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"It hurts so much" She whined

She'd just finish getting her tattoo, which took a really long time cause I kept telling Pa to stop and to let her breathe. She kept screaming and I didn't like seeing her in that much pain.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you with that" I said, we were holding hands and walking to my spot. I had to take her there, had to let her in on everything she has a right to know now.

"How much farther?" She asked

"Almost there," I said we turned and walked up the hill, her on my back. I didn't want her getting hurt she was wearing heels and she was a little bit intoxicated.

We finally made it up the hill and I gently helped her down and the view was gorgeous, as usual but tonight it looked even prettier, maybe cause I was with her, she makes everything look good. "Wow" she whispered in amazement

The stars looked as if they were just an arms length away and the moon was gigantic above us. Beyond us down below we're just a bunch of trees, the head top of trees except for one spot. It looked as if a forest fire happened and the area was destroyed.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked hugging her from behind, "I come here at least once a day if possible, to think, reflect, to pray, to try and find my peace" I said

I unwrapped myself from behind her and took her hand pulling her closer and the area that looked destroyed was drawn out further and now you could see the whole area was just sitting there barren, "see that over there?" I pointed to the area that was burnt away She nodded

"That used to be my home, a long time ago" I said, "it was the Dark moon pack house and territory,"

"Dark Moon pack? But you're in Moon River pack... you guys changed names and location?" She asked looking up at me her eyes curious and I really couldn't ignore the innocence that lied beneath it

I let out a humorless chuckle, "sit" I said sitting on the hill and she followed "I remember playing with Ricky, Raven, Alexis, and my 2 brothers Warren and Phillip they were older than me I was only 8 at the time. We'd play together everyday, we were all best friends. My parents," I said taking a pause she took my hand in hers

"my mother was helping the other women with lunch and my father watched as we played. It honestly didn't feel any different from any other day, I didn't hear anything any different, I didn't see it coming I couldn't even smell them. It wasn't until Alexis, my youngest sister fell to the ground. I thought she tripped, she was a clumsy girl being only 6, I went to help her but as I got closer I could see she didn't fall from clumsiness. Her rosy cheeks.. they were pale her eyes turned dark and it was then I saw she was shot by an arrow"

She gasped in shock. The look on her face, pity? She caressed over my knuckles in reassurance making it a little easier to continue, I held onto her hand tighter and continued, "then before I could even get a single word out to my father the other people who were outside started dropping like flies, my father told us to go in, he yelled out war. I wanted to move, I wanted to run away but my body was frozen staring at my baby sister dead in front of me. If only I wasn't so stupid and I went inside..." I paused again

"You don't have to continue Mas," she said

"No, I'm fine." I replied "my brother Warren came to save me from an incoming arrow—

Story time flashback
"Mason No!" Warren yelled jumping in front of an incoming arrow

It was a silver arrow, just like the one that struck Alexis. Warren fell to the floor and whispered his last breath

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