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I wanted to see what was going on but each time I tried to move past Mason he'd just stand in front of me and hold me back with his arm. I was getting angry cause I knew something was happening inside my design studio I just needed to know what. Again I tried to move from behind his big ass body but he turned, "stay back Autumn!" He warned

"What the hell is happening in my studio Mason?" I asked him angry, I knew he knew what was going inside or who was inside I saw him sniff the air

"Just wait here," he said holding my shoulders and moving me a bit further from the door I crossed my arms and stood waiting for him to open the door

As soon as the door opened I moved him aside and ran inside before he could catch me and as I entered I heard smashing still and as I looked on the floor I saw the mannequins  on the floor some with missing limbs. Some of my clothing were torn and the walls had massive holes in it I walked closer to the noise. Whoever was in here wanted to be a bitch and ruin my shit, just know I will fuck them up whoever they are no one touches my work. My blood was boiling and I was ready to beat someone's ass. I stepped into the work room and all the racks were broken pieces of clothing ripped and thrown all around the room as well as the fabrics which were ruined. I went to the office which is where most of the noise was coming from and there she was in all her stupidity.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I yelled as I saw Raven standing in the room with a baseball bat in her hands

She turned around facing me and growled, "Im not afraid of you bitch let me show you what real damage is" i said scooping my hair and tying it up as fast as I can

She snickered and approached me, "I'm going to kill you" was all she said with a sadistic smile on her face

Without even letting her take another breath I punched her in the face which hurt but I knew she felt that shit too. She dropped the bat and lunged for me but I moved out her way backing up out the office back into the work room, "come on hoe" I said

"Autumn stop!" Mason growled from the other side of the room I looked over at him and could see the worry in his eyes but he was also very angry but bitch so was

"This doesn't concern you Mason, she fucked with what was mine" I said

Then out of nowhere Raven came and jumped on me causing me to fall on my back she got in a good punch on my lip but of course I didn't let her get more hits in. I wrapped my legs around her skinny ass and flipped us so now I was on top of her and I sat on her stomach punching her in the face repeatedly ignoring the pain in my fists, for a werewolf she really wasn't putting up much of a fight and they called me the weak one.

"Should've stayed out my fucking way!" I said still punching

I didn't notice that she had taken her fangs and nails out till she sunk her nails in my back scratching me causing me to scream in pain and let her go just enough for her to move from under me, I wasn't fighting with Raven anymore I was now fighting with her wolf. She didn't completely shift but I knew her wolf was out the hazel eyes didn't belong to Raven. I got up from the floor ignoring the pain from the new deep scratches on my back and focused my attention and all this pent up anger on her. She ran towards me and I moved again so she wouldn't get me as she went past I pulled her back by her hair and slammed her against the wall kicking her in the stomach once knocking the wind out of her which made her fall to the floor. I took the opportunity to climb back on top of her she put her nails in me again but I chose to ignore it

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