Chapter 21

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"Okay then...." Sam say noding his head slowly, "So in order to help get rid of crowley we have to kill sebastian?"

I look at both of them then sigh, "I don't think that would be wise, he's not like any demon you guys have faced, he's more powerful but we should be able to kill him with ruby's knife, but don't try anything just yet. Okay? Don't try and kill sebastian, promise me you wont" 

I look up from my lap and stare at them until they both nod, "Good." I say. We sit in silence the rest of the way to the manor.


We pull up to a beautiful estate, I stick my head over towards the window and try and look around. The building is far to wide and tall for me to see all of it from this carriage. I reach to open the door to get out and get a better look but Sebastian is already there to open the door. He offers his hand to help step down, and I take it and hop onto the stone driveway.  I stroll forward and admire the gorgous estate. It has a tall hedges and a coble stone drive way, the building itself is large and has a grey rock face. 

"I see your admiring my estate, it is nice I will admit. Its an exact replica of the orginal before it burned down." Ciel says walking up to me. 

I look at him unsure what to say since I already new that it had burned down. 

"Madam how many bedrooms will you be needing?" Sebastian asks pulling me out of my daze.

"Um.. two Sam and Dean can share." 

"Very well." He says walking to the stairs then through the manors large doors.

"Now I can't  possibly have people at my manor in cloths like that," Ciel says jabbing his fingure toward Sam Dean and I, "I will have Mey-Rin find something for you." 

Ciel turns and walks toward the doors of the manor motoining for us to follow him, so we do. The large doors open by themselfs with loud creeking noises. They open almost painfully slowly, we stand at the doorway until Ciel seems fed up and just sqeezes through the narrow opening and opens the door himself. When Sam Dean and I walk in there is a tall man with shoulder length brown hair and glasses standing there getting yelled at by Ciel.

"God! Your useless Grell! Hasn't Sebastian taught you anything?! We have guest, how are we supose to give them the famed Phantomhive hospitality if your over here being an idiot!" 

Grell stands still his face looking pained until Ciel is done yelling.

"I'm sorry young master! I  have to kill myself for it is the only way to restore my honor!" Grell screechs pulling a knife out of his pocket and brings it up above head. He trusts his hands down but Dean grabs his wrist.

"Idiot." Ciel mumors under his breath. 

"Hey man take it easy, its no big deal. You must be new or something." Dean helps Grell to his feet, Grell giving him googly eyes the entire  time. I montion for Sam to lean down which he does, I whisper into his ear, 'Grell is super gay, I think he might fancy Dean.' Sam chuckles and straights back up just as Sebastian shows up. 

"Master I have prepared there rooms and a proper change of clothes." Sebastian says giving Ciel a small bow.

"Very well, i'm going to go to my study, bring me some tea after you show are guest there rooms." Ciel turns and walks away strolling slowly up the stairs. 

"If you three would come with me, and Grell make the master some tea, and remeber the way I showed you." Sebastian turns and walks up the stairs as well and we follow, (do you know the big grand stair case in titanic, well that is pretty much what this entire front entry way looks like its crazy.) We walk down a hallway and stop at the first door on the right, "Sarah, this will be your room in which you will be staying, I how everything is to your liking, I left some change of cloths in the closet." Sebastian says opening the door revaling an imaculate room with a large queen sze four poster bed, a big window revealing the yard, and robin egg blue wall paper. 

"It's amazing thank you Sebastian." I say walking in looking around, I see a door off to the side I imagine that its the bathroom. I here the door click behind me and foot steps walking away. I wander over the the large brown dresser and open the top drawer. In it there is a beautiful floor length silk night gown in a color that matches the wall paper. I lay it out on the bed and strip my clothes, and wad them up in a ball throwing them in the bottom draw which was empty. I grab the dress and slip it over my head, It fits perfectly. I walk into the bathroom admiring myself in the mirror. I smile then walk and climb into bed. I watch the ceiling flicking with the light of the candles. I stay awake staring at the ceiling for what feels like hours. My mouth feels dry and its quite uncomforatble so I pull back the covers and walk to the door. I leave my candle in my room, I can see rather well in the dark. I wander around until I find the right hallway. I turn to go down it but see Grell and A thin tall women in red at the end of the hallway so hug the wall where I pray they can't see me. 

"Grell there is one more women, and I will not rest until we get her." The tall women says, "They took away my child, and they threw out there ability to have them without a second thought! It sickens me."

A evil grin creeps across his face, "Yes, madam red. When would you like to finish her off?" 

"Tonight, we know where she, end her now." She silently yells at Grell before turning and walking away thankfully in the other direction. 

"So.. are you just gonna stand there or what?" Grell says, it takes  me a moment before I relize he's taking to me. 

"Ya im good." I say crossing my arms and staring at him, lit by the kitchen light seeping through the crack under the door next to him. 

"Fine, i'll just come to you," He says he then dispears and shows up next to me in a blink of an eye. 

I turn to walk back to my room, (Why didn't I just drink water out of the tap in my bathroom?) I really am not intrested in talking to him especailly since he's going to kill someone.  He then shows up in front of me and I take a step backwards not wanting to stand so close to him.  

"Please I won't tell I swear just let me alone and my lips are sealed, I'll even put in a good word for you with Dean. Just don't hurt me." I say covering my face with my arms. 

"Dean? Man he is a hotty, not really my type but tottaly make an exception for him." Grell says getting all google eyes over him, (sorry I don't know how else to say it)  "Fine, but if you speak a word of this i'll have your head!" Grell spits, before walking off. I lean against the wall letting out a sigh of relief before walking back to my room.

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