Chapter 22

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I wake up to the sun in my face, no idea what the time is but I assume that its early. I rub my eyes and stare at the cieling, god that was a weird dream. Or I pray to god it was a dream.  I pull the covers back and walk over to the dresser. I open the top part which is like a mini closet. I find a dress that will none the less reqire a corset. Its a flowy dress pink green and white, a light green belt with a whit flowy flowery dress base covered with pick pastells. Beautiful, I pick it up and something falls to the ground, I look and pick it up.

"Score!" I yell a little to loudly. I get to wear a bonet. I must have been a little to loud because I then hear a knock on my door. I go to open it and Sebastian is standing there.

"Hello Ma'm," He says bowing, "I see you have awoken, I will get Mey-Rin to assist with your dressing." He turns and walks down the hallway so I lay out my cloths on my bed.

"Man i've always wanted to wear a bonet." I say clasping my hands together, a few mintues later theres another small knock on my door. I open it and see and short skinny red haired women in a maids outfit standing there,  "You must be Mey-Rin," I say sticking out my hand to shake, "Pleasure to meet you." 

She takes my hand and gives it a small shake before comming into my room, "i don't want to indrude on your privacy, ma'm but there is no one else here that can help you do forgive my rudeness." She says in a high pitch squeling voice.

"Its fine, I beilve you will do a great job," I say giving her a smile, I then strip and she starts putting on my corset.

"Sweet jeus."  I half screech half whisper under my breath, I did not imagine that corsets could hurt this much, I will be suprised if I make it through the day wihtout passing out, After what seems like way to long I stand in front of a mirror my hair up in a bun and covered with a bonet, a long beautiful floor length dress. Dispeit the fact that I can't breath I feel amazing, I give Mey-rin my thanks before she leaves. Once, shes gone I go out into the hallway and nock on Sam and Deans door.

Dean opens the door dressed to the nines in a sharp suit with a bow around his neck and a waist coat, I look and see Sam behind  him also in a suit but instead of a bow his neck is encofled in ruffles. 

"Well you guys look.... good." I say, trying not to laugh. I mean Sam looked halirous but god theres nothing Dean can wear that will make him look bad. "Come on I think breakfast is ready." I motion for them to follow me, I know where everything is or what the hallways look like so we manage to get to the dinning hall in a short amount of time.

we  walk in to see Ciel sitting at the end of the table reading the paper with Sebastain standing next to him. When we walk in they both look shocked.

"What?" I ask sitting down at the seat as far away from Ciel and Sebastian and closest to the exit, honestly I don't trust them especailly when they have a murderess butler roaming the manor. 

"We weren't expecting you just yet, we've never had guests who have been able to find there way around this house, its like a maze you could say." Sebastian says busying himself with making more tea. 

"No matter where you go what time what place all houses have the same basic lay out and are rather easy to get around, even yours Lord Phantomhive." I say sitting up right in my chair and giving him a false smile, I actaully only know how to get around because of the anime, and internet.

Ciel just shrugs and goes back to his paper, Sebastian puts down a tea cup in front of me, it smells like earl grey but i'm not sure.

"Earl Grey, acomantied with a blueberry scone." Sebastian says placing a plate next to me. 

"Thank you Sebastian," I say looking around the room, "Um where's Grell?" 

"He... Quit" Sebastian said stiffly, before walking off.

"What every you say Bassy." I mumble under my breath, knowing no one will hear me, or at least no one human, I look over at him his eyes are wide. Yep he heard me. 

I take a sip of the earl grey and let me just say the vicount's reactions were not exagerations this is the  most delicous tea i've ever had, "Wow this is amazing." I say in disbief of how good it was.

After breakfast im stuffed,  and not sure what we do from here, I mean how on earth could this be related to Crowley? Its  no even the same god damn show. I'm sitting in Sam and Deans room which is bigger than mine and has to red twin four poster beds with drapes hanging off them and a small sitting area along with a closet and another bathroom. 

"So how do we solve this? I mean how do we figure out why we got shoved into some weird parrell universe with demons butlers and grim reapers? And what does this have to do with Crowley?" I ask jumping onto Deans bed and sitting on it. 

"I don't know what this has to do with crowley but we can figure out what crowley has to do with Sebastain, We can mention Crowley, and other Demon stuff around him, also sarah im going to draw a anti-possion symbol on your arm so that he might see it." Sam says walking over to a duffle bag and pulling out a sharpie. 

"Whatever." I say lying back on Deans bed and stretching my arm out.

"Do you have to lay on my bed?" Dean asks in a winning tone.

"Give me a break i'm in a corset." 

"What ever, i'm going to go exolore." Dean says getting up to leave.

"Have fun storming to castle!" I say thinking of some movie my grandpa used to make refences to. I hear him leave then the door close. Sam sits on the bed carefully draw a pentagram on my arm.

"Hey Sam, how much you wanna bet that you could get wifi here." 

"Well we couldn't cause we don't have a computer." Sam says.

"Ya cause thats the problem not at all the fact we're in victorain london." I say sarcastiaclly, "and besides we do I left my phone in my pocket its in my room, along with a manga book I slipped in the pocket of my sweatshirt."

"Should we try it?" Sam asks look at me pausing on the drawing.

"Ya no Sam, just finish the pentagram," I say closing my eyes then I think of something, "Sam! The manga its black butler, I could read it in front of them and see what happens!" 

"And how would that help?" Sam asks putting the flames on the pentagram.

"I don't know I really just want to see there reaction." 

"Okay, just don't get us in any trouble, if we're here then we can investagate them easier and I don't want to get kicked out."  Sam says finishing the pentagram.  I sit up and look at it, 

"hey not bad." I pat him on the back and get up. I walk into my room and pull black butler out of my sweatshirt pocket. I tuck it under my arm and walk down to the back porch, it has a small pach of shade with a table and chairs underneath it. I go and sit under it with my elbows on the table and my book in my face, I would slouch but its freaking impossible in this god damn corset! I stick my nose in the book and read disapear in fact into the world of black butler. Ciel and Sebastian (OTP) against angles Grell being his beautiful gay self. I'm so ingrossed in the book I don't notice Sebastian when he places a tea cup in front of me. I jump in shock then give a small smile.

"Hello Sebastain, oh and thank you." I close the book and take a sip of the tea. Its not earl grey its a fresher springtime mixture, I like it. 

"May I ask what your reading?" Sebastian says looking at the cover of the book which has Sebastian standing in front of Ciel holding dinner knifes. 

"Black butler," I say causally taking another sip of tea, "Your free to look at it." 

He flips through the pages before setting the book down and walking off. 

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