Ōkami's POV
The food was amazing I gobbled it down as I was famished by all the tension before. "You're so messy Ōkami-Kun." She said as she giggled. Taking out a handkerchief and she cleaned my mouth with it. All I could do was let her do so as I gave a big goofy grin.

In no time we finished lunch and Akazuki kept the bentos neatly. We headed towards the door leading down but then I saw something on Akazuki's face. A little grain of rice. I reached my hand out, using my thumb to take it away. Akazuki's eyes followed my hand as I popped the rice grain into my mouth. That made her face go scarlet red like her eyes. She shook herself side to side as she jokingly hit my shoulder. Squirming around as she made adorable high pitched noises. She was so cute, that was all I could think as I chuckled. Her moving made her hair swish around revealing a plaster on her neck.


It was the incident that happened this morning. I stopped chuckling, reaching my hand out to touch her neck. She stopped whatever she was going previously and retracted a bit. The slight retraction was like a needle piercing me once more, I did shock her this morning. I reached out once more. I could see that she was trying to hold back, trying not to shrink away but she still flinched a little. I bit my lip slightly, I had to control myself from crying. I wrapped my arm around her neck and pulled her closer, hugging her tight with my one arm. I bent down a bit putting my forehead on hers. "I'm sorry about this morning." I said softly.

Akazuki's POV
Then he kissed me on the tip of my head and his arm slid down to my waist. I was no longer scared, instead I felt comforted really. Standing on my tippy toes I kissed Ōkami on the cheek. "Forgiven." I said, a sly smile on my face. His solemn expression had turned into a content one. He made his wolf counterparts disappear and back to class we headed.

(Back in class with lessons already started)

It was math lesson, I was listening to Sensei(teacher) about different equations, calling people up one at a time to answer the questions written on the board. I had already learned the concept of this chapter and the lesson had started to become very boring. All of a sudden I felt a nudge in my arm. I decided to ignore it but it continued along with some whining from a little puppy beside me. I turned and shot him a questioning look. Instead of stopping he shook that as a cue to start talking.

"Did you know that you are my first love? And despite these twelve years without you I could not stop thinking of you?" He started mumbling to me. Giving dreamy eyes as he watched my every move. I rolled my eyes, what a cheesy move however all he said was true. "Yea yea I know." I replied. "You were my first love too, and no matter what happens I'll always keep falling in love with you." I whispered after he turned his head back. That was only for me to hear not him.

Ōkami's POV
I chuckled to myself, Akazuki must have forgotten that I had sensitive hearing. I had heard her every word and it was adorable. What she said felt like a promise of some sort and it warmed my heart, making me smile unknowingly. I was very bored as the lesson was so simple, however I did not want to disturb Akazuki. She loved studying a lot and the more she did, the better she would become even though she was already the best. So on and on I decided to listen to the lesson.

(Time skip to after school)

"Class dismissed!" Sensei(teacher) said, closing his books an organising them. The entire class stood up and and greeted him and out the door he went. Most people in class were making plans to go somewhere or go home directly. I was going to the forest after school like always. Today though, was slightly special. Karasuno and I were going to have a race today as our primitive instincts have been dulled recently.

Akazuki was still packing her bag beside me and I was doing the same too. All of a sudden someone shouted. "You two! What are you now?!" The voice was familiar but I could not identify it. Our heads had turned simultaneously to face the source of the shout. It was Akazuki's loud and cheerful friend Hana. "Eh..." I could Akazuki fumbling not knowing what to say. She looked at me while I looked back at her. The moment of awkward silence was killing me until I decided to say we were together. "We're together!" Our voices crashed together and it shocked us both. Making Akazuki jump a little, the words had made her face a little red too. Upon seeing our reaction Karasuno burst out laughing, holding his stomach. He laughed so hard that he rolled over and continued laughing on the floor on his back.

Third person's POV
Upon realising what had happened, Ōkami had gotten somewhat mad and embarrassed. Making his way to Karasuno's side and stepping on him jokingly a few times. "Ugh ah." Karasuno had moaned in reply making both girls laugh. That was when Hana dragged Akazuki over, jumping up and down as she held her arm. "Let's go let's go! Karaoke!" She squealed excitedly. Akazuki giggled at her friend's hyper energy before nodding and waving goodbye to both boys. Blowing a kiss towards Ōkami before running out the door with Hana.

Ōkami's POV
Doki. Doki. My heart beat when Akazuki blew a flying kiss. It left me stunned like a deer in headlights. I could feel my face slowly turning warmer as the blush crept up my cheeks. That triggered another round of laughter from Karasuno. I sighed, propping my head with my hand in midair as I looked down at the floor. "Shut it Karasuno. Or you're going to be ripped to pieces." I threatened him, a low growl at the back of my throat. Giving him a death glare, sending shivers down his spine. He bent down and saluted an apology to me then we headed out of school to the forest.

Akazuki's POV
Hana and I had ran out of the classroom, leaving Ōkami stunned. It was such an embarrassing act, blowing a kiss to him. Hana squealed about it the entire time we headed to the lockers. We had already changed our shoes and were headed towards the school gates. Hana kept pestering me to tell her what had happened and why Ōkami had 'kidnapped' me during lunch time when clearly we promised to meet. I sighed knowing that it was going to be a long talk. As we walked towards the karaoke place to meet our old friends from middle school, I started explaining to Hana what had happened during my 'capture'. Many 'ooo's and whistles came about as I told her what had happened during lunch. I had rolled my eyes so many times that they hurt.

I could see all the couples walking about on the streets in the shops. Holding hands, they all looked so carefree. Not a single bit of awkwardness was seen between them. Meanwhile Ōkami and I have were...were...what are we? "Isoge Akazuki!"(Hurry up Akazuki) I could hear Hana call for me. I turned to see her already running across the road. Tsubaki our old classmate was at the other side, outside of the karaoke place.

I looked up the green light turning yellow. The car engines slowed coming to a stop st the junction. However the roaring of an engine was still heard. Where was it, I turned my head. I could see a bright red car speeding down trying to beat the light. Hana was smack middle in its path. No! I ran as fast as my legs could bring me. Extending my hand in front of me reaching out to push her shoulder. "Han-"

"Arising? The hell is that shit?"~TribyTypes
"Idk I'm not Google."~Writer
"GG nothings gonna make sense."~TribyTypes
"You'll see....Anyways hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter!!"~Writer
"Aight imma go sleep"~TribyTypes

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt