Chapter 15

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"Okay, so thats one way to get rid of them." Dean said.

"Th-that this makes no since! I don't understand, I usually understand everything. This is like hell hounds all over again." Sherlock said pacing back and forth. 

"You've faced hell hounds" Dean asked "Oh my god! Stop pacing Sherlock! Tell me about the hell hounds?"

"Well they weren't real hell hounds they were induced by some sort of fog." John explained.

"Ya and I understood that, this, there is no explanation for this! I watched a stone statue crawl out of a picture!" Sherlock said pulling at his hair.

"Sherlock can you just think about this in your mind palace!" John yelled. Sherlock didn't answer he just sat down and rested his head on his hands. 

"What the hell is a mind palace?"  Dean asked staring at Sherlock.

"A place where he stores all the information he's ever received, its hard to explain." John said. Then Dean turned to me and raised a eyebrow. 

"Nope not explaining it," I said turning my back on him and looking at Sherlock. He is extremely good looking. Seriously anyone who looks that much like Benedict Cumberbatch how could they not be good looking. I guess that could go for anyone in this room. Although I don't dig Sam's Rapunzel hair. If only I were older. I let out a sigh, and Sherlock looked at me and laughed then seemed to go back to his mind palace.

"That wasn't creepy or anything." I say giving Sherlock a weird look and raising a eyebrow at John. 

"Sometimes it seems that he can read minds, what were you thinking about." John asked me.

"Ummm nothing he would find funny, and why does he have to be able to read minds? He's already extremely clever!" I say mad at John for some reason. "I don't think you can do it!" I spit at Sherlock.

"Oh I can, would you like me to share with the class?" Sherlock said staring me down.

"Sherlock-" John started to say but Dean yelled from the background, "Oh yes Sherlock do share." 

Sherlock opened his mouth to say something then I had a great idea, "How about if Dean is so cofidate you could tell us how he feels about a certain angle. At this Dean turned bright red,

"Dude," Sam said and started laughing. 

"Okay then I will do yours." Sherlock said pointing at me. "Dean isn't sure about Cas, I presume that Cas is the angle in question. Now some of the things that Cas does for Dean could be mistaken for the fact that Cas is Deans guardian angle and that Cas is just trying to protect Dean. But I am not saying that they don't have feelings for each other. They most certainly do," Sherlock said looking at me and rose his eyebrow. 

"Okay what about you and John?" Dean asked his face still beat red,

"I'm not gay!" John yelled stamping his foot. Dean gave him a look, "Your one to talk Dean." Sam said. 

"Shut up." Dean stomped on Sam's foot.

"So what was Sarah thinking?" The Doctor asked reminding me of what I had been thinking.

"She thinks that the actors that play are characters in her world are cute, and she also thinks that we are cute since we all look like are characters, but she seems to not like Sam that much, I guess it's the hair."  

"Hey you are all rather good looking guys." Caleb said from behind me wrapping his arms around my waist which made me jump a little. 

"So do you guys ever focus?" The Doctor asked all of us.

"Ya sorry, research this is right up your alley Sammy." Dean said nudging Sam with his elbow as Sam rolled his eyes.

"I think that your the bigger nerd Dean." I say toying with my sweater,

"How do you mean?" He asked looking at me.

"Well you make a t.v show every ten seconds and not to mention the old cars and music. Your the bigger nerd Sam is just a geek there is a difference." 

"Aha!" Sam said stabbing the air with his fist, "Nerd!" Sam said pointing at Dean, "Bitch!" Dean said to Sam, "Jerk!" Sam said in response. I mumbled assbutt under by breath but nobody herd me. 

Author's note:

Sorry if this was bad. I will proably come back and fix it later I just kind of ran out of ideas and it seemed like I hadn't talked about Sherlock in a while so decided to make this one more focoused on him. Sorry it was so short i've been getting busy. Thanks to my new followers and new people reading my story it truely is amazing I never thought that I would get any readers. 

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