Christmas! (jordomi + Benomi + decomi)

Start from the beginning

"she gave you her number" deadpanned Declan

"uh-yeah" I backed him up

"It's not important" Bennett's eyes clouded over

"but what was a rich girl like herself doing here?" Declan looked so puzzled I just wanted to give him a hug and tell him that he didn't need to worry.

"didn't you see she was foreign? someone probably gave her the wrong address and she walked in here on accident"

"Are you sure?" I asked this because at the moment I'm fairly sure she tried to hit it off with Bennett. I looked over at her, you couldn't say she wasn't beautiful. I looked back at myself. I wore the same outfit three days ago. My hair looks like a bird's nest and my skin is what you call the opposite of smooth. I normally look like I could be ill. I sighed and watched as Bennett watched her. She was perfect for him, beautiful, rich, she probably left a heart-shaped stain in his mind as soon as he set eyes on her. Here I am, looking like death itself. I could just hear Jordan whispering in my ear "someone's jealous" and at the moment I wasn't sure if I agreed with him or not. Most likely, I should agree. I pushed my glasses up and continued on with my slushie. none of us talked.


We all got in the car and headed to the hospital to pick Jordan up. He was sitting on the steps with a wide grin on his face. Whatever happened there seemed to cheer him up a whole lot. He climbed into the back seat and couldn't stop talking. He was talking about doctors, and his mum and a fight or something, but he left out his dad. I guess they still weren't on good terms.

"H-hey Naomi, thanks about earlier, I only really went because of what you said, I really needed to hear it"
"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it so harshly, but I'm glad she's ok"
I hope Jordan isn't too sad about this but it's hard to tell because he tends to keep his emotions bottled up. "where to now?" Bennett asked us.

"I think we should just go back to the base," I said, Declan nodded in agreement. Jordan looked at all of us.

"What'd I miss?"

A/N ^ That was for the Hamilton fans ^


I heard a ping coming from my phone and went to see what it was. The sender was someone called Sofia but I  just ignored it, it was probably just spam. We all slumped onto the sofa, Jordan sliding into the floor when there wasn't enough space.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked nodding his head towards the console in front of us. We all nodded in agreement and each picked up a controller. We looked around for a game that we all wanted to play. This was hard. Jordan wanted to play an RPG, Declan wanted to play a simulation. Bennett wanted to play a racing game and I honestly didn't care. When we found a game to play. The world around us turned dark. Somehow as annoying as it is, by the time it's 4:30 it's almost pitch black outside. We played for hours and hours until we got so tired we had to switch off. We were all sleeping on the sofa the way we did back when I found out about the lost boys. Poor Bennett, he's always in this position.

Now, we were scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to watch when Bennett pulled me aside. The glare from the tv had made my eyes go weird so I had to set aside a few minutes for them to readjust. Bennett looked at me, he didn't feel the same since the encounter at the mall. I looked at him quizzically, I tried to hide my curiousness by trying to face away, but my eyes were locked on his. All I could see was blue. I gulped as he moved closer to me, shifting his gaze. For a moment I almost backed away, but he was still 3 feet away from me. What was I thinking?

In the distance, we could hear Jordan and Declan squabbling over what to watch. I glanced their way for a second. They looked like deer caught in the headlights as they spotted me looking their way. Both of them instantly stopped and looked at me and Bennett. Jordan was about to say something but Declan beat him to it. "Hey ya wanna watch the da Vinci CODE? Or the CONTRACT?" Yeah, being subtle wasn't his wrong suit. Bennett sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I wasn't about to make a move on her guys"

"Just as well" huffed Jordan sidling up to me protectively. I looked at all the guys when they first said that they thought of me as more than a friend I kind of panicked. Their friendship is incredibly important and I don't want to get in between that, besides, I don't want to upset the other two guys if I pick one.

"So, what is this" asked Declan
"I just needed to tell Naomi something" Bennett looked agitated.
"It's ok Bennett, you can tell them whatever you wanted to tell me"
He looked the guys up and down. Jordan smirked. "It's too personal" he muttered trying to imitate what Bennett would say. "It's not personal, I-I just wanted to clear some things up with her" he looked down at the two guys. I wasn't sure that one room could hold so much tension, so much unnecessary dialogue. Someone help me, please? The author has put me in this horrible position. 

A/N whoops, there goes the fourth wall - better find some glue before the next chapter...

Bennett gave the guys a dirty look and tossed his attention over to me. His expression turned serious as he leaned on the kitchen worktop. "That girl we met at the mall, I know her. Her mother has been friends with mine since before I was born. After talking with Sofia-"

'Sofia' I thought, where have I heard that name before? I tuned back into what Bennett was saying quickly so I didn't miss anything.

"And that's when I found out she's looking for me" I wasn't quite sure who was looking for Bennett but his mother... I don't think she was ever there for him. He never actually confirmed where she was, although I had this feeling that she might not be around anymore - anywhere. He must have mentioned his mother some time but - no, I guess not.

A/N Yayyy! It's almost Christmas! Here I wrote about all three ships as not to disappoint anyone near the holidays. Merry Christmas (or Hanukkah) (or what you're celebrating this month!) to all! have a good day today besides, it's the time of the year to relax after the Christmas rush. Thanks for reading!

... I know, I have a problem with putting a load of exclamation marks at the end of my sentences in the author's note. but hey, I didn't put one there! dammit. 

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