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We walked all around the place going to every room omit the bedrooms. You know what's crazy, the fact that EVERYONE who's apart of Masons pack they all live here.... hence why it's called the pack house! I'm so slow sometimes.

They've got everything you can think of here! They've got bedrooms, a play room, a theater, 2 libraries, a clinic, like 4 different studies and there was another room down the hall by the library on the ground level. It said on the door in big bold white letters:

Office: Authorized personnel

We just walked right past it and now we're headed outside which I've been dying to go, I missed the sun and fresh air. We walked out back and as soon as we did I breathed in the fresh air taking in the summer heat, I twirled around on the field and squealed in joy. I'm telling you being kept inside for 2 weeks against your free will does something to you, I was only able to see outside through a damn glass window.

"Really," Mason said with a very faint smile on his lips "you've missed outside this much ? "

I stopped my-- whatever the hell it was I was doing and went up to him, "can't you feel the sun on your skin? It feels so nice and the fresh air" I said stopping to take a deep breath as I closed my eyes "it's so light a-and fresh," I say in delight

He chuckles and shakes his head, I was probably being so extra but I needed this I was going insane inside. He took me by the waist pulling me forward, we walked past a garden which I didn't even know they had. It was beautiful there were so many colors and a bunch of butterflies but we didn't really stop to look he just kept pushing me forward till I realized we were headed for the woods.

"Wait wait wait," I said slowing down "you think you're slick"

"What?" He asked as I stopped walking and when I did an amused little grin appeared on his face

"Don't what me," I say moving away from him a little, " you drag me all the way out here and into the woods so you and your pack can have a little snack, yeah I'm not dumb you sicko!" I accused him. I knew he hated me and this was most likely all a ruse to get me right into his trap uhuh not this girl.

"W-what are you talking about?" He asked, I could almost hear the laugh in his voice as he spoke confirming I was right.

I backed up further and then before he knew it I ran from him, I didn't really know where I was running to but I had to leave the whole place itself. Maybe then I could finally escape and go on my belated trip, oh the things I wouldn't do for a martini.

I was knocked out of my thoughts and was stumbling, before I fell Mason wrapped his arms around me breaking my fall I mean considering he was the one who fucking TACKLED ME he better have taken the fall. I was lying under him and he was recovering from the fall, I took the opportunity to try and escape but he was too quick, he grabbed my hips pulling me back to him and he pinned my arms down so I wouldn't move, his body weight on the lower half of me didn't allow my legs to go anywhere either.

"Get off me!" I yelled struggling to get from under him, "I will not go out like this,"

He just stared at my struggling until finally I grew tired, he was smiling, the first I've ever seen him smile I'm not sure if it was an evil one or if it was genuine all I know is that his teeth were amazing and his smile was so cute. Anyways, aside from that I was still under this man and he was ready to bring me to get eaten, "choke on my bones," I hissed

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