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Your P. O. V.

- I'm still wondering why we were able to make it this far - I shook my head and sighed. "Fish lady!" I whipped my head, to find Maui looking at the door with curiosity. He was on one knee with a palm resting on top of the door. "Do you have nay idea of how to open this thing?" He asked.

"I do. Try to press the circle carved on the center, but be careful, once you open it will-" Maui didn't even bothered to listen and he already smashed the button with enough force to make it open. "MAUI!" I yelled and he quickly turned to face me, but since he didn't bother to listen... some tentacles came out of the entrance and one of them grabbed my legs making me loose my balance and fall face first on the floor. I wiggled and struggled to get free of their grasp, when I heard Maui yelling in anger. I turned to see what happened, and saw his hook on the strong grip of the tentacle. "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN FOR ONCE?" I yelled angrily, and kicked the clamy tentacle again.

"I though you were going to say nonsense like always!" Maui yelled at me, and grabbed a tentacle that lunged at him. - Ohhhhhh how I wish to push you inside a volcano myself right now. Wait, I can use the ocean! -

"Ocean! help us please!" I yelled, and waited for the ocean to do something. A while passed and nothing passed. - What? -

"Guess we have to do it ourselves" Maui said. I nodded and held to the tentacle, whatever this is, got annoyed and slammed me on the ground. I yelped and tried to get free again, this time I tried to dig my nails on it, I know it won't do almost nothing, but hope it is enough to scape. The creature screeched and pulled me inside the hole with it.

"Maui!" I called out for him. Soon I was back in water, meaning I had my tail with less possibilities of scaping. The entrance got  smaller and smaller, as the light was fading from it, and the figure of Maui.

Maui's P. O. V.

As the creature screeched, I tried to take my hook again from the tentacle, but I got knocked by other. I grunted and got up, to see the same tentacle that knocked me, get inside the hole. "Maui!" Someone yelled.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled back and quickly stumbled to the hole's edge. The creature took her inside the water... - Crap! that thing had my hook! - I thought and cursed. I slammed my fist on the ground in frustration. "Fish lady, you're such a danger magnet" I sighed and took a deep breath before launching into the water.

Darkness quickly covered everything, and I felt like falling, the thing is, I was inside the water.

A stinging sensation covered my whole body, and I started getting dizzy as an amber glow started to get in sight. As the glow grew, some rocky silhouettes came onto view too. The floor came quickly and the water disappeared leaving me on a free fall. "Ahhhhh!" I landed with a grunt.

I lifted my head and took in my surroundings. Lava rivers and rocky mountains filled the entire cave, and it looked to have water on some spaces, bet that's super hot. "(Y/N)!!" I called out... Nothing. "Dammit" I muttered.

A distant cry echoed through the cave, and a wave of water crashed on a rock splattering on the lava river. - They might be there - I thought and looked for a way through to the other side. There were just rocks and some water... Better use the rocks.

I grabbed a boulder and threw it at the hot river, the boulder reached the bottom and stayed partly over the lava. I huffed and dashed towards it, using help of the wind I landed on the boulder and jumped on hard floor. The cry echoed again, this time followed with a screech. I growled and made my way through the boiling water. "(Y/N)!!" I called out again.

"Maui!" I was relieved to hear an answer at the point... I was starting to expect the worst. I tried my best not to relax now, I need to find whatever that was, save her and steal the fire. I nodded to myself and dashed towards the source of the sound through the hot corridor.

At the end a pool of lava surrounded a small rock island with lava falling from different holes around the cave. The lava flowed and seemed to sing at the edges of the island, meaning there wasn't floor underneath that part. All the lava changed colors... just like her fins... - Okay Maui, are you so stressed out you can't think of other things but that? - "That maybe" I spotted on the small island a stone torch with a yellow fire. "That's one target, two left" I muttered "They have to be somewhere around here." I growled and went to safe floor. Let's call out again "(Y/N)!! Are you here?!"

"I'm here!! Maui!!" I whipped my head and on one rocky platform (Y/N) was struggling against the tentacle holding her in place, the funny thing... she still got her tail for some reason. "Your hook is on the other platform above!" She said and jeejed her head towards the direction. I glanced there and found it just lying there.

- Okay, Firts get the hook, second the fire and next, is (Y/N) - I nodded and ran towards a nearby platform, and jumped up through the next one and so on. I reached my hook, and transformed into a hawk.

"No!!! Maui!! Remember what I told-" I've no time for this, I launched towards the torch and felt my wings sting and burn. "WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN?!" she growled as I landed on the island. I greed the stone torch and went over to her. "No!!! leave that and cone here you can grab that later!!" She yelled.

"I need this you know? Stop being self-centered!! " I yelled at her.

"This is not the time Maui, leave that then grab it later" She yelled again. "If you had listened to me before, you wouldn't be in this situation right now you know? So listen for once!"

"It would have happened anyways!"

"But you'll have been prepared and this could have been avoided!" She yelled back, and now I didn't argue against that... well... I don't have anything to use. "Hurry, please"

The tentacles around her started moving, and the one she was on started twitching. A loud screech roared on the cave, and the thing got off from the platform, splashing on the lava. (Y/N) released a deafening scream, and the creature stepped on the rocky island. Now I could fully see their hear and eyes.

Great... Now I have to fight a gigant squid...



What sea animal scares you?

I... Idek, I haven't seen one that scares me. Even the gigant ones in movies seem cool to me.

Welp, CYA!

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon