Til Death Do Us Part

Start from the beginning

"Nine," he continued.

Francis just laughed this time and rolled over onto his back again and splayed his arms out like he was making a snow angel.

"Eight," Arthur spat, getting angrier by each number.

Francis paid no extra attention to the numbers going down, well, he seemed to not care anyway.

"Seven." He glared at him and Francis just stared at the ceiling with a smile.

"Six." He said, more force in his words now.

Francis tilted his head and looked backwards to see Arthur upside down and he could tell he wasn't pleased.

"Five!" He shouted, if he wasn't mad before he was definitely mad now.

Francis hopped up and slowly walked towards the British blond, smirking like he was challenging him to count down faster.

"Four!" The Brit growled and watched as Francis stalked towards him with his predator-like gaze.

T-three!" He stuttered as Francis came in close and his breath lingered around his ear, too close for comfort.

"T-... Two!" Arthur closed his eyes tight as Francis trailed his finger along his protruding collarbone softly. He hated himself for letting him get this close, he hated that his heart was beating so fast because of him. He hated Francis so much, but he loved him tenfold. And he hated that he did.

"One..." He whispered almost like a prayer to make the older disappear, and to his surprise, he did.

He noticed the lack of touch and once he opened his eyes, saw that the French had left as the door was ajar. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and decided it was best to forget about the events and get ready for school.

************Time Skip!************

The three teenagers were soon at school, and going about their day normally. Though, something told him that today wasn't going to be a normal day... And it wasn't totally in a good way either...

In class, all his mind could focus on was how screwed he was. Why did he have to fall for the God damn Frenchman?! He could ignore it like he has been for a while and continue their relationship as rocky as it is now, but he knows he won't be able to get rid of his feelings. They'll only disappear once he's dead.

He shook his head violently, trying to focus on... What class was it again? Oh yeah, geography.

As hard as he tried to soak in what the teacher was saying, he was too caught up with his love problems so it went through one ear and out the other.

'What if, in the end I do end up with Francis? Is that my happy ending? I wonder what it'd be like... will he stay the insufferable guy he is? Would there really be any changes from what we are now? Either way I couldn't let this end up like my past... 'Relationship'. If you could even call it that. But how could I even trust that Francis will be faithful? He's such a bloody pervert! He'd probably be following around other people like a lovestruck puppy in a matter of minutes!' Arthur tossed his pencil around aimlessly as he contemplated different outcomes.

'What if, in the end he ends up with Joan instead? If she confesses, it's a high chance he'll accept her. I mean, I don't even know if he's gay. If I ask him out... Oh god, well it's never gonna happen anyway, I shouldn't worry about it. But... I wouldn't be able to stand it if they got together. I don't know what I'd do... They're already so sweet and couple-like, I couldn't even imagine what them as a real one would be like! They'll definitely be accepted by people. Who knows if Francis and I would even be accepted by our families, let alone other people.'

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