard to figure out, you don't need a journal if you are constantly expressing what you put in there." Ross let's his finger glide across my bottom lip. "Out here." I bit his finger then he flicked my temple.

"Can we go see the art room now?" I asked as I rubbed my head.

"Yeah let's get out of here." He grabbed my hand leading me towards the hatch.

So, I have been asked who I see Caspian as.
Caspian is me.
also this story is Caspian's journal she met Ross when she barely turned 15 (Ross is 15 also) it is just a 3 year thing until they move out when they're 18.
Bumpy Roads is not a real place, but Bloomington IN is real, so is the highschool.
So any other questions regarding to this story feel free to ask.
@cossiscute twitter&instagram

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