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Tamatoa's P.O.V.

It's not possible that there's a shark on this ruins, because, well... THEY ARE RUINS! There hasn't been a single soul in here besides some coral reefs and algae, that mermaid too, but that's out of the case. My eyes darted around, pondering for a moment. That was until the shark bit the remainings of my hind leg with force, clutching it. "Gaah! Get off me!" I snapped whilst swinging my leg around, but it didn't lose the grip. - Ugh!!! I hate sharks!!! -

I got tired of it, so I lifted a claw and pounded on the shark making it release me. It scurried away, scared. "Hehehe." I chuckled. Then I saw a flash of blue light and from there some tentacles launched at my face. "NOT AGAIN!"

Your P.O.V.

From far, we watched how Tamatoa pushed the collapsed walls of the crystal pyramid's dome lifting a cloud of dust in the process. The purplish water and the red light gave off the slight silhouette of his crustacean form. I could see his antlers popping out of the cloud, and also another figure moving at high speed. I narrowed my eyes, and I could make a dorsal fin popping out the dust.

My thoughts got cut out by a sudden pain on my body causing me to lose my grip on the trident. A gasp escaped my lips as my hands braced my body, and before I closed my eyes I could hear the roaring of thunder. -...Crap, I hate the bloody moon night. I feel weaker and weaker each second...Damit- My breathing hitched, and my back started to feel warm, almost as if it was burning. - Soon... it'll be over... soon...-

"Uh... (Y-Y/N)? A-are you alright?" I heard Moana ask a bit hesitant and with a forced kindness. - Even in this situation, you are still repulsed of me- I nodded lifting my gaze to the dust cloud; I've to act cool, specially in front of Moana.

I saw then a squid and Tamatoa fighting, then a blue light engulfed the squid revealing then a shark.- He's still alive? - A small smile crawled on my face, we had an opportunity after all.

My relief didn't last long.

Tamatoa had grabbed him and started hitting him against the ground, again and again and again...

My heart sunk, he deserved that for what he did back at the cliff, but I wasn't going to let Tamatoa kill him, I'm not like him.

I took a deep breath, grabbed the trident and went out of the bubble. The salty water made my cuts sting which is causing me to swim in a more laborious way. - This is not going to take me anywhere - With the trident, I helped myself by moving the currents to reach them at a fast pace.

I exited the current letting it crash with Tamatoa knocking him down and dissipating the dust cloud. His claw released the shark, and I would have liked it to swim away, but he was unconscious and back to a human. I cursed underny breath and directed the water around to take him back to the bubble. - You owe me another one, Maui - Before I had the time to even see, Tamatoa threw me to the ground.

"Hah! I'm better than you!" - What type of insult is that? - "Now gimme that gigant fork"

Tamatoa tried to pound on me again, and before he could land the hit I solidified the water around me creating a shield; with the help of the trident of course. He grunted but didn't stop punching the shield, each hit pushing me deeper and deeper into the sand.

I was getting exhausted, before all this I was already drained but this is just too much effort.

"Have you gave up yet? Have you have up yet? Have you gave up yet?-" Tamatoa chanted.

Desperately, I looked around for a way out. - Oh crap, Crap Crap Crapcrapcrap... What the heck can I do?!? -

His legs... He's not that far away from me.

Using my spiky fins, I stabbed the closest leg.

Tamatoa released a breathy scream and took a few steps back. I held to his leg for dear life and used the momentum to smack his head with the flat of the trident. I saw his claw lunging for me, and for his misfortune I dodged and smacked him again, this time, I pushed him with the help of a current.

He staggered to the front almost falling.
And what I did next really hurt me.

I gave power to the currents running inside the pyramid...

So it could be destroyed.

Tamatoa collapsed with it...

Just as he tried with Maui.


I'm sorry again, I know I cannot make any excuses for my absence. But I apologize if the next chapters can't keep with the initial quality.

Now, the traditional question.

Are you desperate like me to watch Avengers 4?

Cuz I really am.


Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum