Chapter forty seven

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ this chapter is intended for 18+ readers.

Annetta's POV

Drinking to drown away your pain was a myth. Drinking was painful.

I groan loudly as I feel myself entering reality, the darkness took over. Even though there was little light in the room, my eyes burned when I opened them. I remembered everything, how I drank at the restaurant because I was so angry but after that was kind of a blur.

Until Fabio reached my mind.

Fuck. Fuck.

I knew what I did because a little image flashed my mind. His face, his fists, his nose, they way how everything twitched, indicating that he was provoked. But he left, he didn't come to me like how I wanted him to.

I search the room for something but I don't know what. Maybe if I knew what the time was, I'd figure out what to do next. I was thirsty, of course I would be. My head hurt as I attempt to climb out of bed in the darkness, as soon as my feet touched the ground, I shiver.

After a short while, I decide to get myself food. It was nearly five in the morning, still very early but wasn't early enough to feed my hunger and my throbbing head. I tread to the kitchen, shifting my weight from one foot to another because I didn't feel like doing it myself however, when I felt a presence in the kitchen, I suddenly feel awake all over again.

We make eye contact immediately, no words shared between us. It made this ten times more intense.

Fabio stood against the island counter with a cup of water in his hand. His hand holds the cup firmly as soon as he sees me while his other hand was folded across his chest. It was like as if I interrupted something, he was alone and probably thinking, stressing. I breathe, my breath is rapid because of all the things I wanted him to do to me. My legs begin to shake, it was probably the cold air brushing against my naked thighs. I wore a pair of shorts and a flimsy crop top, over my body was a small dressing gown.

Even with all those clothes on my body, I felt completely naked when he begins to examine me. His eyes trailed my whole body, from head to toe. And he did it blatantly, like he wanted me to know that he was scrutinising me. I curl my toes up against the cold tiles and gulp, if I ignored him, I might be able to leave this kitchen without being touched by him, but I couldn't guarantee that because I want him to touch me, kiss me, lick me and in the end, I want him to fuck me as hard as he could, like he was punishing me.

I walk over to the counter opposite him and grab myself a glass of water, his eyes penetrated me shamelessly, I felt it burning through my body. It made me smile a little because I knew I was getting what I wanted.

"Do you want to take a picture?" I slur. I lean over the counter and chuckle, the hem of my gown rises above my rear, cold air brushes against my skin but it wasn't enough to overpower the penetrating observation that I wanted. Fabio didn't seem to speak a word, silence struck him. It had me wondering what he might be looking like right now, and so I glance over my shoulder with a smirk. Instantaneously, our eyes connect like magnet, his jaw clenched really hard as it seemed like he was resisting the urge, the fight, everything in that fist he held to not submit to my advances. "I promise it will last longer."

It seemed as though his resistance didn't last long. A second later, Fabio swiftly pulls forward and reached for my hips. When he grabbed hold of it, he slammed himself against my backside and immediately, I surge forward, my stomach slammed against the counter, causing a dull ache to form. I groan in satisfaction, my clit burned in my shorts and my inner thighs were coated with moisture, my own juices. When Fabio grabbed my waist, I began to grind myself against him.

POTERE AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon