Chapter 16

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Since I had said assbutt I remembered that Cas was nowhere. "Dean?"

"Ya Sarah"

"Where's Cas?" I ask, since I thought he was alseep on the TARDIS but since all of this stuff had gone on he must no be here.

"He must have popped out for a bit. He does that you'll get used to it." Dean said casually.

"How long do you suppose that I will be hanging out with you guys? I mean trust me i'd love to but i'd be dead in a week. I don't think I'll be with you enough to get used to Cas." I say crossing my arms over my stomach. Dean frowned and turned over to Sam and the began talking in a hushed tone. Seeing them in real life I can totally see why people would ship them. I really would love to stay with them, but i'm to lazy i've been a blogger on tumblr for to long. I check my watch its gotten late at least it felt late my watch just kept spinning. "Doc, what time would it be for me?" I say grabbing onto the railing for some reason i started to get insanely tired. 

"Well lets see.. didn't you just take a nap? You really shouldn't be  this tired." He said walking over to me.

"I had a long day." I try and look anywhere except at him.

" Here let me look at you i'm a doctor." John said comming out of the hallway Sherlock standing behind him.

"No i'm fine just-" 


I look around i'm laying in my bed my head feels like its about explode, and I think I might throw up. There are no windows in my room so I don't know what time it is, not that it would help we probably are just hanging out in space again. I try and sit up but fail, "Jesus Christ!" I yell falling back down onto the pillow.

"What does my father have to do with your headache?" I here someone say in the distance, I guess its Cas but I don't want to turn my head to look. 

"Sorry, Cas" I say suddenly sleepy again. "Cas?" I say humbly trying not to whine. Someone turns on the light and I make a weird hissing choking noise. And threw the pillow over my head.

"Turn the light out!" I here Cas yell harshly,

"Oh sorry just wanted to check up on her, is she up?" I here I think either John or Caleb say. God I feel like I have a bad hangover or something. I feel someone sit down on my feet. 

"What do you need?" I can no longer tell who is talking all there voices sound the same. 

"Who are you?" I mumble. I here someone else laugh in the distance.

"i'm Castiel."

"Oh okay. Cas is there anything you can do for my headache?"

"Well I could normally but the Doctor said  no angle business till where back in your time period." Cas said, I couldn't see him. But I could tell by the way he was sitting on my feet he was not comfortable. 

"Cas, can you get off my feet?" I wiggle my toes.

"Ya sorry."  Cas said standing up.

"Sarah, hey Sarah can you here me?" Someone probaly said taping my checks.

"Sarah! Sarah!"


BEEP                         BEEP                                BEEP

I sit up in a big whit room with people surrounding me. People I have never seen before the place looked like a hospital.

"Oh the hell are you?" I ask my headache gone im not tired. "Wait am I dead, Where the hell am I!" I shout my throught was dry and scratchy. I brust into a coughing fit that makes my eyes water. A man with a tired worn face rest his hand on my back. I lean away from him and cower in the corner of my bed. "If you don't tell me where I am I swear to god I will hurt someone!" I am boiling with anger staring at these strange people. After I yelled the man burst into tears and ran out of the room. "Whats his problem?" I ask stubernly. 

"Thats your father! How dare you talk about him that way!" A women stood up and chastized me.

"Um sorry lady but thats not my Dad ok, I don't know what drugs your on but i'm not anyone heres kid." 

The women then burst into tears and ran out of the room, then I was in the room by myself with a teenager leaning against the wall frowning at me. I wanted to cry out of frustartion but I don't want these fools thinking it was because I hurt there feelings. 

"Yo kid! Where am I?"  I ask the teenage boy in the corner.

"Seriously? What the F happened to you." He shook his head and walked out and I could see through the small door window him hugging the women and the man. 

"Okay, um guys? Castiel? God? Raphiel? Anyone? What is going on? Please help me seek understanding." 

I stop praying and look around the room, no Cas and no archangles. I sigh and lean against the backbord of the hospital bed. 

"Sarah!" I here a voice that sounds alot like Cas's so I open my eyes.

"Cas!" I say and smile at him, he gives me a confused look then laughs.

"They said this might happen, no sweety its me your uncle." The man who claimed to be my uncle said. I gave him a look and shook my head. 

"Well if your not Cas....Then your Misha Collins and I know for certain that i'm related to Misha Collins."

He laughs and then pats me on the back. "Get some rest kiddo." He pats my shoulder and walks out of the room. 

"GOD DAMMINT CASTIEL! THE DOCTOR! THE TIME LORDS OF GALLIFREY!!!!! ANYONE!!! I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here. PLEASE HELP!!" I yell at the top of my lungs, with all the yelling my "Family" comes back in with nurses and doctors. "Help me god dammint i'm not insane. I'm not your daughter!" I screech as the strap to the bed and wheel me down the hallway. Thrashing my legs and arms all I can think of is my real family an friends and cry and scream. A nurse grabs a syringe and stabs it into my thiegh. I stop screaming and take fast short breaths. "The Doctor will save me......"

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