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September 23rd 2011

I was finally released after 3 days of torture. They kept asking me questions, and had me sallow the morning after pill.

That terrified me.

Just think, me, as a mother. Oh god, it'd be a nightmare. I don't really like children, babies scare me because they're so small and helpless. I don't want to bring kids into this damned world to have them suffering with annoyance and depression. The world is screwed. Well mostly america... Like seriously, our currency is paper and numbers on a computer. While there are other places in the world that use gold or Ruby's, something that has real value.

I'm getting off track.

I didn't read what Ross wrote yet because I haven't gotten time alone. Someone is here with me every minute just in case if I had thoughts of suicide. I think I'm okay, Ross has been bringing me clothes from the house and food from the cafeteria, he ordered pizza yesterday because the food here tasted bland. Right now he's right next to me in the hospital bed drawing something. I've tried peaking but he just smiles and shoves my face back.

the police caught Reed and he is now being held in a jail cell until our court date.

"You thirsty or anything?" Ross asks beside me.

"Yeah, can I go to? My legs are asleep from not moving." Ross looked at my IV for awhile then nodded his head. I swung my legs over as Ross easily jumped off and held onto my hands. I cautiously set both feet on the ground then jumped.

My knees gave out from under me causing me to crumple to the ground.

"HAHAHAHA!" Ross let go of my arms and collapsed to the ground with laughter. I held my stomach as my breathless laugh escapes past my lips. Ross sat up and whipped under his eyes letting a few chuckles escape then looks down at me smiling. That made me laugh again causing me to cover my face with my hands.

"Okay, okay let's go get those drinks."

I was finally able to stand after 5 minutes of slapping my legs trying to get the needle tingles out. But I still had to hold onto Ross and drag my IV stand with us.

"So do you want soda or water, or juice?" I scanned the drink selections and found Peace Tea.

"I haven't had tea in forever." I was practically hugging the can.

"Do you want to order some Chinese food?" I simply nodded my head as I continued to nuzzle up with the tea.

"Just get me a tub of white rice and soy sauce." I looked up to see Ross crinkling his nose.

"Just soy sauce and rice?" I rolled my eyes and cracked open the can of tea.

"Its good, healthy and fucking fantastic, so mind you." Ross just shook his head and brought out his phone still grimacing. But his expression dropped when he looked at his phone screen.

"What? What is it?!" He quickly unlocks his phone and starts shaking his head.

"S-she called. She actually called!" He looks a bit shocked, I don't know if he's going to jump for joy or throw his phone.

"Ross who called?" I grabbed onto the counter to hold myself up as he started pacing.

"Y-you wouldn't know her."


"Oh, okay then. Ross calm down, why are you so worked up over a phone call?" He just kept shaking his head back and forth.

"I-I have to go, I'm sorry." He started running off towards the elevator. He started jamming the button.

"What about Chinese!?" He looked back and gave me an apologetic smile and ran into the elevator jumping up and down.

I got up slowly holding onto my IV stand.


I walked towards my room, almost bending my IV stand because I'm holding onto it for dear life.

I had to call a nurse in to help me into my bed. Once I was all settled in, I felt the same sadness I felt yesterday when Ross went to go get the pizza.

Am I becoming attached?

That can't be possible, I've barely known him for 3 weeks, maybe even a little less than that. I look at the nightstand by my bed to see Ross' papers sitting there.

IknowIshouldn't. But, whatcanIlose?

I grabbed his paper and flipped it over. I was in awe. He drew me, from a side view of course. My hair was up in a ponytail, he drew the rim of my glasses perfectly. He drew a halo above my head and wings sprouting from my back. I looked towards the bottom of the paper to see The Damned Angel.

I shook my head in disbelief as I went onto the next one. He drew hands holding. I looked closer to see his R ring poking out. And the other was obviously mine, he got the scar on my thumb from being bitten by a hamster.

"Caspian, you have a visitor." I looked up at the nurse peeking her head in. I nodded my head, still distracted by the drawings. The nurse opened the door wider to reveal Piper.

"Hi Caspian, Ross told me something about signing you out?" I rolled my eyes because he was supposed to do that as soon as he got here to hang out with me.

"Can you go to the front desk and sign me out?" I hug the papers to my chest. Pipers eyes flicker towards them, but she doesn't queston it, she simply nods her head and leaves.

God I love that girl.

I carefully fold the papers and put them into the last page of my journal and wrote on the last page.

I will always care about you, I promise.

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