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I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around me. I washed my hair too cause I felt extremely gross. I dried my hair off with another towel having my natural curls start to form. I looked around the bathroom for a bottle of lotion or some sort of body oil, my skin was starting to feel dry and I knew, being a colored woman, I would start to get ashy soon but of course there was nothing. I sighed and walked out the bathroom humming a song.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him, in all his beastly beauty laying on my bed. He was looking at the ceiling then he turned his head slowly looking at me now. His blue eyes shinning then a smirk appeared on his face.

"You just took a shower yet you still smell," he said

I frowned and crossed my arms, "why the hell are you in here? Where's Lilly?"

"Don't worry love, I won't bite" he said then that stupid smirk of his appeared again "at least not yet"

I scoffed," as if."

He gave this evil, haunting chuckle and got out of the bed coming my way with something in his hands. My heart picked up speed, I didn't know what he was going to do me this time and I really didn't wanna find out I backed up a bit the closer he got but I finally came to a stop. The wall pressing against my back didn't allow me to back up any further, "shit," I whispered to myself but clearly he heard cause his smirk only deepened.

Why the hell is he so damn evil? He was standing in front of me eying me from head to toe, then he raised his hand causing me to turn my head to the side. He chuckled and proceeded to touch my cheek, the slight touch of his hand on my face made me shiver. He turned my head and held my chin in between his fingers making me look up into his blue eyes. They were gorgeous and for the first time today they weren't threatening to kill me, at least not yet. His thumb grazed over my lower lip.

"All that mouth but you're just as terrified as a baby without its mother," he said his voice low and that dumb smirk of his reappearing again

I rolled my eyes and put my hand on his chest in attempt to push him off me. I didn't like this, it made me feel weird. I pushed away and thank god it caught him off guard, he stumbled backwards and I took the chance to try and quickly go towards the other side of the room. See how I said try. As soon as I started walking away I felt a cold breeze... Everywhere. .-.

He ripped the towel from off of me, "what the hell is wrong with you ? Get out of here! " I yelled at him trying to cover myself up with the bed sheets but he pulled them away from out my hands

He stared at me and bit his lip, coming closer and again I backed away just to find myself back to back with yet another wall. He came over and placed his hand on my neck, it hurt still and I became more afraid. I raised my hands and put it on his to take it away but he pulled it off as soon as I touched him, "hurry up and put this on" he said putting the shirt that was in his hand over my chest

I took it from him cautiously, he slid his hands though his hair pushing them back and he just silently watched me put the shirt on. His eyes transforming from the beautiful soft blue it once was to the darkest of blues. There he was again, he came back.

Her heart was racing a million beats per second, she was afraid of me, afraid of us. I felt bad for doing this to my wolf he just wanted to get close, but if he gets close that means I get close and I really don't see myself doing that. I watched her as she quickly pulled my shirt over her head. She brushed it down and tried pulling it down longer, it rested mid thigh and honestly she looked so cute I couldn't help but smile. It was cut short when I realized and I bit my lip to keep from doing that again.

She's very cute and we both know it, stop being an asshat, asshat. My wolf finally spoke to me, gosh it only took seeing her.

"Are you done staring at me cause I'm tired of seeing your fucking face" she spoke, anger and hatred in her tone

"What did I tell you about that attitude?" I asked my brows knitting together

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "once you fix yours I'll be glad to fix mine, " she said crossing her arms. Although her heart was racing indicating she was scared she was still being feisty as if she didn't care what I did to her.

I don't think she's that afraid of you dumbass, I think you've met your match my wolf said laughing at me

She stared at me her brown eyes filled with detest, she slid her fingers through her long dark curls rolled her eyes and walked past me making sure to nudge me on her way. She picked up the bed sheets from the floor and threw it on the bed trying to fix it.

"Are you ever gonna stop staring at me? You talk so much shit about me being repulsive yet here you are staring at my ass," she says now standing upright. The shirt rode up a bit revealing a bit of her ass and it was a nice view, she has an amazing body and I can't help myself but to look especially if she's bending over a bit.

I chuckled and bit my lip, "you mean, our ass."

She frowned and glared at me, "excuse me?"

"I didn't stutter angel,"

"My body DOES NOT belong to you whatsoever, my body is all mine, hence the word my. I rule this temple," she pointed at herself when she said 'this temple' "just like you rule this stupid ass pack house, you will not degrade me into being your little pet or your god damn sex slave. Fuck you Mason, I am not Rachel or whatever the hell her name is. If she bows down to you and you have claim over her, that's y'all business but don't you dare bring that nonsense over to me. I am NOT the one, angel" she let out a breath through her nose, she was fuming now.

I balled my fists to restrain from choking her again, I didn't allow anyone to speak to me that way or speak on Raven that way even especially a damn pest like herself. I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath, if I did something to her again my wolf would just go away and I just got him to start talking again, she chuckled and moved her hair again, "what ? Never had someone put you in your place?" She said laughing

I couldn't anymore I walked up to her and grabbed her by the neck again, my eyes shooting fireballs at her, "you know I could just finish off with you, right here right now and this time no one would come to save your sorry ass" I threatened

"What are you waiting for?" She she urged, her eyes giving me the same death stare. I squeezed on her neck slightly taunting her, "if you wanted to you would've done it already. If you kill me you kill yourself, I'm not stupid I know a bit about you monsters" she says smirking

I clench my jaw, she right but doesn't mean I won't hesitate to hurt her, I squeeze harder and she winces and chokes. She begins to hit my chest in order for me to stop once it gets unbearable and so after a while I just drop her and she coughs and holds onto her neck and rubs it, her hair fell over her face blocking her face . We stay in that thick silence for a bit till she's ceased coughing and got ahold of herself and she got up from the floor and as soon as she did Lilly comes in.

"Everything okay in here?" She asks looking at me knowingly

"Peachy," Autumn answers moving her hair behind her ears

Lilly looks from me to her and I know she could sense the tension and know everything isn't peachy as she implied. Lilly gave me a disapproving look then forced a smile at her, "I see he gave you clothes," she said looking at us both again her eyes bright full of hope "come on I'll take you to eat downstairs like I said "

Autumn nodded and walked towards Lilly and before they left she stopped in her tracks turning to face me, "oh, touch me like that again and I'll chew your dick off in your sleep." She forced a smile and then continued to walk out leaving me aghast and Lilly with the most amused look on her face.

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