😡 👧

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Your P. O. V.

"Agh..." I grunted standing up, the feeling of being poked with a needle still ached on my back. - Hope it looks nice -

"Want to check it out?" The tattoo maker asked smiling. I stretched nodding. He took out a shiny clam shell, it was so shiny it reflected everything, I stood in front of it with my back facing it. I gasped and widened my eyes seeing the reflection. - OMG, it looks beautiful! - "Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"I-I love it! It's fantastic, thank you so much" I extolled bouncing lightly.

"Heh you're welcome!"

I waved a goodbye and walked away, - Well, to where now? - I glanced around, watching  the people passing by, some carrying baskets, others just walking by.

I accidentally bumped into someone, and quickly apologized to them. "Yeah..." I lifted my head and saw their face. - Moana? Well... what a wonderful day - "It's fine, I was looking for you actually" She said with a smile.

"Um, you were?" I asked surprised.

"Yep, let's take a walk, don't we?" Moana said placing a hand on my back guiding me to a path into the jungle. "Nice tattoo by the way" She complimented.

"Thanks..." I trailed off, and looked away. - What's she up to now? -

"Well, I wanted to talk with you about something" She stoped walking, and looked at me dead in the eye. "You see, I've... a small issue with someone"

"And? What does this has to do with me?" I questioned, crossing my arms on my chest. 

"That's what I'm saying, the problem, is you!" She yelled and pushed me back, I didn't fall, that's good.

"What?" I  yelped.

 "I was the one who took him out of that island, I was the one who crossed the great ocean to return Te fiti's heart with him, and I am the one who saw him first!" She barked pressing a finger on my chest each time. -Um... nope, you're wrong mate

"I've knowledge of your adventure outside this island, don't need to repeat it" I retorted. 

"Good" She answered. "Cuz, if you think that just becoming frineds with him would grant you being with him, you're wrong. I know your type (Y/N)" She jeered.

"And what type, if I may ask?" I sighed, and resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. 

"I'm just going to ask this politely, Stay away from him" And with that she turned on her heel and stomped away. - Huh... yeah Maui, she's stressed - I rolled my eyes and walked back to the cave. 

Maui's P.O.V.

- Um... I need to ask (Y/N) something... but I need to not make it too obvious, ugh... I'll just go and hope for the best - I took a deep breath and walked back to the village. Moana was stomping angrily into her hut, wonder what happed to her today, maybe another discusion with her dad? Who knows. I shook my head and continued on the task at hand.

I stood at the entrance of the cave, I could heard the water rushing from inside. Once inside I encountered (Y/N) sitting at a rock massaging her back lightly, I hope she's fine. "Hey fish lady" I called out. 

"I thought I said no more calling me that" She said, placing her hands on her lap. 

"Your back hurts?" I asked nodding to her.

"Yeah, a bit, I got myself a tattoo" She said smirking. - Oh

"May I?" I asked moving my hand to the front. She nodded and turned her back to me, showing me a freshly made tattoo, I could see her skin was red. It was evident it was made not long ago. "Wow, that dude makes good tattoos." I commented.

"Yep, hope it last" She said. 

"What? Those are permanent!" I exclaimed confused.

"I know I know! I'm just saying cuz, I don't want my skin to regenarate and eat it or something" She said puting her hands up in defence, facing me fully now. "I'm still not sure if it would or not!" 

I face-palmed - Oh gosh... - "Tell me you're joking" I mumbled.

"Uh no?" she mocked.

I sighed and removed my hand from my face. "Anyways... I was wondering, at your place what kind of..." - Um... think of something not obvious, oh I think I got it! - "Plants, did you like?" -Plants? It sounded better in my head... now I look like an idiot - 
"Um, algae is delicious... If that's what you're asking" She answered unsure. 

"Alage? Okay... That's nice" There was an awkard silence ...


"So... it's getting late... I'll just... um" She started.

"Go to sleep?" I suggested.

"Yeah... that... goodnight" She waved and climbed some rocks on the wall and laid. 

"Eh... okay. Bye" I said and walked out.

- Algae? that's not what I meant... I'll just give her some regular plumerias then -


So, the drawing ended up like That ^^ (At the begining)

It was actually pretty chill, people asking me questions about my work and all that.

I didn't have the opportunity to see all the different things that were in the expo, but my mom said there was free food and some statues that a would seem interesting to me

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I didn't have the opportunity to see all the different things that were in the expo, but my mom said there was free food and some statues that a would seem interesting to me.

I was keeping guard at my place (They told me too, there were more peoples doing so, cuz last time they stole some works), I just saw some works nearby, like some handmade metal boxes and some paper crafts.

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora