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"Mason wait," I said taking my shirt and quickly putting it on but of course he didn't wait.

He was storming towards us his eyes never leaving Jack as he was his main target at the moment. I was surprised when I looked at Jack and he just stood there not phased with his hands in his pockets, before Mason could get any closer to do anything I hopped from the bed and threw my body into Mason's chest for support holding onto him. He looked at me and his eyes only darkened more he tried ripping me off him but I lace my fingers together and held the back of his neck. I knew any second now he could rip me off and throw me out the window all he had to do was try, "get out of here already Jack!" I yelled at him

Jack took some time but he started walking out not without eyeing down Mason which only pissed him off more. Mason ripped me from off of him and pushed me to the ground not caring at all about how rough he was and the amount of force he used. He lunged for Jack but it was already too late Jack was out the door and probably halfway out the house by now. I groaned on the ground trying to get up which was a big mistake cause now it was my turn. Mason took one look at me on the floor and came towards me the fastest I've ever seen. He picked me up by the throat and held me in the air squeezing in my neck tighter like he did on the first day only this time I was afraid he would actually kill me. His eyes were now the darkest I've seen them and they were filled with hate and rage.

"Please," I managed to choke out, I started seeing the tiny dots and and it was harder to breathe but he didn't care but instead he squeezed harder my eyes rolled behind my head then came back around and that's when he finally let go

He growled and threw me on the bed I closed my eyes coughing uncontrollably and trying to catch my breath, this was so painful. He was staring at me his eyes were still clouded in anger but I could see that he was also afraid, once our eyes met he made another growling noise and turned away giving me his back. Okay I know I was wrong but he was certainly overreacting, I didn't even do anything but kiss Jack unlike him and Raven.

"Feel better?" I asked him

He turned around and looked at me with hate he opened his mouth to say something but I decided to speak first, "we didn't do anything " I blurted

"Liar," he said his deep voice scaring me

I slightly frowned and tilted my head to the side, "why the fuck would I lie about that? We didn't do anything I stopped before it got too far"

"Too far? The whole situation was too far Autumn!" He yelled at me causing me to flinch "who the hell do you think you are? You're not here to hook up with my people "

"We didn't do anything!! It was just a kiss"I shouted back

"A kiss that needed you to have your shirt off? I'm not an idiot little girl" okay okay I know he's all angry but damn was he sexy when he was angry

"I already told you I stopped be-" he balled his fists so hard I could see his knuckles turn white I knew he wanted to beat my ass

"He shouldn't have touched your lips at all!" He cut me off "and even worse he saw you naked, you don't share that with anyone "

I rolled my eyes in my mind cause I knew if dared to do that right now he would most likely kill me. But honestly I don't see the big deal he's acting like he's a saint like he doesn't rearrange the dumbass's guts every chance he's gotten. He was going on and on about how wrong I am and how disgusting I am, nothing new. All he ever did was insult me night and day since day one he treated me like I was his biggest enemy, he never once showed me any attention or was nice to me all his loyalty and charm went towards Raven and he really wants to act like he doesn't know why I did what I did. Shut the fuck up.

"You're such a hypocrite," I said without realization

"Excuse me?" He asked

I frowned and sat up on my knees on the bed looking straight at him, "I said you're a fucking hypocrite, do you not see the hickeys that are spread across you like graffiti! I sure as hell didn't leave them. You have a whole other woman in this house that you call yours, you do everything for her and you treat her with respect. You sit in my face and make out with that bitch, you tell her you love her in my face, and you disrespect me and degrade me every single day. You act like I asked to be here like I was the one who forced you to keep me here and your really wanna wonder why I kissed another man. Fuck you Mason, at first I did feel bad but now I just regret not riding him till the bed broke. You see how it feels to be on my end" I said fighting back the angry tears that threatened to come out

He didn't say anything all he did was stare at me and clench his jaw a scowl on his face, "you reek of his scent take a shower," was all he said before walking out the room.

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