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Your P. O. V.

"So? Where is he?" Moana pushed. She was looking at me with a mixture of suspicion and worry. I ignored her question and kept using the trident to move the underwater current. - I can't let Tamatoa's words get me, right now, we need to get out of here and keep the trident safe -. At the distance, I could see the cave's entrance and the surface of the water looked disturbed. I felt a harsh tug on my forearm, quite a rude thing to be honest "Hey! Stop ignoring me!" Moana demanded, holding me in place and locking her gaze into mine. "Tell me now or..." She looked around thinking of an appropriate threat. "Or... I'll take this... uh... whatever this is from you" Moana pulled the trident from me, but I held it close.

I glared at her hand touching it "Can't you stay calm. He's fine" I croaked the last part janking the trident for her grip with almost no force. "I'm as fond of you as you're fond of me, but, we need to get out of here fast". I explained watching her eyes looking for a possible reaction.

Her mouth opened, as if she wanted to argue but then retracted as her gaze dropped to the ground. Moana sighed and rolled her eyes." Fiiine, what do you want to do? "

"Get out of here, either by going to the surface or going through the cave". I stated as Moana looked at the water above her and then to the cave I pointed.

"Which do you think is best?"

"I can't tell" I breathed considering our options. "Each one has it's chances of failure". If we go up, there are chances that we will get swept away by the disturbed waves. On the other hand, we have the cave, and the bubble might pop with the irregular structure. The last one doesn't sound bad, but, I can't swim in my current state, and Moana might drown, not that I mind tho.

"Mmm... Let's wait for Maui then, he may know what we should do". She suggested, turning around at the collapsed pyramid, but, she sounded quite, desperate. I want to wait for him, make sure he is alright. We were both expecting him to appear in his shark form, swimming at a high speed, telling us to go away from here fast.

I know he won't.

"Um, uh... dolphin girl?" - What? Dolphin what??- My head twisted to Moana, confused and annoyed. I was going to tell her something about it, then I saw the way she was looking at the debris. "How did that pyramid collapse exactly?" she sounded nervous and alarmed.

"A giant crab did it, why?"

Moana pointed at something in front of her, my gaze followed suit and from the under of the debris a claw popped. Moving in an attempt to push the crystal and coral walls from it. "Oh goddesses"

"Guess we don't have much time to choose. Let's go now" Moana rushed, pushing my arm. I nodded turning to the front back again.

"Okay, up or down?"

"What? Uh, up?"

"Aight then!" Using the trident I guided the bubble towards the surface. As we got near, it was becoming rather difficult to control the currents around us. the purple waves were thrashing us around disturbed as the bloody moon shone brightly. I tried to move far away from the city underneath, and as I did, Moana looked at me shocked.

"Hey! Shouldn't we wait for Maui? He's still there" She begged, staring at me pleadingly, and her actions caught me off guard. I wanted to wait too, I wanted to make sure he was fine. The thing is, that controlling the bubble is rather exhausting, and not to mention I'm really tired from scaping Tamatoa.

I'll wait, I can wait.

Tamatoa's P.O.V.
No, no, no. This wall is so heavy, it's crushing my precious shiny back, I don't want to get it scrapped! And that damned mermaid took the trident, it's not fair! I got it on my claws.

I wiggled my claw, in an attempt of pushing the wall slightly enough to fit my other claw too, but it just won't budge. "Mermaid! I know you're there, come and give me back the trident!" I snapped at the water, the sound bouncing on the wall on top of me.

The wall finally moved, and now I could use both my claws. I pushed it away lifting a cloud of sand around me making me cough a few times. Everything around didn't show any signs of the sphere containing both the mermaid and the human, and so the demigod. They can't just swim away forever, the top priority is to find those two and take the trident from their cold hands. - Yes, that'll do -

Another sand cloud and clatter not far away caught my attention. It was too quick, a sharp punch on my face threw me to the debris, and then multiple slaps throughout my body. The thing visible was a silhouette on the other side of the sand cloud, moving like a flash, and I think that thing bit me more than trice. I glanced at the teeth marks on my claw.

"Shark bites?"


Here you go

It's called "White Silence"

I arrived late at the ceremony and now I've no idea if I won or what

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I arrived late at the ceremony and now I've no idea if I won or what. But I'm sure something happened, cuz two judges told me they liked my drawing the most.

And sorry for my absence again, I had to go back to the hospital, also had a burnout sorry.

And a lot of other things, I don't want to keep bothering you, so if you'll like to know what happened then hit me up with a message, it'll be nice to vent.


Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now