Chapter forty one

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Annetta's POV

How long is it going to take until it all ends?

I sigh nonchalantly as I stare out of the window, surprisingly loathing the sunny and breezy day. It didn't match my mood but it some how managed to brighten it up. The sun beamed through the window and onto my face, small bubbles of clouds remained in the sky, perhaps preparing for a little shower of rain. Watching the sky reminded me of my childhood, briefly. The sunny mornings we take advantage of with a walk as a family. Rarely. Why? Stop Annetta.

I blink, my mouth close after I yawn. The day was going pretty slow, too slow for my liking. Suddenly, I was knocked back into reality when I heard the familiar voices of two men, Dante and Fabio. I turn my head around and adjust to the reality once again, that I was travelling in a car with Fabio and Dante to a location that might be useful to us.

Fabio had his hand firmly wrapped around the steering wheel as he drove the car, and his other arm rested on the armrest of his side while Dante sat on the passenger seat. I gaze at his side profile, blinking drunkenly because I felt drowsy. I've never had longer than twenty seconds to look at Fabio like this but now that I have, I've realised how normal he can be if he didn't hold that permanent scowl on his face. He can be normal, just like the rest of us. Fabio didn't seem to notice me, it was either he was too focused on the road or he didn't care.

Finally, the car reached a halt. It awoke me, my senses were heightened again because I knew we were going to be on the move. I inspect the area we stopped at, it was a huge land. Acres and acres until I saw a house. A small mansion, not big enough to resemble the Lombardi's estate but it was big enough to be labelled as a mansion.

"Where are we?" I mumble, Dante glanced over his shoulder while Fabio maintains a guarded inspection of the mansion and the surrounded areas.

"It's Mateo's and Maria's residence." Dante says and instantaneously, my eyes widen. My head spins over to the direction of the window as I feel myself sinking in my thoughts.

It was an average sized and simple mansion with a mediocre security base. The only thing protecting their home was a black barrier that gated around their house. Living in Italy, I've learned that not everything is the same. Mansions come in different forms, shapes and sizes so everyone had a different definition, of course. But this wasn't something I'd usually encounter on a sunny morning walk in the streets of Italy or even America, because it didn't seem like a place to live in. From where we were parked, which was quite a distance away, I could see who could enter and leave through their front doorstep. It seemed to be a problem for me because I've lived half my life with a wary glance over my shoulder, but maybe it wasn't a problem for them because they don't live a life like how the Lombardi's do, however, if my suspicions are correct, that Lorenzo is a part of their family, their life may not be as simple as it used to be from now on. Not when they fucked with the Lombardi mafia.

"Why are we even doing this?" I ask, exasperation fills me. Even though I was determined to teach Maria a lesson, it seemed like now was not quite the time. I didn't want to do anything yet, actually, all I want to do is sleep and dwell. "This isn't going to prove that she tried to kill me yesterday."

Both Dante and Fabio crane their neck towards me and watch me skeptically, as if they both questioned me with a simple glance, wondering if I was alright or not. Actually, I asked myself that too, encouraged by their stares — am I alright?

"Of course it won't." Dante sighs nonchalantly, turning his head back in a way of disregarding me. It seemed as if he's had enough of speaking to me. As he turns his head, we all join him by keeping a wary eye of the residence. "But it might tell us a thing or two about Lorenzo."

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