Chapter 24

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"Do you just know everyone?!" Alois Shrieks

"Its-well its umm..." I trailed off putting my head on the ground.

"I want to know all about it!" Alois stomped his foot and jerked my head up, "So tell me."

"Fine! I will!" I jerk my head out of his hand. I then continue to tell him the long complicated story of superwholock and black butler.

"Shut you tart that can't be true tell me the truth!" Alois screeched kicking me in the side.

"Umm earl?" Crowley says.

"What do you want?!" Alois snaps.

"Shes telling the truth, I know it may seem hard to beilve but she's telling the truth." Crowley said softly. Not a tone I would expect from the king of hell.

"What would you know? Your just a demon!" Alois screamed kicking something.

"Well so is Claude and yet you seem to trust him." Crowley says anger seeping into his voice.

"Ya-B-But-" Alios stammers, but Claude cuts him off, "Your highness im afraid that Crowley is right, I think we should trust this girl and also I would recomend not talking back to the king of hell."

"What?! Claude? How dare you side with them! How could you betray me!" Alois yelled his voice cracking.

"No I would never my highness It was merely a recomendation." Claude said sounding sincre.

"Alois?" I say my voice small feeling sorry for him.

"What do you want?"He spat at me.

"Alois i'm sorry, I know what you've been through I know that you don't want to be alone, please I feel the same, I can help you!" I plead tears streaking my face. I hear someone walk over to me and I cringe with every step, I feel a cold clammy hand on my chin and I look up in the darkness to make out the outline of Alois's jawline.

"How do I know I can beilve you? How do I know your not going to betray me like the others how can I trust you?"

"Please, I'll tell you everything you want to know about Ciel Phantomhive, just please keep me safe. I'll tell you about Sebastian t-" I start to say.

"Now, now we can't have that." I hear Sebastian's voice  echo from somewhere in the room. 

"Shit," I say through clenched teeth.


        I lay slouched my face bleeding and arm bent at an award angle on the ground. I let out a small moan as I roll over my arm buring and stabing with every small movement.  In the distance I hear the clacking of heals and something dragging behind someone. 

"Now lets see, you have the most intresting story I have seen in a while my dear," A man with a fambouant voice says.

"No, please not you!" I say half screaming through clenched teeth. 

"Oh now don't be that way, I think I might make an exception for you, such intresting memories." He says laughing. He walks up to me and swings his death scye/Chainsaw above his head and drives it into my gut. And in a moment my life flashed before my eyes. From my frist steps to my first kiss, my first words, first heartbreak, meeting the winchesters, meeting the doctor, meeting Sherlock and John. Getting possed my Crowley, the TARDIS comming here meeting the Phantomhives. Everything evey detail, all of it flashed before my eyes I could feel my sadness my happeness all my memories zooming by in a matter of seconds. And then it was over, I lay in darkness for a moment not knowing what comes next, then I hear voices. People talking I couldn't really tell if they were fighting or laughing. My vision was blurred when I opened my eyes and Cas was on top of me.

"Umm, Cas would you mind getting off me?" 

"Oh um sorry," Cas said rollling off me 

"What happened?" I ask Cas as he helps me to my feet.

"Well I don't know anyone but Dean called me to come search for you he said that you were missing. When I got here it looked like Sebastian was furious and was trying to kill that blonde boy but the tall skinny man in the glasses grabbed him and got out of here with Crowley. I managed to get Sebastian so he shouldn't be causing us anymore problems." Cas explains. I grab his coat and pull him towards me realising what he just Said.

"Cas please tell me you didn't kill Sebastian?!" I yell into his face mad and concerned.

"Why do you sound angry I saved you! And yes I did!" Cas stamers giving me a confused look.

"CAS YOU IDIO-" I start to yell before i hear a small chuckle followed by a sigh.

"Im sorry Bassy, it was Will's choice this time. Dont worry I'll make sure thay kids taken care of. That would make you happy right? Since all you cared about was that kid." Grell says.

"Grell, im sorry but I have to ask you something." I say walking over to him staring at only him and ignoring Sebastian's limp body. 

"What?" He snaps bitterly.

"Are you really going to watch out for Ciel? Because of your not my friends and I can help him." I say shaking scared by Grell.

"Oh no honney I've never liked kids and never wanted them. I dont know whats to become of the kid. Sorry doll but im late for a hair appointment." Grell says spinning on his heels and walking out of the room.

I stand there in speechless and heart broken. "Castiel,  pick up Sebastian we're going back to the manor." I say my voice cracking half way through.


   Cas and I arrive at the manor and I storm into the manor Cas walking slowly behind me. "CIEL!!! CIEL PHANTOMHIVE!!" I scream running up the stairs to his study to see him in a meeting.

"What the hell! Get out of here!" Ciel yells shooing me with his hands. I stand there dirty and covered in blood crying.

"Not to be rude earl," I say my voice cracking, "but I think what i have to say is slightly more important."

"Ugh fine!" He sighs standing up and turning to his client,  "excuse me for a moment." He follows me to the hallway and crosses his arms across his chest and glares at me.

I look down at my feet unable to look at him. "Its Sebastian sir,  you might want to check your eye." I say looking up and pointing at his eyepatch.

"This is nothing! It's just something I got when I was younger it has nothing to do with Sebastian!" He says covering his eye.

"It has everything to do with Sebastian its the seal to the contract you hold with him." I say crossly

Ciel shakes before walking into a nearby washroom. He comes out shouting, "where is Sebastian! Why is my seal fading!!"

I start to cry and I point to the stairs and mumble, "im so sorry."

Ciel looking terrified walks down stairs and I hear a anguished scream. "SEBASTIAN!" He yells.

I here him sobbing and I feel bad for him. I walk downstairs and motion for Cas to pick up Ciel. "We're going to the TARDIS, Come now Castiel and bring Ciel." We walk out leaving Sebastian's dead body in the manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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