Chapter 20

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"There seems to be no way to kill weeping angles." Sam said.

"And there is no fucking rifts in time lying around! NO cracks in time! My friends are going to die!" I let out a small sob.  "And how are we going to kill the king of hell!?" Tears start runining down my face, Caleb slides his hand around my waist but I shove him off and wipe my face with the back of my hand. I make my face as cold as possible not wanting to show weakness the only way to solve this is by facing it head on there is no point in crying. I look over at Caleb and he looks hurt but I ignore him there is no time for that now. 

"But we do know how to solve the demon problem, so we are going to gank these sons of bitchs, come on Sammy!" Dean yells just as the TARDIS lands, They run out of the TARDIS but stop right outside the door.

"Uh Doc this is victorain london. Why are we in london?" 

"This is the source of the problem where it all began." The Doctor said. 

I walk over to the front doors of the TARDIS and look out. Then someone shoves me from behind.

"The Fuck?!" I fall forward, the TARDIS doors slam shut the TARDIS takes off leaving us in London in god knows what year. I can hear Dean and Sam stamering but I ignore them, I know this place. How do I know this place? I think of pictures then documentries. 

"If you don't mind can you guys shut up!" I say coldly to Sam and Dean between clenched teeth. I realise I now have a british accent. I look up at Sam and Dean, "Say something Dean!" 

"Umm... Hi- What the!" Dean stammered in a beautiful british accent. 

"Dude!" Sam says then cups his hand over his mouth. I laugh and give them a small smile.

"You guys seem flustered." Says a voice from behind me, I know that voice how do I know that voice?! I spin around and look behind me.

"What!! NO It Can't Be!!" I yell and run forward, I then slam into someone else. 

"What seems to be the hurry, my young lady?" Another man says, I know him to how do I know him? 

"You look like you've seen a ghost." He sticks his hand out to help me up, I ignore him and stand up walking over to Sam and Dean. 

"Its nothing you just seemed to have a familiar face," I shrug and frown, "Besides why do you care you don't know who I am why should you care if i'm  scared?" I cross my arms and stare at him raising my eyebrow.

"She's right Sebastian we're wasting are time, lets go." The boy says.

"Yes my young lord" Sebastian says.

"Wait Sebastian? Sebastian Michaelis?" I Stammer. He turns and looks at me stunned for a brief moment before his expression goes into a calm smile.

"Why yes my lady." Sebastian says he narrows his eyes, "My I ask how you know that?" 

"Don't you need permisson from your master to ask questions?"

Sebastian looks over his shoulder at his master, His master gives him a small nod. {His master can't be any older than 13. He has an eye patch over one of his eyes and a short hair cut with bangs that hang over his eye patch. He has a cloak with a big blue ribbon fastening it together, along with a top hat and walking stick.}

"So then my lady answer the question." Sebastian cocks his head  to the side and smiles.

I clench my teeth and answer, "You wouldn't understand, even for you sebastian its a bit out of your reach."

"You talk as if you know me."

"Well... I don't know you, but I know of you, I know your story with Ciel at least." I look at my feet not wanting to make eye contact with his cold red eyes.

"Sarah is this another one of your T.V shows?" Dean asks.

"Yes Dean, it is."

"Wait how do you know my name! I demand to know!" Ciel says stomping his foot.

"Your the earl Phantomhive how could I not know your name?" I say sincerly hoping he would by it. I look at him, he is my exact hieght so I don't have to crane my neck to stare at someone for once.

He narrows his eyes at me before turning to Sebastian, "Sebastian we shall take these people back to the manor, I feel like they could be  most useful."  

"Unless Sarah, you already have a place to stay?" He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"No my Lord, and thank you."  I say giving him a  small curtsey. I motion for Sam and Dean to follow and we walk to a carriage. Sebastian opens the door and Dean, Sam, and I climb in.

"My Master and I will take another one, we will see you at the manor." Sebastian says. He closes the door then  after a moment the carriage jerks forward, we sit in silence for a moment.

"So care to explain?" Sam asks.

"Its another T.V show but the reason I was so taken aback, I mean I have kinda gotten used to seeing fictinal characters in real life, this t.v is different." I look at both of them then down at my hands," Its a t.v show called Black Butler, and the differnce that it has between supernatural, Doctor who, and Sherlock is that its, well its. Anime, so I don't  understand how this could be happening."

"Okay..... um werid T.V show thing besides what does this have to do with Crowley?" Sam asks.

"Anime." Dean says quietly.

"What?' Sam gives Dean a weird look.

"The werid T.V show thingy is called anime."

Sam rolls his eyes at Dean then raises his eyebrow at me, as if he were reasking the question.

"Well, it probably has something to do with Sebastian." I pause and look at them both staring at me hanging on my everyword, "He's a Demon."

Once in a Dream: A Superwholock StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя