Chapter 9

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Kennedy

"There have been reports of missing people, and most of them have been happening around your school, I would think you would know something about them since there happening at your school." Sherlock said straigtening his jacket and fixing his scarf.

"Ya well I did know about the missing people.......But I didn't.....Why are you guys concerned about people going missing in my school?" I ask not being able to look at Sherlock since it was almost embrassing to look him in the eye I just felt dumb in his precence but I guess i'll get used to it.

"Um don't mind him, sometimes he just dosent notice when he's being an ass." said the man that had been standing behind Sherlock sticking his hand out, "Doctor John Waston." 

"Pleasure to meet you." I said taking his hand. 

"Okay then! Lets go!" The Doctor said skipping his feet together and went running to the TARDIS doors snapping his fingures and the doors opened.

"Amazing!" John said grabbing Sherlocks arm and tugging him into the TARDIS, Cas looked at them and grabbed Dean and did the same bringing him into the TARDIS. I giggled at all of them and happily walked into the TARDIS, Sam walking in behind me and closing the doors. 

"I've been thinking of what it could be but I can't think of anything, do you guys have any idea? The only thing I could think of is faires." Dean said wavving us over and sitting cross legged at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Pssh fairies? Theres no such thing." Sherlock said joining all of us on the floor.

"Oh trust me there is." Dean said shaking his head.

"Ya um actaully um didn't you think that people were getting abducted by aleins and um then you got abducted and it turned out they were fairies and that crazy women was right the entire time." I said nervously. They stared at me with looks of shock. 

"H-how did you know that?" Dean asked.

"I told you there is a t.v show Supernatural. That happened in season 6? I think"  I said looking at my nails. 

"Okay......" Sam said, "Then you should have enough expirence in hunting and all of our experties so you'll end up being more helpful than I thought," 

"Why did you guys pick me to help you?" I say still picking at my nails not wanting to make eye contact for it just felt uncomforable. "I mean if I were to pick anyone to help me it would be this girl in my class Hailey, she is crazy about these shows and knows more than me about them."

"Well I doubt she has the abilties that you have." Cas said.

"What do you mean?" I ask looking up.

"Do you really not know?" Cas asked looking like a hurt puppy.

"Ya I really don't." I said feeling embrassed so I got up and walked to the wall turned my back to them, which made me feel like a child. Cas put his hand on my shoulder and I spun around forcing his hand off my shoulder. 

"How could you have forgotten, you did so much." Cas said in disbelief. 

"Will you just tell me what I was!" I yell I just couldn't take it I didn't want to sound mean or rude but it was just bothering me. Cas took a step back from me.

"i'm sorry Cas, I just got frustrated." I say looking at him.

"Your very powerful Sarah and if you did forget it means that it is not time or you have not found it yet, so we will come back for you when your ready but I beilve that the doctor screwed up the timeline." Cas said sounding sorrowful. Then the TARDIS shuddered and the doors swung open showing my bedroom. 'i'm sorry Sarah but it itsn't time yet, you must go you only have a few mintues before your test." Cas said pushing me out of the TARDIS. "By Sarah see you soon!" The Doctor said waving, John waved as well. Sherlock just sorta stood there and watched but Sam, and Dean waved as well. Cas clasped me on the shoulder and gave me a small smile them walked back into the TARDIS. And with a snap of the Doctor's fingures the TARDIS doors closed and the TARDIS disapeared. 

Once in a Dream: A Superwholock StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang