Chapter 23

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I pick up my book again and go right back to reading it, it dosn't take much for me to become obsessed with stuff, or fall back into there world. I mean when I was really into Harry Potter, god it was bad. I sit my head in the clouds, I loose my place and begin to daydream. The suddenly I feel someone shove a towel over my mouth. I hold my breath and struggle to get them off, I scream but its muffled by the rag. I begin to see spots in my vision before it all goes dark. 


I wake up in a dark room, i can see nothing but a crack of light that must be comming from a door. If I can get there hopefully it can be an exit. I try and stand but I just fall back over, my anckles and tide in shackles. I let out a small sob, my head hurts and i've been kidnapped this is great just great.

"Fuck superwholock! And this damn black butler." I say laying on my face. 

"Well, well shes got a mouth on her, wouldn't you say Claude?" says a high pitch boy voice from somewhere in the room, the voice most likely belongs to Alois Trancy and the Claude would be his butler a demon Claude Faustus.

"Really? You guys are real to? Fuck Me," I say in a small winy voice, god im so sick of there shit. I'm going to personally murder Sam and Dean. 

"What do you mean we're real?" Says a cold voice, most likely Claude.

"You wouldn't understand." I say through clenched teeth. I suddenly feel someone next to me, I can kind of see then in the dark. The put there hand on my chin and jerk my head up, "Try me." Claude says.

"Fine, your name is Claude Faustus, that boy your master his name is Alois Trancy and you guys have a contract. Your also known as the queens spider, while Ciel Phantomhive is known as the queen's guard dog. Also Sebastian is a Demon because aprently everyone is a Demon or a grimm reaper or something! Anyway, you Claude really want Ciel's soul because your greedy and such and Alois isn't enough even though Ciel is Sebastains. So you guys don't really like the Phantomhive's even though you really want them for souls and crap. Oh and Alois fancies Claude!" I say smirking into the darkness, I then proced to get kicked in the stomach but not from Claude, this persons foot is far smaller must be Alois, I kneel over in pain before smirking again, "Would you like me to tell you Alois about your background story, your brother the village."

"Shut up you twat!" Alois yells kicking me again.

"Thats no way to treat a lady." I say lying on the ground my stomach aching, I guess this is one thing a corset is good for, it hurts less when little boys kick you. 

"How do you know that! I demand to know!" Alois yells.

"Hoheo Taralna, Rondero Tarel" I say not bothering to answer Alois's question. 

I hear him gasp then  he kicks me in the face, I let out a small yelp trying not to show much pain or emotion but that one hurt, "You dare kick a lady in the face?" I say quoting Grell actaully. 

"Well you seem to know alot, but you failed to mention me." A voice says not Claudes or Alois's or anyone I can think of from black butler. He still has a british acennt, but its mixed with a american one.

"Crowley?" I ask into the dark

Once in a Dream: A Superwholock StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin