Chapter 6

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I run my hand through my hair and sigh loudly. There was no chance that I could go to bed considering that I just took a five hour nap. So I grab my computer and open up Netflix and watch Sherlock. I guess I fell asleep watching Sherlock because I wake up on my floor with my computer on my lap and my alarm blaring my favorite arctic monkeys song. I silence my alarm and get up cracking my back. I  pull a pair of old skinny jeans and a faded t-shirt. I slowly make my way into the bathroom to put on my eyeliner. I pick up my pencil a carfully start tracing my eye. I was so consentrated on my eyeliner that I didnt here my sister come up behind me.

"BOO!" My sister said in my ear. And since I didnt know she was there I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Jeus christ Lucy! You scared the shit out of me!" I screeched at her.

"Well good thing we're in a bathroom." Lucy said jumping up on the bathroom counter.

"haha ya good thing." I reply sarcastically. 

"So how'd ya sleep?" Lucy asked swinging her legs. 

"Fine, I had a weird dream though." I replied.

"What was it? Tell me about it!"Lucy squealed.

"God you sound like a pig." I say setting down my eyeliner, "and im not telling you." I picked up my powder and applied to my face where I had a blemish. 

"Okay how do I look?" I asked Lucy turning and facing her. 

"Down right sexy!" Lucy said.

"Okay getting creepy!" I said laughing.

An alram sounded somewhere in the house.

"Well theres my alram time to go to school! See you later sis!" Lucy said running out of the house. Now I was alone the way that I liked it. I have to say I have a cute house. But I could do without all the embrassing pictures of me. My sister and I smiling toothless, me crying on Santas lap. I laughed at these pictures and the great memories that followed them. I sat down on my stairs at the end of the hallway and sat with my head in the clouds fond memories cirlcling around my head.

"Sarah! Sarah! Or whatever your name is come with me!" Dean said grabbing my hand.

"How the hell did you get in my house! Where are you taking me! I have school and a test." I screamed shocked and scared!

"Well your front door was open, and we'll get you back in time for your test you sound like Sam." Dean said gripping my hand tighter.

"How are you going to get back in time for my test its in an hour!' I said , I have never missed a day of school.

"We'll have the doctor take you back" Dean answered taking me out the front door.

"Doctor? Doctor Who?" I ask.

"Oh I love it when they say that." Said a man in a tweed jack with a bowtie, and a thick british acennt. 

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