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I was trying to wrap my head around this whole situation. How does that even make sense? A wolf and a human? I mean yeah I heard stories of this happening and I heard about the whole reason behind the treaty but I always thought that it was just a story. I always thought the real reason the treaty was made was because humans were just too afraid of these beasts and wanted any excuse as to why they should all coexist, if not the human race would be no more. No way, I don't want to be this fucking guys mate, I'm gonna be forced to be with him I don't even know him nor do I want to get to know him. I have my whole life ahead of me, I'm only 24 I have more goals and more dreams and by the looks of it this monster won't let me live out any of them.

"I don't want anything to do with you, yes by the powers of the moon goddess we are mates but I don't like you nor will I ever. You're weak, tiny, and disgusting, your kind is what I hate most in the world. It's taking all the strength that I have in me to keep from having you for breakfast," he said hate laced in his voice his icy blue eyes stared at me with a very threatening look.

"You hate me so much then let me go, I never asked for you to bring me here, I have a life of my own and I would love to get back to it," I said back with plenty attitude

"You're not going anywhere," he said "you know exactly what happens when two mates are away from each other and I'm not ready for death and I'm sure neither are you "

"It's been less then a day since I've been here and actually spoken to you, no ones attached, I know the hell im not" I said truthfully. I mean yeah he was hot, he had long hair it wasn't that long maybe shoulder length but it was longer than an average man. He had beautiful sun kissed tan skin and rippling abs and muscles, he had these tattoos all over him, his stubble made him seem more mature and sexier and those fucking eyes were just dazzling. He was gorgeous, not even my models or anyone from the industry was this hot and I've met lots of men, he was beautiful, and he had this aroma, from where I was standing I could smell him. It wasn't gross and musty, it was more like a fresh woodsy male musk that was so intoxicating. I give him his credit where it's due but no way in hell did I wanna stay here a second longer.

He ignored what I said and kept talking, "since you're gonna be staying here there are rules and boundaries," he leaned on the dresser and moved his hair behind his ears, "one, you can't go wandering around like it's your runway, it's not. This is my pack house filled with my pack members that are wolves, they'll eat you if they get the chance. Two, I don't want to ever see you talking to Raven, looking at her or even breathing next to her. You may be luna but she will always be my girl, you're nothing compared to her. Three-" I didn't want to hear his dumb rules, I didn't even want to be here in the first place

"I couldn't care less for these dumbass rules, I am not your pet or your slave, I sure as hell am not a fucking Luna. I don't give a damn if you or your damn pack hate me or want to eat me alive. I swear if I'm not on a plane to Barbados in the next 2 hours  I will be a living hell in this living hell." He looked me over and just chuckled a cynical smirk playing on his plump pink lips

"Three, that little attitude of yours needs to go, you do not wanna piss me off" he said staring me down

I scoffed and pushed the flyaway hairs out my eyes, "fuck you." I said turning away from him, if I looked at him any longer I would've went into a fit and I'm 100% sure he would murder me.

Before I could even sit on the bed I was being snatched up off my feet. He grabbed me by the throat and slowly he squeezed at my neck making it nearly impossible for me to breathe, " and four, when I speak to you look at me. I will not have you disrespecting me in my own damn house. Get with program or suffer the consequences, got it?" He asked

My heart was racing I was scared, pfft, scared was an understatement it was way more than that. In just one second he could end my life, he could do anything to me, he was bigger and obviously way stronger than I was. I could barely breathe, matter of fact I don't think I was breathing. It felt like I was holding my breath underwater but I couldn't reach the surface for fresh air no matter how much I tried. Each breath intake just hurt my chest and made me woozy. Yes I was seeing tiny black dots, and tears were running down my cheeks, what did I do to deserve this.

"Do you understand ?" He asked squeezing my neck tighter

"Mason!" I heard a faint voice call out "drop her now!"
If it weren't for Lilly I'm sure I would've killed her. It was almost too easy, as if I was squeezing an orange. I mean it's not like I wanted to kill my mate. It just would've happened, I completely blacked out and was taken over by pure rage. Have I mentioned how much I hate these tiny weak people?

"What the hell is wrong with you ?" She yelled running over to Autumns unconscious body

I swear to god if you killed her I'll never forgive you. You won't ever hear from me again. You monster. My wolf scolded me.

She laid on the hardwood floor her body limp, Lilly hit her cheeks but nothing. My wolf kept talking threatening to leave. Lilly kept scolding me as she tried her best to wake her, she felt for a pulse but she said it was weak. If I killed my mate my pack would seriously hate me, they'd think I'm a monster, not even the pack, my wolf he would literally die. If he dies I die. Then as if the moon goddess heard my pleading wolfs prayers, she coughed waking up slowly.

"Get out of here," Lilly said to me picking her head up gently setting it on her lap "get out . she wakes up and sees you again," I didn't need her to tell me twice I immediately walked out making way to my office far away from her room.

The picture above is of Raven, I chose Kendal Jenner cause she's very pretty. I mean yeah Raven is a bit of a bitch, I mean she will be but I actually really like Kendall no hate I just want pretty ppl as my characters.

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