Chapter 3

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I touch lips smiling in shock. I didn't want to stop kissing him but I had to. That was my first kiss and i just got nervous of my breath and everything. I walk the rest of the way home without him catching up to me which is better than if did. When I get to my house no one is home so I just go into my room and close the door. I have to say I have a very cool room. when you walk in to the right my wall is plaster with pictures of space and airplanes. My crown jewel of that collection my air safety cards you get the back of a plane. when your looking at the wall and turn right again you will see my closet and just above the closet is all the doctors in order. And I instead of doors on the closet I have two flags covering it. my bed which is a loft bed sits in the far left corner. I have a great veiw of my fandom posters from here. I climb up my ladder and stare at the ceiling. "The fuck just happened? " I say to myself. "He is like so hot and im really not, why the fuck would he chose to kiss me?" I said glad no one was home god if my sister heard me she would tell my dad right away. I lay on my bed my head spinning, i'm thinking about this to much. It's probably nothing I mean come on. Okay now I sound like one of those girls that all she cares about are boys and if my hair is straight. God I hate him! I hate Caleb he's making me crazy. "Just go to sleep take a nap Sarah." I say to myself rubbing my head. "Uuuhhgggg!" I say as I pull the covers over my head.

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