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I woke up to the sweet smell of berries and coconuts, and also to a very weird and unpleasant feeling inside me. It was weird cause I've never felt like this before, I tore my eyes open to find myself in the arms of Autumn. I completely forgot I slept here last night, disgusting I know. I would've went to my room but I don't know, I just found myself going here so I stayed. She was sleeping on my chest her arms slightly wrapped around me, she was so beautiful, especially when she wasn't talking. I moved the curls that got loose from her face to behind her ears, her skin was extremely soft, she moved her head a little as my fingers grazed over cheek.

"So this is what we're doing now?" An all to familiar voice said from the door

I looked up to see a very angry Raven, I tried to sit up but Autumn was still around me, "Ray baby," I called out to her half whispering

She looked at us and clenched her jaw then walked out. Ugh, are you fucking kidding me? It's not like we were fucking or making out, the girl is just sleeping. I moved Autumn off me being careful to not wake her.

I walked inside the room to find Raven pacing around her fists balled, "baby," I spoke in a gentle tone getting her attention

"Don't baby me Mason," she said turning to me her eyes darkening, "you really went-" I cut her off

"I didn't fuck her," I said already knowing that's what she thought, "it was a harmless sleep," I said

She scoffed and slid her hands through her messy hair, "harmless? Are you fucking kidding me? Nothing you two do together is harmless and you know that " she exclaimed

Its supposed to be true, that when mates are around each other, whatever it is sleeping or talking, even sitting in bare silence, something pulls them closer together. Makes them want more and more from each other, it's like an unspoken bond they have. Like they get deeper feelings for each other without knowing it, but for us, for me it wasn't like that. The same way I've felt about her and her kind is the same way I still feel and will always feel indefinitely.

"Ray, you should know you're the only girl I'll ever love, no matter what the Moon Goddess may think. You're my one and only. " I say getting closer to her

"Mason the Moon Goddess is never wrong," she said calming down "you need to stay away from her, no more sleepovers with that girl. I don't wanna lose you, not to her, not to anyone, especially not to no nonwolf"

I smiled at her, I didn't wanna lose her either, she's been by my side since forever. I liked her a lot, "you won't lose me, ever" I say and pull her close to me.

I lift her head up holding her chin in place with my hands and bend over to give her a kiss. I put my hand on her waist and pull her in closer and get better access, "you smell," she laughs putting her hand on my chest putting distance between us.

I chuckled and kissed her lips then her cheek and trailed to her neck, "go shower you smell just like her," she laughed and tried pushing me further. I laughed and kissed her cheek again then went to the shower.


Today was going to be first time out this room during the day, I never ever leave this room so I was extremely excited even though I had no idea what I was going to do or where I was going. All that dumbass said was that we had to wake up early today but by the time I woke up he was already gone. I'm pretty sure he went to stupid ass Raven, ugh, just thinking of them together gets me annoyed. I sighed and went to my closet, doesn't matter though cause I get to see more than these walls and the damn woods that my window overlooks.

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