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"Why the hell did you bring her here?" Raven asked looking over at Autumn in disgust as she lay on the bed sleeping the rest of the drink out her system.

I ignored her question, I didn't feel like it needed an answer. Raven knew she wasn't my mate and she knew that one of these days I would find my mate and I did, despite if she's human or not she is now part of me as much as I hate to admit it. My wolf would never forgive me if I just let her go, he was already beginning to ignore me and I can't have that. 

"She stinks," Raven said scrunching up her face and storming out my wolf wanted to get closer and wanted to stay but I didn't. I followed Raven.

"Baby," I called out to her as she entered our shared bedroom, "why are you acting like this?" I asked her, it was kind of annoying me

Raven and I have been together for about 1 year now I believe, I mean it's been longer since we've been fooling around but me actually claiming her as mine, that was a year ago. I like her a lot, she's been apart of the pack for as long as I can remember but as much as I may like her my wolf doesn't cause she's not our mate. I would never make her Luna either t because that wouldn't be right, I would feel like I'm betraying and lying to the pack and I wouldn't ever. I just really like her she's everything that I like and would want in my mate except she's not.

"Come on Mason, is that an actual question? You bring this-this human here for what? Who the hell is she? I thought you hated humans," she said putting emphasis on the word human, "you go to a fashion show and bring the hottest model you find back home how do you expect me to react?"

She glared at me I could see her brown eyes changing from the soft brown to a cold hard black, she was angry and I know she was hurt, it's not like I wanted too he wanted her here, "its more to it than what you think Ray, but don't worry it's not even like that, I don't want her here she just has to be here I don't really have much of a choice" I say slowly approaching her I knew if I came too quickly she would just rage and probably transform and it would be a huge fight for no reason.

"You don't have a choice?! What the hell does that mean ? Of course you have a damn choice, it's your pack house for fucks sake, if you don't wanna remove that disgusting bitch out of here then I'll do it" she growled I could see her fangs have already come out, she's gonna tear her to shreds

"Damn it Raven you can't!" I shouted I hated being yelled at and my wolf was angry

"Watch me," she said and went for the door, immediately I grabbed her by the waist and turned her around pushing her to the bed, she fell down on the bed and bounced back up and down. She stared at me her eyes boring into mine almost reading me,

She's our mate my wolf spoke to hers

I woke up to a massive migraine I can't even open my eyes. I don't even remember most of the night last night. I only remember getting in my limo, I probably drank the whole bottle of champagne on the way, ugh I'm such a light weight.

I finally pried my eyes open seeing that I'm clearly not in the limo or plane or airport or even in the comfort of my home. This must be the suite, everything was arranged nicely enough to be a suite. There was this one grand chandelier above me and a huge wall to wall window that was covered by curtains, I was laying on the comfiest bed ever and it was huge, I'm sure it could fit more then 3 people and the bed was covered over by a beautiful sheer tent, the floor was hardwood but had a little carpet with bear skin, there was a cute lamp on the right side and a small wooden bedside table to the left. By the door that stood right across from the bed was a drawer and on top of the drawer was a boom box. This suite is cut very large but it's a bit out of my taste. I got out of bed slowly holding my aching head and walked around the room to find the bathroom that I desperately needed. I found it and gosh was it breath taking there was a bath tub and a shower with clear glass doors there was a double vanity and a huge beautiful mirror that had lights around it there was both a toilet and a bidet.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was very disgusted, my makeup was smudged and my hair was all knotted. Who let me sleep on my wild ass hair like this with no bonnet or even braiding it down? I sighed and washed the crusty makeup off my face and i slicked my hair as best I could into one of the messiest buns I could ever make. I walked out the bathroom and it was then I realized I was still wearing my gown from last nights event. I looked all over for my bags so I could take a proper shower and change into more comfortable clothing. I couldn't find them anywhere in this room.

"They done lost my shit in the flight, it doesn't make any sense where the hell my stuff at " I complained to myself I went to the door and tried opening it but it was locked. I tugged and pulled but it wouldn't budge, oh hell no!

"Who the hell playing with me like this? Open this god damn door right now" I yelled getting annoyed and a but afraid I pounded on that door and pulled at it.

I then walked back to the bed, maybe I can call someone and they can get me out of here, I thought to myself and went to find my phone on the bed somewhere but before I could even make it to the bed the door bust open revealing a girl with short dark hair and brown eyes. She was very pretty and skinny, she looked like a whole model herself but the angry look she was giving me made me hold back any compliment I had for her.

"Why was the door locked?" I asked her folding my arms across my chest, I needed answers,these white people got me fucked up locking me in a damn room

"Zoo animals are always kept in lock up," she said anger all in her tone,

"Excuse me bitch?!" I yelled angry as hell, that's extremely disrespectful. I approached her ready for whatever might go down

She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes, "disgusting bitch," she whispered

"Come again?" I said, I knew I heard her but I wished she was joking, I was ready to throw hands, "I know this dumb bitch did not just--" I paused and took a deep breath then it happened. I punched her dead in the jaw she barely flinched and she pounced on me pushing me on the hardwood floor,before she could land any hits she was being torn off me and was thrown into the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing Raven? " a man yelled at her, his voice booming through out the whole place "I told your ass to stay the fuck away from her, who do you think you are touching her? Get your ass killed for shit like this," he continued, shit even I was scared for her at this point

"Get the fuck out my face," she said clearly not phased by him, she was barely his height but she was clenching her jaw and her fists were balled ready to fight him. She pushed past him and looked at me it wasn't till then that I saw her fangs and could hear her low threatening growls.

Before she could step out the room the man grabbed her tiny wrist holding her still, "touch her again and its over for you " he let her go and she stormed out the room not before breaking something in the halls. I heard her groan in pain as the glass she broke shattered.

Picture of  Mason above ^^ okay I've described him with blue eyes and i know Maluma doesn't have blue eyes but let's just pretend he does. Maluma is just so fineee 😭😍

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