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"You still love me, don't you?"

I was frozen in place and with each passing second I didn't speak I could see him slipping through my fingers.

I pulled him back towards me and started to cry. "Of course I love you." The thought of him believing that I didn't was utterly heartbreaking.

"You hesitated." He wasn't asking, accusing was more like it.

I sighed and scooted back from him to get some much needed air. I put my arms around my legs and rested my chin on my knees. I glanced over at him before rolling my eyes. "It's not that easy for me to say." I admitted quietly. "I love you, and I don't think you should ever question that, I mean, we promised didn't we?" I smirked at him and he sighed in relief letting his head hit the back of the door.

"So we're good?"

I frowned and looked at him confused. "Define good?"

"We can get back together?" He asked hopefully and I looked at the ground to avoid seeing how happy he looked.

"I-I don't think that's the best thing for me right now-"

"Oh come on!" He threw his hands up in frustration. "You love me, I love you, what could be better than that?"

"What's better is us being a little more stable before getting into this again." I said sternly. "Now we both have things we need to work on." I crossed my arms. "I'm not some prescription drug to heal you from your disorder, and you're not my knight and shining armor. We can't rely on each other this much, it has to be an equal thing."

He was looking at the wall behind me before sinking lower, just until he was laying on the floor.

"Wake me up when they get here." He said, turning to his side and shutting me out again.

I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. "Two weeks." I offered making him look over at me. "Two weeks for us to sort through all of our shit, then we can be together, okay?"

He just looked at me before rolling back over.

"Please Ross." I begged and he huffed.

"Alright, two weeks, then I'm yours."

I looked towards him biting my lip.

"And I'm all yours." I responded my eyes closing to their own accord.

"Promise?" He yawned.

But I just pretended to fall asleep...


"Maintenance!" I jolted awake as I saw Ross moving towards me just as the door was kicked in.

"Oh thank god." I muttered rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. And me and Ross both scooted back from the door at the Maintenance man's request. I jumped at the sound of the door getting kicked in and I sighed in relief as we were let out.

"Let's go find those assholes." Ross said quietly walking out of the room.

"Hey, wait." I grabbed his arm. "Let's go get something to eat before we kick their asses, it is your birthday after all." I laughed as Ross rolled his eyes.

"Yeah this is one hell of a birthday now isn't it?"

"Wouldn't expect anything less from our friends."


"So you said two weeks." Ross asked quietly as we were eating at some dainty diner.

"Yes." I looked at him skeptically as I took a drink of my water.

"Willing to shorten it?" He was looking towards the table, avoiding my stare.


"Why wait two weeks? I could die tomorrow." He joked still looking at the table.

"Ross, look at me please." He did, his hazel eyes shone angrily towards me.

"It doesn't make sense, that's all." He said quietly, "Two more weeks for what? To find a way out of this?" He gestured between me and him.

"To make sure, that I'm sure." I sighed.

"You're not sure of me?"

We both sat back as the waiter came and sat our food in front of us and as soon as he left, Ross looked at me expectantly.

I rolled my eyes. "More like I'm not sure of myself when I'm around you."

He nodded his head, being satisfied with that answer. And I picked at my plate in annoyance.

I only told him two weeks to get him off my back, but is that really enough time to... get whatever this thing is, off my chest? And what if I find out that a relationship isn't the best thing for me? How could I possibly tell Ross that these two weeks might just be for no reason, that there's a chance that at the end of these two weeks... I'm not all his?


"Okay! We shouldn't have interfered, we get it." Dan tried to get out of Ross' hold but it was no use.

Ross looked towards me. "I don't know, Cass, you think he learned his lesson?"

I crossed my arms across my chest, acting as if I were thinking it over, but I rolled my eyes as he started to beg. "Let him go."

Ross released his grip, but I grabbed him by his shirt. "But if you mess with me again, you won't be facing Ross, you'd be facing me." I threatened before laughing and ruffling his hair. "Now lets get home before I change my mind."

We all got back into the car and Ross laid his head against my shoulder.

"I'm all yours." He said quietly.

"Two weeks." Was all I was able to say back.


Sup. School just ended yesterday and I passed all of my finals, even got 195.75% in my forensics class xD

So I'm free this summer to finish this story.

Oh, and my birthday is this Friday, IM TURNING SIXTEEN.

hope all is well


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